Benefits and Innovation of Online Gaming Addiction Prevention

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Nowadays, with the Global introduction and development of technologies, our daily lives are completed with the use of all different sorts of online games and forms of online entertainment. In this essay, I will discuss some different theories and hypotheses whether 'online gaming addiction' exists, can it be considered as a disorder due to changes in individual behavior or just problematic gaming behavior, demonstrated by the participants. Since the Covid 19 pandemic affected our life, many people spent more and more time online.

Concerns were raised about the current and future negative impact from such recourses as the internet and online games have grown dramatically. However, not all researchers agree that online gaming is as harmful as substances addiction, therefore are different opinions about it. In the following essay, I will be pointing out some of the studies covering these aspects and highlight some benefits and recent innovations to prevent online gaming addictive behavior.

Main Body

Firstly, in the 2000s, online games became very popular and part of everyday life. As concerns were raised many studies of Internet gaming addiction were conducted to investigate the negative consequences of excessive gaming and associated risk factors.

To start with one of the very first studied research completed by In 1989, Margaret Shotton, who published the first empirical study specifically on gaming addiction. To complete the research Mrs. Shotton gattered information from a small sample of 127 people mainly teenage or young adult males from all over who described themselves as ''hooked'' on home video games for at least five years. The research was carried out into these people and included a psychological test with questionnaires about the participants computing behavior and other leisure activities.

Also, as a part of the investigation were the additional interviews with the computer dependants and people close to them (relatives, partners, and family members) to be able to represent the real picture of the computer dependency. Margaret Shotton analyzed the holistic approach in the individual lifestyle, personality characteristics, and other additional early life factors that might have led to the computer dependency and explored the advantages and disadvantages of gaming addiction. One of the disadvantages was that in Sutton's study the assessment criteria and tools were limited and use if the improvised test were used to test an addictive behavior only on male participants. Therefore, Shotton concluded that the participants 'did not appear' to be 'dependant' on computers at all, rather they were highly involved in computers and use them as part of their hobby or as a coping mechanism to deal with stress and stressful events in their life.

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Secondly, to continue with the hypothesis of whether 'online gaming addiction' exists and if can it be considered a disorder? Following The World Health Organisation publication on the International Classification of Diseases -including Gaming Disorder as an addictive behavior disorder for the first time, Professor Andrew Przybylski was one of the researchers who were against including gaming disorder in the ICD-11. 

Another important point is that he believed there is not enough research to confirm 'gaming disorder' in ICD-11. He stated and argued the low-quality data and specific criteria used in the research and pointed out against the decision. Furthermore, it was discussed the survey studies that contained two types of groups. The first group use data that was called 'samples of convenience', where the researcher will create a scale that's meant to tap into disordered gaming or gaming addiction or MMO addiction or online game addiction. The researchers used a checklist from disordered gambling or substance use and then replaced the word gambling or alcohol and put in the word 'game'.

The second camp of studies uses more controlled samples and tries to collect panel data that is representative of the population. People try to build statistical models to draw, from correlational data, inferences about gaming and disordered gaming in terms of demographics, games, or wellbeing, and mental health. On the other hand, Professor Andrew Przybylski addressed the concern of the risk million of people, who play games as part of their normal lifestyle will be stigmatized and he believed there was not enough evidence for gaming addiction to be considered as a clinical disorder.

And lastly, with the years more modern age of high-definition gaming was implemented and introduced on the gaming platform market such as Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games (MMORPGs). This appears to increase the interest of players because this kind of game requires a high degree of commitment and time investment from the players to be able to achieve high levels and gaming status. Also, the good reputation and good achievement in the gameplay further motivational factor and stimulate the player to keep on playing. On one hand, the gaming industry uses different methods such as structural characteristics, loot boxes, etc to reinforce the potentially addictive behavior, but on the other hand, there is a platform for participants to socialize with others, make new friends in the game, forming new relationships, and working in a team. Many games are created with exploring elements, different online characters which participants use and play to escape real-life and live in a virtually created world that affects the participants' behavior and lifestyle.

Additionally, there are different online forums such as 'Game Quitters' where former game-addicted people help others to combat the addiction or to deal with gaming behaviour. The forum starts with a quiz to determine any symptoms of gaming addiction and then a challenge of giving up for 90 days. Another innovation is set within the gaming industry such as changing the gaming modes, use of distractions, or easily accessible support groups.

Also, in some countries, for instance, in South Korea in 2011 was implemented Shutdown Law, which restricted youth access to online platforms, including games and social media, between midnight and 6 in the morning. A study was carried out and analyzed the effect of this. It has been confirmed In 2012, following policy enforcement, the daily amount of Internet use was decreased However, following furthermore studies have recorded an increase in 2013, 2014, 2015, which showed no meaningful long-term improvements 4 years after policy implementation and has insignificant effects in reducing Internet use for target adolescents.


In conclusion, I believe that further investigations are needed to determine whether excessive online gaming should be tolerated and treated as one of the psychiatric disorders 'online addiction'. Digital screen time is only one of the many challenges we are facing in our day-to-day life, and it remains to be determined whether it is a gaming disorder. With the gaming industry development, the issues will become even more serious, therefore if we all get involved to bring more awareness and more researchers are carried out from scientists, clinicians, and other professionals to devote time and efforts will bring more understanding about online gaming behavior and may help to minimise the issue.

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