The movie chosen for this project is the 1995 movie Clueless, written and directed by Amy Heckerling. This entire movie is based on teenagers in an upper-class neighborhood high school. This movie follows the life of Cher Horowitz and her interactions with her classmates and...
Beauty is everything. You need to change your image to fit into society. Clueless follows Cher (Alicia Silverstone), a rich, spoiled but charming valley girl high schooler with a passion for matchmaking and a lack of self-awareness, as she navigates through life, high school and...
Iconic 90s high school comedy, borrows features from the nineteenth century classic Emma by Jane Austen. Clueless’ redescription of Emma is responsible for making it comical, whilst lacing it with ironic intent, which establishes the two different targets the film addresses, both the sophisticated reader...
Introduction Nature of the study “A lady’s imagination is very rapid; it jumps from admiration to love, from love to matrimony in a moment.” Through her use of linguistics, these wise words effortlessly show the poise, sense of love, and feminism of the revolutionary woman,...