Michael Jackson was an iconic figure all around; His talent consisted of his music and dance style together with his ability to easily put on a show putting him at the top of his chain. He was such a massive influencer in the entertainment industry...
The Legacy of Michael Jackson Michael Jackson, widely known as the 'King of Pop,' inspired love, hope, and compassion across the world. Even after his death, his music and his tireless humanitarian work when he was alive helped the suffering and underprivileged. One of the...
Introduction Michael Joe Jackson once said, “Let us dream of tomorrow where we can truly love from the soul, and know love as the ultimate truth at the heart of all creation”. Jackson said these words during an interview in 1996 when reflecting on his...
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“Man in the Mirror” was a song by Michael Jackson and was released in 1988. The song talks about making a positive impact and personal redemption to the world. Michael Jackson explains that changing the world is possible, and it can start from a single...
Michael Joseph Jackson, the world’s most beloved “The King of Pop, Rock and Soul” or as others may call him The Gloved One, Wacko Jacko, Jacko, MJ, Mike and Mikey was born in Indiana, to be specific Gary, Indiana. On August 29, 1958, he became...
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