Man And Machine: In Deference To Humanity

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An interesting quality that humans possess is how different we are from one another. Just like snowflakes, no two humans are identical. Each of us differ in our experiences, opinions, values, attitudes, interests, and so on. With all the complex diversity that changes from person to person, is there truly quality that we can say for certain each person holds? I believe what takes to be human is the understanding of empathy and compassion, and being able to apply these qualities to the way you interact with the rest of society. I would also like to make the argument that being human doesn't necessarily mean you have to be a human being.

Let's pretend that we lived in a society where you could not be held accountable for your actions, as if there were no laws, rules, or regulations. Would you still choose to treat that homeless man with respect? Or would you choose to assault him, either verbally or physically. Would you help the lost child find her parents, or tell her “tough luck”? Would you still comfort your friend in their time of need, or ridicule them for their mistakes?

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To find the definition of what it means to be human, I feel that we must also determine the characteristics someone would need to possess to be considered inhumane. I believe anyone who chooses to ignore the idea that everyone deserves to be treated with respect, and instead chooses to harm a person (or people) for their own personal gain can be considered inhumane. Unfortunately for me I've had the misfortune of meeting someone who had no regard for the concept of human dignity. Looking back now I believe it's safe to say that this particular person was in fact a certified sociopath. This person had absolutely no regard for how his actions towards me made me feel at the time or how his actions could still affect me to this day. Throughout my encounters with said person, I had come to the realization that it is possible for people to not be human, even if they fit they are in fact a homo sapien.

“That is, Factor X cannot be reduced to the possession of moral choice, or reason, or language, or sociability, or sentiance, or emotions, or consciousness, or any other quality that has been put forth as a ground for human dignity.” (152)Fukuyama's idea of what makes us human is the culmination of our characteristics into what he calls, factor X. He then talks about how everyone has the ability to obtain Factor X from the moment they are born, which makes me wonder if he believes there's a possibility that someone can grow up and mature without his alleged Factor X.

Fukuyama's idea of human dignity is the idea that anyone and everyone is owed the same kind of respect. “A moment's reflection will show that none of the key qualities that contribute to human dignity can exist in the absence of others.” (153) What use does a puzzle piece have that stands alone? It has no use. You cannot practice treating others with respect or compassion if you do not interact with the people around you.

What Fukuyama failed to elaborate on was the potential to still be human without either Factor X or the concept of human dignity. Some humans are incapable of functioning the way that an average person does, psychopaths for example. They can't feel empathy or remorse, but are they still considered human while lacking some of the most basic morals that we are taught from such a young age? Even as a very young child still stuck in pampers I can still recall learning about what was called “the Golden Rule” which I remember means treating others the way you want to be treated. Where do creatures from the animal kingdom come in? It is a known fact that there are many other animals who have the ability to feel and show love for one another. Take elephants for example, there has already been proof that they will grieve for their dead ones.

Fukuyama also discusses his fear of how using biotechnology can potentially tear away at our human dignity, but what he did not discuss was the possibility of putting his ideas of factor X and human dignity into some kind of biotechnology. A video game released in 2018 called “Detroit: Become Human” follows the string of events created by three different playable characters. Each of them face different challenges from learning compassion, fighting for what they each believe to morally correct, and protecting what's important to them. The twist? None of them were human. Instead, they were androids with artificial intelligence that was able to evolve enough to the point that they became sentient. The characters in the game were in every way human that we are, other than the fact they weren't made of flesh and bones. Throughout the game, all of the characters evolved, learned, made connections to both humans and other androids, and showed compassion towards one another.

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