Should Education Be Free In Ameraca?

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Every single person should have the oppurtunity to experience college at no cost, because of the economic benefits, the benefits it would have with our students, and truly the benefits it would have on our future as a country.We as as people have accepted a debt that we don't truly owe because of over-spending. Its amazing that we waste so much money on foolish things as taxpayers, yet our education system is critiqued to simply appear to be better than the world standard. We have so many very different people, there is no telling who we have simply passed by because they couldn't afford to attend. If we continue down this road turning a blind-eye to those in need or those willing to learn we will only pass the burden of a limited education system to our children. If we truly cared we would spend the same amount on not only our students but their teachers, instead we only see it as an institution.

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We as a nation forked over 107 billion dollars in 2012 for education in this country. America spends tons of money on education even though the final product isn't very impressive. We spent 3.2 trillion dollars in taxpayers money in 2012 alone, a number nobody likes to talk about. If we cannot even stop our wheels long enough to realize that 50.7 million kids graduated in 2013. A mere 25 billion of that wastful spending could put every single child through community college that graduated in 2013. Sounds like alot until you look at the new F-35 jump jet that cost a small 97 million dollars a piece. Now the military seeks 1 trillion dollars to boost its program for the jet.

There are numerous reason for a free education system to better our children's chances as the next generation to take over this amazing country. With free education every last person would be on top of their field. This next generation that we teach will decide our fate as a nation, so why not put as much investment into them as we have a military branches. With new technologies emerging every single day we are at the presebiss with how we handle our educational system. We need our children taught the righteous ways to handle these things or all our efforts to stand so tall in the world will be for nothing.

Our debt in this country is somewhere around 21 trillion dollars and climbing this year. Just 25 years ago it was at 980 billion. We are stacking chips so high in areas that it is almost impossible to back away from now. We only consume as a nation when we once prevailed on our own, now we're taught it's ok to borrow and borrow with no intent on paying it back. Where did all our dignity go when all of our parents every talked about was getting up and earning it yet there leaders were spending your money quicker than they were actually gathering it with no penalty. Now we will always be under the goverments wing to achieve anything worthwhile in this country. I pay taxes to people i wouldnt scrape of the hood of my car because my choices have been taken slowly to the point its the system we all accept because the door has been shut behind us.

If we truly care about our nation, our people, and more importantly our children we will start to take a stand on certain rights and wrongs. The more we stop the unrighteous things being done now the better our children will live. It only takes one person in the right place and right time to change the world for everybody good or bad. I personally believe that in our world at this time the purest person would have to accept some form of corruption just to get to the top of the political world. In closing i leave you with this in just 3 yrs we can put 175 million students through college and you wouldn't even realize that the debt grew unless you were meant to see it grow. Just imagine what 175 million young and fresh minds could do for the better of this awesome nation.

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