A Personal Recount on the Memories of My Childhood

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The Childhood is considering as the most innocent phase of man's life. Yet when I look back those innocent days of my early childhood, actually I could not remember much. But those pleasant memories of my childhood linger on time to time due to the incidents that I face presently. Those experiences that I have gathered can be good or bad and therefore could be end up useful or not. I had some useful as well as bad experiences and those experiences help me to find out who I am or in other words, they define my personality.

My first recollection of my childhood is the day that I was learning to ride a bicycle. Actually I was quite enthusiastic to learn it because my elder sister was really good at it. I can still remember how I felt when I saw her ridings without any fear. I thought she is flying like a bird and I need to be one of them. That desire made me to ride a bicycle. It wasn’t really difficult to learn it. My sister gave me instructions as to how to do that and about a while I learned how to ride it. But suddenly my sister took the little side wheels out of the bicycle and asked me to ride it. I was sure and confident that I could do it. Then only I felt the difficulty. I could not kept the balance of my body. I felt and bruised myself several times and it hurt so much. But I never gave up. Finally, encountering all the difficulties, I was able to ride the bicycle. When I grew up what I felt was, if I need something no matter how hard that is, I always try to achieve it. If I get a feeling to give up something, this incident just pop in my mind and let me to achieve what I need rather than to give it up. This incident always remembering me that there are ups as well as downs in our path and we have to balance those obstacles in order to achieve what we need.

Another incident which I can still remember is the swimming experience. I would rather say, it was an awful event which still has some adverse effects on me. One day me and my elder cousins went to the beach and I was around eight years old so that my mother hardly gave me permissions to go out. Most of all the cousins were expert swimmers but unluckily I did not know how to swim. My cousins dived into the sea and urged me to do the same. As I did not like to be their laughing stock, I hide the truth and tried to dive in the sea. Soon I was caught by a huge current and took me away swiftly. I can still remember how I tried to keep my breath and attempt to come out of the water. There was a very possibility that I could lose my life but due to the valour and bravery of my cousins, I was lucky enough to save my life. Due to the terror that I faced on that day, the panic that I got on that day still stopping me from learning swimming. That childhood fear is haunting me and what I understood so far was, I could not get away from that fear even though it has happened a long before.

At the age of five years, I had to attend kindergarten. I can still remember the first day at there. When I knew the fact that my mother is going to leave me alone there, I felt really sad because there were lot of strangers. When my mother left me there, I cried asking for my mother. There were around twenty kids like me; both girls and boys. Some of them were crying and some of them were talking to each other and some of them were just stayed there. As the days went by, I made friends easily in the class because I am so talkative and bold. Therefore I found company. I became happy again and used to go to the kindergarten and it became an ordeal for me. One day, we; me and my friends were really tired of the class room activities like drawing and pasting. Even my closet friend was murmuring me that she need to go home. As she continues, I could not tolerate her anymore and suddenly I yelled out “I am tired of this thingy, who needs to go home?” without considering the presence of the teacher in the class room. To my pleasure all the students, except few got up and started to pack their bags to go home. When I memorize this incident, I could not even believe such an act of mine; that I was such a bold person in that age.

There was a swing kind of thing in the kindergarten playground. My friends and I used to play this everyday each one at a time. There was a boy named Kevin, who was really naughty and always treated others in a bad way. Moreover he was a liar. One day when we were playing in that swing and it was my turn. But he said to me, “It is my turn”. But I did not like to give it up so I said “No you are a liar. This is my turn”. Then he scratched me and then pushed me and I felt down. Then I stand up and in that moment, he pushed me again and I was really angry. So I warned him, “If you won’t let me play, I will hit you too”. He said, “Do whatever you can”. I was pissed off. Despising the fact that I was a girl, I threw a stone towards him with the irritation that I had without thinking about the consequences. He was hurt and went away. Then me and my friends started to continue playing.

In the same day, Kevin’s mother came to my house and accused me of hurting her son. She was very angry and I can still remember the way she looked at me. She looked at me like a tiger who is waiting to catch its’ prey. I was speechless and tensed. I have never faced such an instance before. My mother asked about the incident in front of Kevin’s mother and I uttered her the whole scenario. Then as for the evidences, I showed her my scratches and I was yearning for apology from Kevin’s mother saying that, if I knew that something like this would happen to him, I would not do that. Yet his mother shouted at me and my mother. Then my mother picked up a stone and gave it to Kevin and asked him to hit me. Furthermore she added that, “do it son, if you think you will feel better by doing this”. But Kevin did not hit me. Instead his mother apologized my mother for all the shouting and troubles. My mother patiently said, “As adults we should not fight each other just for a tiny mistake of these kids. Today they fought, tomorrow also they might fight yet day after tomorrow they will again play together. So then, why we should blame each other. Let us make space for them to solve their own fights”

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I never forget these words of my mother and I can assure that I will never forget them. Even though I could not understand the meaning of that at that time, now I can understand what she meant by it. After that incident, I never ever deliberately hurt anyone. Today, when I remind of that incident, I feel bad about myself. I feel like, even though everyone praised me I am a good girl when I was a kid, I still self-judge that statement because whenever I remind that incident, I feel like I am naughty and wicked girl. Anyhow that incident changed me a lot.

In nut shell, childhood or to be a child is a wonderful thought that we can accompanied once in a life time. I now realize the value of the childhood and the events that I remind of, demonstrate that whether the experiences we gathered are good or bad, it will always lead us to a carrier.

My first recollection of my childhood is the day that I was learning to ride a bicycle. Actually I was quite enthusiastic to learn it because my elder sister was really good at it. I can still remember how I felt when I saw her ridings without any fear. I thought she is flying like a bird and I need to be one of them. That desire made me to ride a bicycle. It wasn’t really difficult to learn it. My sister gave me instructions as to how to do that and about a while I learned how to ride it. But suddenly my sister took the little side wheels out of the bicycle and asked me to ride it. I was sure and confident that I could do it. Then only I felt the difficulty. I could not kept the balance of my body. I felt and bruised myself several times and it hurt so much. But I never gave up. Finally, encountering all the difficulties, I was able to ride the bicycle. When I grew up what I felt was, if I need something no matter how hard that is, I always try to achieve it. If I get a feeling to give up something, this incident just pop in my mind and let me to achieve what I need rather than to give it up. This incident always remembering me that there are ups as well as downs in our path and we have to balance those obstacles in order to achieve what we need.

Another incident which I can still remember is the swimming experience. I would rather say, it was an awful event which still has some adverse effects on me. One day me and my elder cousins went to the beach and I was around eight years old so that my mother hardly gave me permissions to go out. Most of all the cousins were expert swimmers but unluckily I did not know how to swim. My cousins dived into the sea and urged me to do the same. As I did not like to be their laughing stock, I hide the truth and tried to dive in the sea. Soon I was caught by a huge current and took me away swiftly. I can still remember how I tried to keep my breath and attempt to come out of the water. There was a very possibility that I could lose my life but due to the valour and bravery of my cousins, I was lucky enough to save my life. Due to the terror that I faced on that day, the panic that I got on that day still stopping me from learning swimming. That childhood fear is haunting me and what I understood so far was, I could not get away from that fear even though it has happened a long before.

At the age of five years, I had to attend kindergarten. I can still remember the first day at there. When I knew the fact that my mother is going to leave me alone there, I felt really sad because there were lot of strangers. When my mother left me there, I cried asking for my mother. There were around twenty kids like me; both girls and boys. Some of them were crying and some of them were talking to each other and some of them were just stayed there. As the days went by, I made friends easily in the class because I am so talkative and bold. Therefore I found company. I became happy again and used to go to the kindergarten and it became an ordeal for me. One day, we; me and my friends were really tired of the class room activities like drawing and pasting. Even my closet friend was murmuring me that she need to go home. As she continues, I could not tolerate her anymore and suddenly I yelled out “I am tired of this thingy, who needs to go home?” without considering the presence of the teacher in the class room. To my pleasure all the students, except few got up and started to pack their bags to go home. When I memorize this incident, I could not even believe such an act of mine; that I was such a bold person in that age.

There was a swing kind of thing in the kindergarten playground. My friends and I used to play this everyday each one at a time. There was a boy named Kevin, who was really naughty and always treated others in a bad way. Moreover he was a liar. One day when we were playing in that swing and it was my turn. But he said to me, “It is my turn”. But I did not like to give it up so I said “No you are a liar. This is my turn”. Then he scratched me and then pushed me and I felt down. Then I stand up and in that moment, he pushed me again and I was really angry. So I warned him, “If you won’t let me play, I will hit you too”. He said, “Do whatever you can”. I was pissed off. Despising the fact that I was a girl, I threw a stone towards him with the irritation that I had without thinking about the consequences. He was hurt and went away. Then me and my friends started to continue playing.

In the same day, Kevin’s mother came to my house and accused me of hurting her son. She was very angry and I can still remember the way she looked at me. She looked at me like a tiger who is waiting to catch its’ prey. I was speechless and tensed. I have never faced such an instance before. My mother asked about the incident in front of Kevin’s mother and I uttered her the whole scenario. Then as for the evidences, I showed her my scratches and I was yearning for apology from Kevin’s mother saying that, if I knew that something like this would happen to him, I would not do that. Yet his mother shouted at me and my mother. Then my mother picked up a stone and gave it to Kevin and asked him to hit me. Furthermore she added that, “do it son, if you think you will feel better by doing this”. But Kevin did not hit me. Instead his mother apologized my mother for all the shouting and troubles. My mother patiently said, “As adults we should not fight each other just for a tiny mistake of these kids. Today they fought, tomorrow also they might fight yet day after tomorrow they will again play together. So then, why we should blame each other. Let us make space for them to solve their own fights”

I never forget these words of my mother and I can assure that I will never forget them. Even though I could not understand the meaning of that at that time, now I can understand what she meant by it. After that incident, I never ever deliberately hurt anyone. Today, when I remind of that incident, I feel bad about myself. I feel like, even though everyone praised me I am a good girl when I was a kid, I still self-judge that statement because whenever I remind that incident, I feel like I am naughty and wicked girl. Anyhow that incident changed me a lot.

In nut shell, childhood or to be a child is a wonderful thought that we can accompanied once in a life time. I now realize the value of the childhood and the events that I remind of, demonstrate that whether the experiences we gathered are good or bad, it will always lead us to a carrier.

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Expert Review
The essay provides a reflection on childhood experiences, emphasizing their impact on shaping one's personality and approach to challenges. The narrative highlights incidents like learning to ride a bicycle, facing fear in swimming, and navigating kindergarten interactions. The writer conveys personal growth and lessons learned from these events. However, the essay lacks depth in terms of introspection and critical analysis of the broader implications of childhood experiences. While anecdotes are engaging, more focus on their significance and how they relate to broader life lessons would enrich the essay.
minus plus
What can be improved
Thematic Exploration: Delve deeper into the introspective aspect of the experiences, discussing how they influenced personal growth and decision-making. Connection to Broader Themes: Analyze how childhood incidents relate to larger life lessons and how they have shaped the writer's current mindset and behavior. Diversity of Experiences: Consider including a wider range of experiences and discussing how they collectively contribute to defining one's personality.
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