A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings: Analysis Of Good And Evil

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In the Old Bible in Titus chapter 1 verse 16 it saids “They profess to know God, but they deny him by their works. They are detestable, disobedient, unfit for any good work”, this words utterly emphetazie with Gabriel Garcia Marquez and the message in his story A very Old Man With Enormous Wings. Marquez's main purpose is not to create a conflict against religion because of the way he criticizes church however his story goes beyond that message he uses magical realism to draw the reader and to acknowledge the human characteristics, one being based on why we hurt others emotionally or physically. Everyone has different ethics, morals and values which are the main motivation that guides the things any human decides to do. In the story Marquez starts with the main characters Pelayo and Elisenda who came across an old man in their courtyard, they decide that I would be a great profit for them is they start charging people from their town to see the “angel”, the irony comes when the angel is not providing them with all the profits they were expecting, they start treating the angel poorly. The village didn’t accept him because he looked completely different from what they were expecting an angel to be, also the fact that he didn’t speak the same language as them automatically made him a less person. Pelayo and Elisenda believed that he wasn’t being useful in the village and that the purpose of the angel was to take the sick children to heaven, because as a religious town they were not able to see beyond the angel's appearance.

In the story A very Old Man With Enormous Wings the author Marquez states “ The only time they succeeded in arousing him was when they burned his side with an iron for branding steers, for he had been motionless for so many hours that they thought he was dead. He awoke with a start, rantingin his hermetic language and with tears in his eyes” villagers may not understand if the old man is an angel, but God’s word explains that no one should be mistreated because it is not known if they are an angel or not, The villagers’ mistreatment of the angel demonstrates their loss of faithfulness because of their disobedience to God’s word, even as they come to him for relief, this demonstrates a basic belief in miracles. This village is so filled of their own arrogance and and selfishness that they are not able to become something better they are treating this angel bad because they don’t know how to treat themselves, they are contradicting the main beliefs of their religions they are lost, but they don’t want to be the only ones who feel lost without a soult or purpose in life they believe that if they suffer everyone should suffer just like them. There are several times God blesses people with something, but they do not see the full beauty of it because they try to make something different out of it that God did not send for them.

In conclusion no one is born evil or bad it's just the values that you represent. In the story A very Old Man With Enormous Wings the angel is represented as a good human who just wants a change for a better world, but the stories tell us how society in all of the treatment and guess of its existence or purpose, the people show the smallness of human reason, especially when you want to understand the supernatural.The villagers’ attitudes show their lack of faith by disregarding the proof they have in front of them that this old man is an angel. There are several times God blesses people with something, but they do not see the full beauty of it because they try to make something different out of it that God did not send for them. 

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A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings: Analysis Of Good And Evil. (2021, Jun 16). WritingBros. Retrieved July 27, 2024, from https://writingbros.com/essay-examples/a-very-old-man-with-enormous-wings-analysis-of-good-and-evil/
“A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings: Analysis Of Good And Evil.” WritingBros, 16 Jun. 2021, writingbros.com/essay-examples/a-very-old-man-with-enormous-wings-analysis-of-good-and-evil/
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A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings: Analysis Of Good And Evil [Internet]. WritingBros. 2021 Jun 16 [cited 2024 Jul 27]. Available from: https://writingbros.com/essay-examples/a-very-old-man-with-enormous-wings-analysis-of-good-and-evil/
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