Richard Kelly’s, 2001, debut film Donnie Darko embodies a myriad of cinematic techniques such as camera movement, non-diegetic sound (music) and mise en scene within the introductory scene which works hand in hand to convey vital information that places the cornerstone for the whole of...
How the movie is structured overall Donnie Darko encompasses more than one genre elements such as sci-fi, thriller, drama/fantasy, however, consider it falling under the psychological thriller genre to grasp the attention of the audience to this adventurous plot which in fact takes place in...
Donnie Darko: The Directors Cut is a 2004 extended version of the movie Donnie Darko written and directed by Richard Kelly. This movie is not only dark but confusing and delusional as it revolves around a teenage boy who is a paranoid schizophrenic. The continuous...
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