Articstic Depiction of Apollo and Daphne After the Renaissance Period

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After the end of the Renaissance period, other artists also created different versions of artwork which depicts the mythological story of Apollo and Daphne. An example of one such artist is Filippo Lauri. According to an article called 'Filippo Lauri (Biographical details)', which can be found online at the website 'The British Museum', Filippo Lauri was the son of Balthasar Lauwers (who historians also consider to be a famous artist) and was born during the 1620s and died about seventy-one years later (British Museum 'Filippo Lauri (Biographical details)').

According to an article found on a website called 'National Trust' Laurin created a piece artwork called 'Apollo and Daphne' which can be found as part of a show at Nostell Priory Museum and was created during the eighteenth century out of oil paint (e3 Media Ltd. 'Apollo and Daphne 959435.' National Trust). Upon analysis of this painting, if you were to look at the length and width measurements which is found on the website, this medium-sized painting mainly consists of earth tones (deep reds, browns and cobalt colors) as well as a few tints of green and blue.

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The figure of Apollo (furthest to the right) strongly showed his muscles as well as movement that his hair has. The red cape he is barely wearing shows complex details with the folds and creases. The anatomical position of his body makes it seems that Apollo is chasing after Daphne, while also having a facial expression full of lust. Daphne, on the other hand, looks terrified. Her body's behavior is strongly leaning away from Apollo. She is slowly transforming into a plant. In the background, it is very realistic. Filippo Lauri's painting which portrays the myth of Apollo and Daphne is just one of the numerous different interpretations which can be found during our history. One can observe that as time slowly progressed through the centuries, the complexity and sophistication of each piece of artwork becomes more developed, as more artistic techniques are created.

There are numerous different movie adaptations for this particular myth. One movie example is the 2010 movie 'Apollo and Daphne' movie which is directed by Carolina Costa. According to an online article from the year 2019 that was written by Nikita Raja called 'Carolina Costa, Cinematography's Rising Star' which can be found on the website 'Women in Media,' this person is considered one a hugely influential person in the film industry.

This person began to have interest in filming when she was a young girl, and after she graduated the university she began to work with many start-up companies (Raja, Nikita. 'Carolina Costa, Cinematography's Rising Star.' Women In Media). As time progressed fowards, this director created many movies. One such movie was called 'Apollo and Daphne.' This movie revolved around the classical myth of Apollo and Daphne while adding a more modern twist. There are also numerous online animated shorts of the same myth which can be seen on Youtube. There is one Youtube video which shows a brief analysis and description of this myth, while the narrator voice-acts each character of the myth.

This video was posted in 2018 and was named 'Apollo and Daphne - Greek Mythology - See U in History' and was published by the username See U in History / Mythology and was narrated by Aaron Sinn (See U in History / Mythology 2018). In the background of this audio podcast/video, there were numerous pictures which show different interpretations and portrayals of this myth, while also having them correlate with the part of the plot that Aaron Sinn is narrating.

I liked utilizing this version because the video made it extremely easy to understand while not leaving out any significant information. If I were to compare the different examples of where the myth of Apollo and Daphne shows up, it was most frequently visible during the Greek ages as well as the renaissance period. As time progressed further and further it became not as frequent. In the current day, 21st century, I have not found many examples of movies or cinema which expresses this myth in any transformation or interpretation.

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