Essay Samples on Modern Architecture

Essay Examples
Essay Topics

The Development of Nationalism & Regionalism in Australian Architecture

Introduction From the 1880s, “nationalism” and “regionalism” had been started to be two of the keywords on the Australian development of architecture. These two words point toward the nation’s sake of rejecting foreign architectural approaches and seeking of the local architectural characteristics in Australia. During...

Architecture and its Role in Nation Building: A Critical Review

Brief introduction on architecture and how its spaces are perceived The universal definition of architecture as a synthesis of ‘art’ and ‘science’ is inadequate in the present democratic, globalized, and information world of the 21st century. Many modern good-looking buildings with sound structures have been...

The Importance Of Paying Attention To Detail In Architecture

The architectural detailing process of a project is a long process that includes a lot of steps and patterns to consider. The designing issue is not consecutive for making a theoretical plan for the entire structure, the detailing, and construction of a building. It is...

Depiction of Modern Skyscapers in Sci-Fi Cinema

Modernist Skyscrapers have long featured in Science Fiction films as a short-hand for ‘the future’. This can be either be our future near or distant, either utopian or dystopian- they remain a constant icon. Looking at science fiction films since the 1980s I would like...

Tom Wolfe’s Criticism of Modern Architecture in His Novel From Bauhaus to Our House

Tom Wolfe’s From Bauhaus to Our House successfully portrays the timeline of architecture that has been recorded throughout history. History by definition is “the study of past events, particularly in human affairs.” Architecture is constantly shaped by history, nearly every structure has some sort of...

The Principles of New Urbanism in the Design of Poundbury

This essay tries to explore the design principles of new urbanism that Poundbury applied to create a new community and how the Prince of Wales himself had a direct influence on the architectural style. Additionally, this essay touches on the effect of new urban town...

The Architecture of The University of Virginia

The University of Virginia is an architectural masterpiece with the architect behind it all, Thomas Jefferson. Mr. Jefferson is known for a lot of things, such as, being the president of the United States, being the author of the Declaration of Independence, and Govender of...

Wind Engineering and The Burj Khalifa Building

The Burj Khalifa building in Dubai has tested and re-defined the way architects design tall buildings with regard to Wind engineering. In this essay I will be looking at how the design and testing of wind engineering techniques changed the design and construction of the...

Las Vegas' Influence on the Modern Architecture

 Popular modern architecture all over the world has been influenced by Las Vegas in one way or another. Whether it’s the bright neon lights, astonishing design, or eye catching signage, the evolution of popular architecture can be traced back to early Las Vegas. Before all...

How Parthenon Have Influenced the Modern Architecture

The Parthenon in Athens and the Pantheon in Rome are perfect examples in architectural history that have used the portico and have contributed to the topic of the entrance and transitions in architecture. The Parthenon attaches a great deal of importance to its entrance-portico as...

Hong Kong's Architecture Based on Its History and Circumstances

With the unavoidably horrifying news of anti-extradition bill protests going on in Hong Kong today I decided to look into the history of Hong Kong and focus particularly on the magnificent architecture of this Asia’s World City. Today Hong Kong is one of the world’s...

Saving Culture Heritage with Interior Design and Architectual Developments

Historic cities and buildings are one of the key elements that contribute to the UK’s cultural heritage. Stated in the document Power of Place, the historic environment is what generations of people have made of the places in which they lived. It is all about...

The Discourse Of Contemporary Urbanization

The idea of development has been changed over the years while it’s discourse help to shape the discourse of contemporary urbanization (Miraftab & Kudva, 2015). Two questions as the main focus of development and urbanization have been asked: "whose development?" and "whose cities?" (Miraftab &...

Architectural Education Today: Cross Cultural Perspectives

Notably, we have stated above that social sports are one of the cultural factors and they influence exceptionally on any architectural design and its improvement. As we all recognise, the traditional varieties of producing and developing architectural designs started to decrease due to the emergency...

Design Analysis Of A House Fagan, Its Roots And Significance

This essay is a study on House Fagan built in 1965. The paper will carry out a design analysis on the architecture, then it will proceed to an exploration of the social, historical and economic roots and how these have influenced the design of house...

The Villa Snellman By Architect Eric Gunnar

The work of Asplund maintains a lineof thought that consistently dealswith limitless space, and is very muchaligned with the modernism that hadovertaken Central Europe just a half ageneration earlier, but articulates thisspace with a sensibility that is uniquely Scandinavian. Residence The Snellman villa is a...

Analysis Of Leah Cooper’s Installations And Art Of Viewer Engagement

For me, the thing that is ‘the art’ happens without me there. It doesn’t happen until somebody experiences my work. I experience the art of seeing, but ‘art’ (as an object or event) is happening only with an audience present. —Leah Cooper Leah Cooper navigates...

The Definition Of Structure In Architecture

Introduction ‘Form’ generally is defined as’ shape of the body that is constitutes of set of points, forming a line or a surface which constitute its perceptible spatial limits’. Thus the form of a body in addition to its geometrical properties if questioned as planar...

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