Home Punishment and Their Effects on Performance of Children

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Through both ways of research, all the answers needed for the intended research questions have been found. It has been found that having no home punishment policies is not likely to result in good performance. Research proved this point through parents who do not punish their children for their poor performances or bad behaviour, as those children are more likely to allow their child to worry less about how they are performing. Study on the permissive parenting style shows that these parents have very weak home punishment policies. This results in children performing poorly academically. About 40% of the survey respondents also agree with this. Having weak punishment policies means the child will not learn what they had did wrong, and will not gain the motivation to perform better next time.

The research also answers the question in relation to how long a punishment effects a child. A study done on children between ages 8 and 14 proved that the ones that faced physical punishment had low cognitive performance, and other physical punishments, such as spanking, lead to lower IQ and grey matter in the brain. This proves that the effects of punishments can be extremely long-lasting, since effects on the physical health of the child may last forever. Survey respondents also agree that punishments from their parents could affect a coming task, and they will think about it for a while before they can get over it. The study has also solved for the interesting question “Do strict punishments lead to better guidance?”. Both the survey and the research state that strict punishment will only guide children part of the time. In order for children to performance well academically, it would take both strict rules and some laid back rules.

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Research shows that more stricter policies prevent the child from learning the actual reason of their parents anger, and instead of trying to improve for themself, they may improve out of fear. This would only lead to a temporary change n the child’s performance. In the long-term, they will not continue this performance, and it will not benefit them socially, academically, physically, or in any other way. About 76% of the survey fillers voted that strict policies will only work “sometimes”, adding on to this point. The final research proved to us whether punishments or rewards were more contributing to well-performance. Although many believe that rewards as part of home policies are more likely to influence better behaviour socially and academically, research proves that performance is affected by punishments and rewards equally. Rewards will not bring out better performance over time, as shown through many experiments done by researchers over time. Different children were tested to see whether they were more likely to perform well on an assigned task if they were getting a reward for it(rewards such as a candy or cash), and results each time proved that the children that were not expecting a reward had better performance. Although these results did shock researchers, further study has lead to the answer that rewards and punishments affect performace equally, since they are both ways to force a person into doing a desired task, and will not continue to influence them once the reward or punishment is no longer available.

The following discoveries affect us as individual humans, and also as members of Canadian society. In Canada, there are several restrictions that come with punishment used at home, as corporal punishments are only allowed if they are “reasonable”. As members of Canadian society, we are aware that harsh home policies are not tolerated and are used much less when compared to other countries. This has resulted in better performance academically by Canadian students, as well as better behaviour, better economy, and a better environment in the country. Canada’s systems of education are considered to be part of the best in the world, and the students are said to rank seventh in an international study. Successful students grow up to have successful careers and improve the economic status of the country. Each of us gets to be part of this healthy environment, and benefit from the education and economy. Individuals benefit from the controlled home punishment policies, allowing for better achievement by students, leading to greater success in the future. Canadian home policies allow us to benefit as society members through the well performance they bring in our students, environment, and economy.

The in-depth research also effects us as members of the global society. Millions of parents all over the world use different types of home punishment policies on their children, without understanding the how strongly it affects their child’s performance and future. Around 80% parents feel it can be necessary to use corporal punishment. Most evidence of physical punishments come from developing countries. Such a large number is a clear indication to why there is trouble in performance of children, and why so many go to the wrong track and grow up to commit serious crimes. Children who face incorrect forms of home punishment policies do not only move towards bad performance, but also move towards drug abuse, alcohol drinking, and many mental and behavioural problems. 49% out of the 83% of grade twelve students that drink alcohol in only Ontario admit to binging it. Drug abuse has costed only one country about 8 million dollars for medical care. Such costs in every country could definitely have a global impact, and the incorrect home policies themselves could greatly affect children worldwide. These children can grow up unsuccessfully, and may cause violence and other major issues worldwide.

Overall, the following research proved that home punishment policies affect performance to a great extent. Not only do they affect academic performance, but they also affect social and physical performance, as well as performance in the long-term. Different home punishment policies, such as lenient, moderate, severe and corporate(physical) policies, all have proved their impacts on a child’s performance. These results have been proven through various research materials, experiments, as well as a related survey. Home punishment policies do not only affect performance, but also affect each and every person as an individual, and as a member of society.

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Home Punishment and Their Effects on Performance of Children. (2020, December 01). WritingBros. Retrieved July 27, 2024, from https://writingbros.com/essay-examples/home-punishment-and-their-effects-on-performance-of-children/
“Home Punishment and Their Effects on Performance of Children.” WritingBros, 01 Dec. 2020, writingbros.com/essay-examples/home-punishment-and-their-effects-on-performance-of-children/
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Home Punishment and Their Effects on Performance of Children [Internet]. WritingBros. 2020 Dec 01 [cited 2024 Jul 27]. Available from: https://writingbros.com/essay-examples/home-punishment-and-their-effects-on-performance-of-children/
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