John Proctor: A Prideful Tragic Hero Sunk In Vanity

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John Proctor's lethal fault was his incredible measure of pride, and that gradually tied a progression of tragic occasions that in the long run made John Proctor surrender to his death. Lamentably, Proctor passes on for a wrongdoing he didn't submit. Another vital piece of the awful legend is that the person has a total inversion of fortune brought by the saint's very own defect. Delegate's life totally flipped around when Abigail blamed his friends and family what then's identity was sent to prison or executed. Toward the finish of each tragic play, the crowd must have sympathy or regret for the died legend. This is otherwise called cleansing, which means cleansing of feelings. After all, these negative feelings are washed away in light of the fact that the unfortunate legend's passing is a case of the saying of genuine Puritan esteems. John Proctor, a character in Arthur Miller's The Crucible, is a great unfortunate saint since he contains every one of the components of a tragic legend, for example, purification, and in spite of not being naturally introduced to honorability, he has numerous respectable qualities.

In The Crucible by Arthur Miller, John Proctor's deadly imperfection was the staggering vanity that made him, in the long run, capitulate to his death. Pride assumes a fascinating job with regard to the life of John Proctor in The Crucible. As spoken by John Proctor near the end of the play, “Because it is my name! Because I cannot have another in my life! Because I lie and sign myself to lies! Because I am not worthy of the dust on the feet of them that, leave me my name”. (Miller 143). Proctor would not affirm against Abigail so as to keep his name from being darkened. He thinks about his name and being an honorable character it is straightforward the battle he is experiencing. John day by day compensation an inner, war between his soul and pride. His hubristic mentality is the thing that principally caused his ruin; an individual who rises and falls in light of their own uninformed defect, which is the genuine significance of a shocking angel. This statement is clear, Proctor acknowledges what he fouled up and now attempting to change. Proctor is attempting to proceed forward yet Abby is still fascinated with Proctor. The desire was one major one, yet everything meets up. In conclusion, Proctor is a tragic hero on account of how regarded he is in Salem. John Proctor was very outstanding in Salem. In Act one Arthur Miller states, “Proctor, respected and even feared in Salem, has come to regard himself as a kind of fraud” (Miller 20). Proctor than says to Mr.Puntam, “You cannot command Mr. Parris. We vote by name in this society, not by acreage” (Miller 28). Pretty much when you read this quote it shows that Proctor is a leader of the whole town and people look at him. It also shows the tragic hero flaw of when the lustful and well-respected comes to one and shows that John was innocent and the whole town knew he was a good man and didn’t have any harm to no one.

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In Act IV Hale asked everybody to confess to their sin in order to save their lives. While talking to Elizabeth he said, “It may well be God damns a liar less than he that who throws his life away for pride” (Miller 132). He was attempting to get Proctor to admit his untruth and spare his life. John Proctor is rejecting his life for pride since he doesn't have the mental fortitude to uncover his mystery sin. God can't pardon a man who passes on for pride, yet he can excuse a liar. So, Proctor should admit to black magic. However, Proctor can't do this since he can't darken his name. He'll wind up uncovering his wrongdoing and it will be the finish of his name. Pride is one of the seven fatal sins. At the finish of the play, Proctor is sent to death and Hale begs to Elizabeth, “Woman, plead with him! Woman! It is pride, it is vanity. Be his helper!-what profit him to bleed? Shall the dust praise him” (Miller 145)? Hale shouts these words at Elizabeth Proctor since he was begging her to convince John to confess, yet prideful Proctor decided to die rather with his respect unblemished. He decided to die as a satisfaction for his original sin of adultery. This indicates Proctor has overpowering pride, and not even with the fear of death will he dare attempt to surrender it. Proctor for sure had extreme pride and he yielded himself for killing his spirit.

The whole play started and finished with his imperfection.

Upon John Proctor's death in The Crucible, the crowd let out a flow of feelings, which furthermore gave an increase in their own knowledge. The original moment of purification was toward the finish of the play when John Proctor destroyed the admission and permitted the death of him, “Proctor tears the paper and crumples it” (Miller 144). In light of his penance, Proctor turned into a case of generosity and bright for others to pursue. So the townsfolk have acknowledged themselves that there is the promise for restoration of their wrong ways. Since Proctor faced evil, the individuals have understood that there is goodness in this world and it is dependent upon them to look for it. So as to pick up information, one must look for it. Elizabeth Proctor additionally felt a flood of feeling when Proctor destroyed the admission. She also went to an acknowledgment of genuine goodness. “He has his goodness now, God forbid I take it from him!” (Miller 145) At the point when Elizabeth explained these words close to John's death, she realized that Proctor turned into an image of innocence. Also, on the off chance that she realized that Proctor had gotten great, at that point that implies that Elizabeth herself needed to acknowledge what genuine goodness is. Reverend Hale shot out the most measure of cleansing toward the finish of the play. First, Hale comes into Salem a glad, academic man to break down thought witches. Through a span, he changed his ways and in the end turned into the man who felt sorry for Proctor the most. Hearty especially was spilling out feeling right when Proctor was going to be hung, “Woman, plead with him! Woman! It is pride, it is vanity. Be his helper!-what profit him to bleed? Shall the dust praise him?” (Miller 145). Reverend Hale is especially mindful that John was honest about witchcraft. Hale qualities life definitely and feels sorry for Proctor trying to spare his life. Reverend Hale arrived at the resolution that John was, in fact, an honest man with a family.

John Proctor fits the idea of a tragic hero since he considers every one of the characteristics of a terrible person which all of them have sinned against God but he was worst. John Proctor's principle fatal flaw was his extreme vanity, or pride which at last fixed his destiny. Negative feelings are washed away on the grounds that the tragic hero passing is a case of the saying of genuine Puritan values. The crowd had an outrageous measure of compassion when John Proctor died, but his passing changed their views and opened their own insight into there life. Proctor’s life totally flipped around when Abigail blamed his friends and family what then's identity was sent to prison or executed. John Proctor a man of incredible respectability and pride washed down his soul after he endured an unfortunate death, and turned into an image of immaculateness and nobility for others to pursue.

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