Overexposure to Hindi Dubbed Cartoons Are Detrimental to Children

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This research is aimed to analyze effects of Hindi dubbed cartoons on the behavior and language mix-up of children in Dhaka city keeping in sight that the overexposure of Hindi cartoons watched by children in daily routine. Children are becoming more and more obsessed and lazy due to excessive watching of Hindi cartoons and this addiction is leading those children to change their speech, behavior and their way of thinking. It was found that kids consumed cartoon contents to fulfill their needs. Different sort of methods are applied to collect trustworthy information regarding this issue. Online survey method was applied for taking opinions from people and interview was conducted to some of the parents regarding children’s immoral influence on this matter. Factors that figure children’s way of thinking are found mostly in the environment where they grow up. These include daily actions, ultimate feelings and unforgettable experiences, which are significantly adapting children into violent aggression, funny, stubborn and annoying. This paper will focus- How does this involvement affect our children minds? Does it have positive or negative impact on kids? What types of contents are shown to kids in a cartoonish show? Are all shows trustable, or shall parents pay monitoring attention to the TV shows? These questions and others will be answered through this investigational research.

Introduction & Background

Kid's shows and cartoons have been a piece of film history from the time the first movies were made long time ago. A cartoon is generally a movie made by utilizing computerized animation rather than live performers, particularly an entertaining film proposed for youngsters. These are the components that keep watchers, generally children stuck to their seats. Cartoons were at first so short since individuals would watch these in the cinemas before their actual film. Whenever visual artists could put their shows on television, they started to get longer, making the half hour square demonstrates that are on Cartoon Network, Nickelodeon, Animation System, and the Disney Station today. Likewise, the kid's shows needed to turn out to be more 'family benevolent' with the goal that more individuals would watch their show.

Viewing cartoons on television are children’s common hobby. In fact, it is very relaxing and satisfying to watch to get relief from stressful activities after a long day. Talking from my personal experience, there was a time when I was a kid, I use to watch cartoon network all day lying on sofa watching (swat cats, centurion, captain planet, thunder cats, tom&jerry etc) and eventually getting scolded by my mother every time. Believe me, watching cartoons like that was beneficial and it also improved my English understanding abilities as well. But nowadays, cartoon network has become distasteful and children instead started watching hindi dubbed cartoons which they find more entertaining. I have found on my research, about the different sort of satisfactions children get from watching hindi cartoons like Doraemon, ninja hatori, perman and how this impacts their upbringing, personality, learning scope, etc.

It has been years that colonialism and development in language has been seen in Asia particularly in Indian sub-continent where there are around a few many dialects that have been exploited either culturally or socially (Simpson, 2007). It is said that in each one kilometer language is changing, and it very well may be seen that in a great many generations language itself has been changing as it is the nature of language. Language swings to a new measurement by the burden of a culturally as well as socially more amazing language than the other and that is named as linguistic imperialism. “Simpson (2007) said that by the term linguistic imperialism there have been such huge numbers of unfavorable impacts to a specific language and with the progression of time one language has been deceived”. Indeed it might happen that with the solid inconvenience of a powerful language, another dialect can lose its existence. Occurrences are numerous and Bangla language is one of the striking casualties of linguistic imperialism. It has long been seen that Hindi language plays a crucial predominance to the fundamental ground of Bangla language all the more explicitly to the growing children of Bangladesh who are getting focused with such a significant number of Hindi words in all respects effectively through Hindi cartoons, Bollywood songs, Hindi TV serials, etc. disclosed by various Indian satellite channels. Subsequently little children are receiving not just the Hindi language yet in addition their tradition, culture, creed and so forth. Hindi language isn't just having impact over Bangla language yet additionally has its comparative strength over the language of Pakistan, Srilanka, Nepal, Bhutan, what's more, extraordinarily the Indian sub-continent nations. (BISWAS, 2012)

Doraemon is a famous Japanese animation cartoon at present. At first it was distributed as manga or comic series in Japan, and after that it is adjusted into anime. It is currently communicated in Indian Disney Channel and Hungama TV station in Asian zone. As both of these channels dubbed Doraemon in Hindi language, Bangladeshi youngsters are bound to watch this animated cartoon in Hindi Language. Kids between of 3 to 8 years of age for the most part gain language and take in language from their family, relatives, friends, schools, and other conditions. In this time, satellite TV channels, home theater, CD/DVD, and these kinds of sources impact a kid socially, socially, and in such a large number of different ways. This is an issue installed in our modern world of literature which blocks the advancement of the kids. Doraemon is a mainstream anime among Bangladeshi youngsters. Bangladeshi kids, yet also grown-ups are watching this show on TV. This content is proper for critical discourse analysis (CDA) on the grounds that Doraemon is impacting the kids through TV channels, media, and other source of correspondence and utilization. As per Haque (2008), CDA is continuously worried about social issues inserted in the public society and attempt to break down the shrouded power in it. Doraemon has the ability to control a child’s procedure of getting and learning their native language. “We are not discouraging everyone from watching Doraemon; rather we are showing that Hindi language is getting mixed with Bangla language which is a sign of dominating Bangla language”. (BISWAS, 2012)

A newspaper journal from The Daily Star states about the TV addiction of children. Not only cartoons but other media shows as well are impacting young adults badly. I have found this journal very related to my topic. This article is depicting about a regular full-time working mother of two children and her statement regarding her kid’s habits and hobbies. Shireen Akhtar (the mother) works at a private firm from nine to five, and she has two school-going kids. She isn't at home when the children get back home from school, so she relies upon a nanny to keep them involved. Shireen, understanding that her kids will be anxious after they return home from school, has instructed the nanny to turn on the TV in order to keep them occupied until she returns. She concedes that her children were acquainted with the TV very right off the bat in their young lives. 'As the nanny watches Hindi serials and sometimes the nanny made the children watch whatever they like to keep her away from disturbance, my six-year old girl has developed into the tendency for watching Hindi cartoons and serials with her”. I can see how this has a negative impact on my child's creativity, but she refuses to engage in other activities,” Shireen replied sadly. The greater part of us know that sitting in front of the TV isn't the most beneficial of exercises but, we instigate our kids to this hypnotizing materials. Kids are happy to numb their minds and watch those useless cartoons that divert them from day to day lives. Youngsters are observed to invest increasingly more energy connected to the universe of TV even before they can string a sentence together. Working guardians are regularly left with no choice yet to leave their kids under the consideration of relatives or family. Kids are regularly left unsupervised before the TV and given free lead to watch anything they desire to as long as they stay peaceful and occupied. Moreover, parents were concerned that the Hindi dubbed version of the animation series 'Doraemon' was urging youngsters to be more familiar with Hindi than their very own language. Parents also noticed behavioral changes in their kids as they acted in a way like the show's primary lead, an irritating and whiny tyke called Nobita. Also kids witness the way cartoon characters do in the show like copying walking style and adapting similar behavior. (The Telly Effect, 2013) This article gives a detailed description of how the Japanese animation has infiltrated into Indian children’s television program.


Spending a lot of time watching television and watching Hindi dubbed cartoons can be very detrimental. Children who watch Hindi cartoons are more motivated towards Hindi language rather English or Bengali language in Dhaka. Kids in Dhaka city are becoming more and more obsessed and lazy due to extreme viewing of Indian cartoons. Therefore, this addiction is leading these children to change their speech and their behavior which ultimately affects their mind and ways of thinking. Moreover, heavy graphic and violent contents in some cartoons instigate kids to learn and adapt aggression.

Research Methodology

For my Primary research, I interviewed some group of parents and take their opinions into account, as well as students and general public opinions too. I have interacted with children and know about their preferences and why they like watching these Hindi dubbed cartoons so much. Moreover, I have conducted a survey, which gave the strategy for information gathering. This method helped me utilize survey blueprint of investigation which is extensively used as a piece of such investigations where social and behavioral parts are being examined. Lastly, I made a questionnaire with different types of questions so as to get a range of useful data which helped me to answer my research questions.

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For my secondary research, I took help from the resources of the library books about human behavior or psychology and go through different articles and journals through newspapers etc. I have taken a lot of information from the internet as well.

Data Presentation and Analysis:

In my first question, I asked people about how much time do children spend watching Hindi cartoons daily? This is a very important question which makes us aware of how children are literally consuming and eating their brains out by those cartoons, sitting in front of the idiot box. No wonder a greater portion of people of about 49.1% have responded that kids spends all day long in front of the television whenever they want or they find that TV is ideal at the moment. Not just they watch Hindi cartoons on TV but they watch it in smartphones, tabs, PC as well. I’m talking about children aged “between 3 to 10” are very prone to this addiction of Hindi cartoons in Dhaka city in recent times. And other people believe that kids watch cartoons but, in a limited time frame of about 4-6hrs in an entire day, about 20.8% people think. And about 9.4% publics replied that kids don’t watch cartoons at all. They might think kids are more into grownups movies and trendy videos from internet.

This question is an interesting one which lets us know why kids watch Hindi cartoons and its influences. In what ways children imitate their favorite Hindi cartoon characters? A quarter percentile of 35.8% people have responded that children imitate characters by reciting dialogues of their favorite characters. The like of Doraemon, Ninja Hatori, and these cartoon characters has a very unique personality and way of representation. They utterly use some catchy phrases throughout the entire episode and children get use to hear the same dialogue over and over. Similarly, many other people of about one-third of about 32.1% have responded to that kids adapt to similar behavior, mindset like cartoon characters while they try to imitate. For instance children think as if they are the Doraemon the character themselves and start carrying fancy gadgets like Doraemon and do silly stuffs. And other than that 20.8% of people believe that kids buy fancy dresses and try copying movements of characters they watch. Lastly very few of 11.3% people said that kids buy costumes of their favorite character to look like cartoons, I believed more people would have agreed on this option because it’s true that kids forces their parents to buy costumes, bags and other stuffs. This pie chart mainly shows that there is a mixed response about how children copy cartoon characters and most of the answers are very close to each one.

This question is perhaps the most important one and it is based on my whole research regarding this cartoon issue. Does watching Hindi cartoons affect children’s ability to learn their own language? About half of the total percentage of people believe that yes, kids start learning Hindi language forgetting their own mother tongue as a result they mix-up both Hindi and Bangla language while they talk (about 50.9%). This is a very deepening concern for the parents as well as the kids who are not learning properly. This language mix-up issue due to the overexposure to Hindi contents might lead to dull and distressful mind condition even when kid would grow up. Parents should take into account about this matter, or else children’s thinking ability and brain development would succumb. 24.5% publics said that it not only hampers Bangla learning but also English learning. It’s not like learning Hindi is a bad practice but thinking as a perspective of a kid, it is very concerning because they can barely talk any language at a young age and hearing Bangla from their guardians and relatives, then again watching Hindi from TV. It is the reason children mix-up their language while talking.

Another matter to pay attention to is this question. Does children adapted to more aggressive or violent behavior watching Hindi cartoons? We can see that here public has responded to their choices and a collection of mixed response has approached. Same percentage of 32.1% has responded to yes sometimes children show violent behavior with their siblings only to have fun, but this might lead to severe outcomes. As if the kid has watched some cartoon actions with Hindi codes and try those moves on their siblings afterwards. And some people claimed that children are getting more stubborn, and don’t listen to their parents, this is pretty much true because kids while sitting and watching cartoons for a longer time and if someone call them they become very demanding, annoyed and short tempered. This is a practice they witness from Hindi cartoons they watch. For instance, Nobita (a cartoon character) children watch this guy, he never listens to his mother and rather does what he likes. 22.6% of people have responded that they think it depends on the children and the situation because a kid’s preference changes every minute, if they like something at first they might not like the same thing after sometimes. 13.2% of people believe that cartoons are just a form of entertainment and it doesn’t create any sort of aggression on children. So therefore, this question has no conclusive finding because of the mixed responses.

The fifth question, is about the impact Hindi cartoons are bringing on children’s cognitive skills. As far as I have researched that cartoons and animations bring creativity and make people learn a lot new perspective ways through in models, arts and illustrations. But 43.4% people have responded that watching Hindi cartoons continuously could affect child’s thinking and reasoning abilities. People might think of it because of the Hindi dubbed language, rather than cartoons are not so bad at all that it could hamper a child’s cognitive development. Furthermore, 26.4% people think that the visual arts, vivid characters and occasions shown in the cartoon help develop a child brain and thinking development. 15.1% of people think watching cartoons are not related to affecting a child’s thinking abilities, they just watch it for fun. And another 15.1% of the people have responded that Hindi cartoons does affect children’s conscious mind, kid’s remain absent minded and fantasize the cartoons all day and reciting dialogues while studying, eating. This point looks more feasible and related to my research than other points. As for this question we can really conclude anything due to the mixed response so no conclusive findings.

This is the last question and a very significant one as well, it is a general question of how could this addiction of Hindi cartoons and really change to a healthy entertainment? More than a quarter percentile (37.7%) have agreed that children must have a balanced diet, we could say exposure to Hindi cartoons are not so detrimental to children. Same percent of people (37.7%) responded that parents should limit the time children spend watching Hindi cartoons, this choice could be more effective than other as per my research. 13.2% people have responded that parents should let their children watch cartoons which could have a positive impact on them. For instance, many cartoons teaches about good social works and practices like (Meena cartoon) so that their kids could learn something good. 11.3% of people believe that children should not be allowed to watch cartoons whose content is not appropriate. People might think there are certain mature cartoons with explicit contents or some other cartoons showing very brutal and violent graphic contents, these cartoons should be prevented from children to watch.

Summary of Research Findings:

The essential purpose behind this research was to break down what media is appearing to kids particularly as far as Hindi dubbed animation shows and how kids' life particularly their language is being influenced by such substance. Subsequently the outcomes demonstrates that survey Hindi cartoons do influence the kids and furthermore grow aggression among them.

As per Parents they imagine that kids have made their very own dream world. They walk and talk like animated cartoons. Indeed, even now they want to act like cartoons. They spruce up like cartoons. Kids love to watch cartoons and they accept themselves as Doremon, Oggy and different characters and they want to act like them. Bangladesh has prohibited these kid's cartoon channels like (Nicklodeon, Hungama) since larger part kids were dependent on Doremon. They have made their very own dreamland where they have make companions with whom they talk and play. Overexposure of Hindi cartoons brings out desire in youngsters to look like cartoon characters. Youngsters wish to have powers, forces and companions simply like Doremon and Ben 10 with the goal that their life turns out to be simple.

In perspective on the outcomes and watched realities it has been outlined that TV content is influencing the everyday life of kids. They act violently and forcefully and even their language is influenced by watching Hindi dubbed animations. Greater part of youngsters purchase costly animation action figures, accessories and kids love to act like animation characters. It is seen that kids want to watch Hindi cartoon shows instead of English cartoon channels.


Cartoons are fundamental piece of each child. They are the most prevalent entertainment for kids. A few Cartoons are great source of learning and understanding which help youngsters gain knowledge with the importance of this world. Yet, nowadays' cartoons in general demonstrate a ton of viciousness and unsuitable things. The vast majority of the Hindi animation characters frequently show dangerous conduct, for example, smoking and drinking, and may likewise strengthen gender role and racial generalizations. Those Hindi cartoons don't demonstrate any educational substance. Those animations are making kids stupider and kids don't gain anything great from these stuffs. As Doraemon is a cartoon that is brimming with irate character, youngsters get familiar with those conduct and they begin to copy such characters in school and with their companions. Another essential thing is kids who sit in front of the TV for a longer time are prone to significant brain damage, eventually hindering cognitive development. Youngsters will in general pursue the negative things appeared in cartoons. Guardians can control their kids to watch these Hindi animation from numerous points of view, for example, they can limit screen time of watching Hindi Cartoons. Those Hindi cartoons are making an antagonistic impact in Bangla language and culture to the children of Dhaka city. In light of the above claim it is prominent that kids ought to be managed by their parents for what they watch. Its parent's duty to teach and shield their kids from the unsafe impacts of observing an excess of Hindi animation shows and to manage the sort of animation programs their kids watches, as it affects as long as he can remember. It has been demonstrated that Hindi Cartoon has such a significant number of negative effect on kids' on their improvement ,so kids ought not been permitted to observe too much Hindi dubbed cartoons.

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