Sense of Autonomy And Doubt in Child Development

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As a child matures and grows each day every single day that passes is a new adventure and opportunity for the child. The child senses to try everyday activities that adults are doing day today. The child desires to learn and grow from these experiences he or she will be exposed, and if the child does not experience such little things as he/she helping to do dishes the question is later in life will they such a chore?

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At a very young a child notices certain things have to get done, for instance, parents wake up and cook breakfast and later do the house chores once everyone is up and awake. In this case, a parent will expect a child to do the same and learn from them. Moreover, autonomy is defined as a person is someone who's capable of making a rational and informed decision on their own behalf, but it doesn't mean that they have the right to do (Dictionary, 2019). In this stage, the child is developing as well as discovering that he or she has many skills and abilities, such as doing the bed or putting their shoes away. Furthermore, once the child takes the initiative to do chores on his/her own without being asked the child has developed a sense of independence and Autonomy.

Moreover, the stage in Autonomy is very crucial since this is the time the child desires to do things his/her way (Scott,2015). As adults, we forget and get into the “just get it finished” mode and forget that patience is a virtue especially with a little one watching. However, this is the perfect time for parents to involve their children with day to day lightweight chores that are very simple and easy to do. Giving that time and patience to praise a child in accomplishing doing the bed, or simply putting his/her toys away will uplift and most definitely strongly encourage a child to do it all the time. Ultimately, when a parent praises a child this provides ground boundaries that are giving the child confidence that will benefit him/her later in life.


In the stage of Doubt, it is very crucial for parents not to overreact or be overprotective with everything. If a child does the bed, but it’s not done the way you like it is ok to leave it alone, as a child can only get better. A child can develop to feel guilty or have doubts about disappointing their parents for not doing a task correctly as a parent desired. Whenever a parent is scolding or reprimanding the child the parent must know when the appropriate time is to do so (Rochester,2017). The child is young, in addition, this is the stage of trial and error, therefore the child will not learn to fold his/her clothes perfectly as well as the child is barely experiencing such a chore. Parents should save the guilt for when the child really does something out of hand, as this shows values to the child of what and what not to do.

How many times will a child say, “Mom there is dog pop,” “Dad the trash is full.” Parents many times will get upset and answer incorrectly to a child for being stressed as a child could not assume to do if a child is not being taught. Just because the child is doing the job doesn’t mean they’re always going to get it perfect (Scott,2015). If the parents get mad or frustrated at them for how they do the job, they may not want to risk taking the initiative another time. Therefore, tone and word choice are very delicate matters in this stage since the most important part of this stage is when it comes to teaching the child initiative, and starting to finishing the job is what truly matters. Finally, if a child is being super controlled or criticized the chill will not develop initiative and will lack self-esteem, and will suffer doubt (McLeod,2018).

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