All The Ways Yellow Journalism Shaped The Government

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According to business dictionary the media means “ Communication channels through which news, entertainment, education, data, or promotional messages are disseminated.” The media In 2019 the media is everywhere, even on popular social media sites, such as snapchat, facebook, instagram, allowing everyone in the world to see the news. The media helps us understand what's going on around the world, and it brings the people together. Without the Media, there wouldn’t be much peace as we see today. Yet, everyone has a right to hear what is true, and what is false. However, the media is a company, and companies think of one thing, money. The Government allows prosperity, freedom, and which allows the people to go on with their daily lives. Many media sites would omit out many facts, or they added imagery facts which were false, to grab more attention which can cause false information and cause harm to others. Throughout history, newspapers and cartoons shaped the way the United States Government think, by leaving important facts out, exaggeration details, and showing editorial cartoons demonstrated by yellow journalism, Thomas Nast drawings, and Dr. Suess.

The American people want to know the truth, not false, or unproven, which is referred as “yellow journalism”. There has been many times in the American government that proves that yellow journalism altered, by adding imagery details, and false information. For instance, According to figure one, In 1770, A mob showed up after a british soldier named Hugh White hit a young boy with his gun butt, later a mob around 400 showed up arguing with the “red coats”. Taunting them , throwing rocks, bottles, and daring them to shoot at them. The eight soldiers didn’t know what to do, they got scared and fired. According to figure 1, they drew happy, devilish looks on the british, while on the patriots, they drew sad, unhappy faces, showing that the british were proud shooting at the mob. Secondly only around five people died, in the Boston Massacre, this is an exaggeration, naming this so it can bring more attention to how bad the british were. This shaped, how the government started by adding false details to gather the people.

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Another example on how the government was affected by the media was with Thomas Nast who was a editorial artist, by drawing what he believes what is right, he has changed the american influence multiple times. On figure two, Thomas Nast most famous editorial drawing , “boss Tweed” William Marcy tweed also known as boss who was a New York city political figure, he bought votes and corrupted politicians and judges. A lot of other politicians, and other newspaper companies wanted him to go, so they sent their best political cartoon artist, Thomas Nast. Nast’s portrayal of the men, it help demonstrate the political leaders corruption. Nast influence the public of the tweed and tammany, on which the 1871 election, crippled the tweed ring, allowing the public to vote many candidates out of office. Thomas Nast helped and took down a corruption ring, allowing his cartoons to help the influence Americans and in turn changed, and affected The United States Government.

As a child, we remember Theodor Seuss Geisel also called Dr.Seuss as a cartoon author and artist, making funny books and cheering our childhood up. However during World War 2 he drew many cartoons to help support The United States government. However according to figure three, when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor in Hawaii, Japanese-American citizens were put into internment camps just in case they would help the Japanese emperor, versus The United States government. Dr. Suess illustrates that Japanese American people are not to be trusted, which in turn changed how the population of American saw how the United States Government operated. Which caused miss trust between the people and the government as well deaths.

An example of yellow journalism in the twenty first century is when Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton ran for president. Many people in the digital world have social media accounts, or spent a good amount of their time in front of screens. In 2016, was the battle of technology between Donald Trump, and Hillary Clinton, with many people making fake adds to gain money. For instance there was a post that Hillary Clinton had a child sex-ring located at a fast-food joint. “The baseless viral story that a Washington pizza restaurant was the locale of a child sex-abuse ring run by Hillary Clinton and her campaign chairman, John Podesta.”(figure four) This demonstrates on how easy people can tell lies to hurt the government. These lies can fuel a burning fire and hurt the people.

Throughout the history of the America the media has affected how the american people think, and act. The media may help the people to be connected, and feel safe, yet it has a big aspect on how the government is operated. Thomas Nast, Dr. Seuss and yellow journalism are examples on how government was affected. Thomas Nast, affected the government by taking big time politicians, and drew editorial drawings to support and prove his facts. During World War two Dr. Suess helped the government to make cartoons that affected how people treat each other, and how the government operated at home. Lastly, the big one yellow journalism is affected how people read, and think about the news which as affected the government on how to operate. The media, in past years has affected the government in a huge way, which caused many problems.

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