Analysis Of The Movie "Beetlejuice" Directed By Tim Burton

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Analysis Of The Movie "Beetlejuice" Directed By Tim Burton essay
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Beetlejuice has many surprising elements about the film. The viewer watching the film may feel as if they might expect the surprises. However, there are many great surprises in the film. The surprises might be even jump at you, literally! The movie, Beetlejuice is one of the most unique and funny movies to be seen! For a movie that was made in the later 1980s; the spectacles have very high quality. The movie is definitely worth checking out.

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Beetlejuice is a great family to move to check out for anyone. Beetlejuice is great for all ages to watch. Beetlejuice is a Tim Burton film. The movie takes place in a town named East Corinth, Virginia. The two main actors’ names are Barbara and Adam Maitland. One day, they were driving around town; then suddenly they notice a dog. However, the dog is in the middle of the road. Yet, they swerve to miss the dog; then suddenly drive into the river and pass away. This when the turning point of the movie happens.

For some reason, they have not realize they have passed away. When going into their earthly house they notice other people living in inside their house. Of course any normal reaction would be,” Why are these strangers in my house? How do I get these strangers out of my house?!” The Maitlands are anguished by the thought that some “Uppity do” people are living in their home.So, they try their best to scare these odd people out of the house. The Maitlands tried and tried… However each attempt was not working out for them. The Maitlands started to feel frustrated that none of their tactics were working. As crazy as that sounds! Can a person imagine dyeing all of sudden; then somehow knowing your house was taken over?! The writer may feel as if they would do the same.

The Maitlands probably feel as if they are at a loss. Somehow; out of the blue something happens that will make their worries disappear. They meet a fellow; or shall the writer say an, “Undead Spirit Creature.” The man goes by the name of, “BeetleJuice.” There is more to this great movie. The person writing this essay will highly recommend seeing the movie. There are so many great things and spectacles about this movie. The movie has original content as well an original storyline. The storyline was definitely thought provoking yet had a comedic twist to the movie. The movie shows humans take life so serious sometimes; and that we might need to learn to slow down and step back a little. Humans need to realize that people have one life. Instead of living life full of negativity; people should embrace the positive aspects life has to give to us.

The writer of this essay may feel as if it is hard to pinpoint a special actor and or actress that stood out. Most of the actors did such a great job at portraying their character and roles! This will be highly recommended by the others who are currently in love with this film! However just name a few main actors would be Alec Baldwin, Geena Davis, Michael Keeton, and Winona Ryder. What stood out the most to the essay writer would be how Barbara(Geena Davis) was helping out Lydia (Winona Ryder). The actress Geena Davis showed the other actress Winona Ryder(Lydia) that there is so much to life. She showed her(Lydia) that life is special; and that the Maitlands will always be her friends in the end.

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minus plus
Expert Review
The essay provides an overview of the film "Beetlejuice," discussing its surprising elements, unique qualities, and the themes it conveys. It engages with the movie's storyline, characters, and message, offering a generally positive perspective on its entertainment value and originality. The writer effectively conveys their enjoyment of the film, emphasizing its comedic and thought-provoking aspects. The essay's tone is enthusiastic and appreciative, inviting readers to consider watching the movie. However, there are areas that could be improved to enhance the overall presentation. The organization of the essay could be strengthened, with clearer transitions between different aspects of the film's analysis. Additionally, providing more specific examples or scenes to support the writer's observations would add depth to the analysis and engage the reader more effectively.
minus plus
What can be improved
Structural Clarity: Strengthen the organization of the essay with clearer transitions between different sections or aspects of the film's analysis. Specific Examples: Include specific examples or scenes from the movie to support observations and enhance the depth of the analysis. Proofreading: Review the essay for grammatical and punctuation errors to ensure a polished presentation.
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Analysis Of The Movie “Beetlejuice” Directed By Tim Burton. (2020, July 15). WritingBros. Retrieved September 7, 2024, from
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Analysis Of The Movie "Beetlejuice" Directed By Tim Burton essay

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