In essence, the purpose of musical theatre is to tell a story through song, and a supporting score. This study will discuss how various modes of musical enquiry and practice can inform one another when creating a piece of musical theatre. The areas of focus...
Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street, is a grisly thriller and musical production directed by Stuart Meltzer. Sweeney Todd is a well-known barber in London during the 19th century, who is preyed on by a judge, named Turpin. Turpin has a desire for...
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In the epilogue to the musical Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber on Fleet Street, Mrs. Lovett says that “everyone seeks revenge, like Sweeney, but other people seldom do it as well”; this seems to suggest that Sweeney is to be admired. This line raises the...
The musical Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street is a play centered around one man’s obsessive motivation to seek revenge. In one of the acts, Mrs. Lovett says that “everyone seeks revenge, like Sweeney, but other people seldom do it as well.” (Sondheim,...
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