Essay Samples on Epidemiology

Essay Examples
Essay Topics

Major Epidemics And Modern Challenges Of Our Medicine

Introduction It’s hard to imagine in this day of powerful antibiotics and advanced medicine, but there was a time in history when a single disease could cause the deaths of thousands of people virtually overnight. Throughout history many outbreaks of diseases occurred to leave behind...

Impacts Of The Measles Outbreak In Koinadugu/falaba And Pujehun Districts

Introduction Measles is a disease caused by a virus called paramyxovirus. It is a vaccine-preventable disease and children who are unvaccinated are more susceptible to acquiring diseases1. The virus is spread through contact with nose and throat secretions of infected people and through airborne droplets...

MGH301 Epidemiology and Biostatistics with Special Reference to Social Epidemiology

The process of understanding how to include social epidemiological theories into a project can be met with a lot of complexities. Methods which can even provide the most evidenced based on other health interventions is often inappropriate when issues such as mental illness is under...

Malaria Epidemiology: Sources of Infection and Prevention Methods

Malaria is an infection which has high risk of raising it's head in our country at any time, though it belongs to diseases common in tropics. The parasite causing the malarial infection comes under protozoans as genus Plasmodium which group is responsible for the spreading...

Epidemiology and Demographic Statistics on HIV/AIDS

Description Background information AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) is a global pandemic that has caused millions of deaths. It was first described in 1981 in the United States of America. Its causative agent is HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus). HIV is a viral disease classified under retroviruses...

Major Epidemics and Their Impact on the World

Introduction It’s hard to imagine -in this day of super antibiotics and advanced medicine - but there was a time in history when a single disease could cause the deaths of thousands of people virtually overnight. Throughout history many outbreaks of diseases occurred to leave...

What You Know About Yellow Fever Vaccine

Yellow fever is a staggering malady spread by the mosquito’s bites (and primates!) is as yet pervasive in Africa, the Caribbean, and Central and South America. The yellow fever infection has most likely existed in some form for a large number of years and is...

Epidemiology of the Lupus Disease and Its Diagnosis

Having the feeling of pain and/or swollen joints, unusual hair loss, extreme fatigue (Especially if you are college student), etc can be really uncomfortable for someone. Well, some people have to deal with those symptoms. These symptoms can be a sign of LUPUS; this disease...

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