Bowling for Columbine is a movie directed by Moore. The movie was created before the beginning of the second gulf war back in 2002. The movie has remained to be one of the provocative explorations of the American culture. The film has recorded both the...
To reinforce the overarching message of the documentary, Moore explicitly vilifies ‘pro-gun’ ideals and characterises them into an effective antagonist that both defines the sense of morality for the audience and directs the focus of the film entirely. Throughout the film, footage and audio clips...
A wise man by the name of John F. Kennedy once said, “One person can make a difference, and everyone should try.” His knowledgeable words are truthful and factual as individuals’ choices can drastically alter another person's life. A person's egotistical decisions may play a...
“It was the morning of April 20th, 1999, and it was pretty much like any other morning in America...And out in Littleton, Colorado, two boys went bowling at six in the morning. Yes, it was a typical day in the United States of America.” (Moore,...
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