What Drives a Person to be a Villain

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Society today runs on technology, therefore technology is a medium that can be used by villains as a tool for their actions. In “Electric Funeral, ” Chuck Klosterman considers the idea of villainy, specifically in regard to the inevitability of technological progress. Klosterman argues that we villainize “technocrats” because of our inherent fear of the proliferation of technology throughout all aspects of our lives. In fact, every day we encounter news articles, specials, and other analyses of the ways that technology is negatively impacting our lives. For Klosterman, this is a fruitless battle, because as he says, “The future makes the rules, so there’s no point in being mad when the future wins” (225). He discusses three techno-villains where in this context they are hated for the cause of technological progress. Therefore itself is unstoppable. Klosterman blames specific technologies and Tech Figures for bad consequences of technology and their implications. Klosterman claims that the costs and benefits of these technological progressions is what defines the figures today as villains.

A villain is essentially a person or thing responsible for trouble, harm, or damage where its actions are seen as the “bad guy” or “evil” in some viewers eyes but in reality sometimes they see their actions as a different option that may seem to do the accountable and for the greater good. Everyone has different perspectives when looking at a villain based on motives and other reasons. We see villains typically in movies, theatre, novels, media and other narratives.

Although They are bad, that does not mean they are villains in reality. Villains can typically be people In today’s society and throughout history who we view have done wrong. For example, Hitler and the Nazis. They feel as though they are doing the right thing but in other views, they are wrong. That is philosophy on critical thinking because even though they are judgements, what is wrong is by the choice and the majority of how people view it. Perez Hilton, Julian Assange, and Kim Dotcom three techno-villains that klosterman discussed where in this context they are hated for the cause of technological progress. I feel that the person is the blame for the acts of villainism. There could be many reasons that may drive them to become villains and their technological inventions are the response to their acts of villainy. We can not in depth acknowledge everything that is in a mind of a villain but we can analyze and suspect it based on motives and Progression. Ben bova, a novelist and author has claimed that, 'In the real world there are no villains. No one actually sets out to do evil... Fiction mirrors life. Or, more accurately, fiction serves as a lens to focus on what they know in life and bring its realities into sharper, clearer understanding for us. There are no villains cackling and rubbing their hands in glee as they contemplate their evil deeds. There are only people with problems, struggling to solve them. '

This reveals that they are some out there who feel otherwise. Although there is evidence to suggest that they are those throughout history and in today’s society. Usually i see it as a Philosophy on a villain. It suggests where there motives and actions signify that if they are the ones who are created and showed out to be a labeled as a villain. We choose to be a better person or not. Someone who is not a villain is chosen to be set in the right path and not take part in any wrongful doings. On the contrary, if a person who choose at any cost and is ready to indulge in wrongful behavior, then he is set out to be a villain. If there is someone who does not want to indulge in anything wrong but wants to survive and eventually in this process gets in wrong things it may seem that his actions can take part as a villain or not. In Klosterman’s article He studied where those who are villains are not just criminals but technological inventors and those who are too advanced technologically. Some including Klosterman may view them as a threat to society.

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Throughout Klosterman’s article there is a self centered conflict whether there is a difference between demonizing a piece of technology versus demonizing a person associated with technology. Because of that, the topic of proclaimed villainy on technological figures who are important that make an impact to society today is put upon the test. It then reveal those who are a threat and are labeled as a Villain, for Klosterman’s point of view. They are many Tech Figures in the world today. We have Jeff Bezos, Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Richard Branson, and etc. All of these men have in common is that they are the greatest tech leaders, who are the most influential Entrepreneurs in the world. They have built an enterprise of technological advances and tools around the world where they made technology a way of life. It is now to the point that we are dependable for it, especially for today’s generation. We rely so much on technology that we do not even realize. We use it most of the day, and it is responsible for all the things we do in our daily lives.

By utilizing all these media and technology for example, Facebook, Amazon, Google, Apple and a lot more creates thousands of jobs and opportunities such as business, education, marketing, athletics, entertainment, communications, and many more in sitting at home and offices. It connects us and people all over the world. While there are advantages to constant evolution of technology, their evolution has also seen the increase of its destructive powers and behaviors. With all this, technology has many disadvantages, and for that gives us a reasoning as to why we can consider all these tech figures as forsay “villains” is because i feel they use us for our money, privacy, and leads on to an increase in destructive technologies. For money they use it to gain research and knowledge on new technologies. People have become unreliable with keeping money In our pockets. The technologies these entrepreneurs set out to be opens a gateway to many possible outcomes to gain full potential in our daily lives. They use our money for Personal issues, government, and business related for global economy. It is much bigger than what we know. The use of these technologies from these tech figures leads to ethical and social issues such as theft of information, destruction of information and Misinformation. This is the sense of privacy that is misused by these tech figures who are the blame for these ethical and social issues that happen in the world.

Therefore society becomes dependable where more individuals start to rely upon technology and different types of innovation for daily usage. This dependability puts All the power onto these tech figures because not only do they control the people, but they control The many issues that the world faces today, such as social issues, ethical issues, cultural issues, and many more. These technologies are the basis and connects us to these global issues and its constant use is where it can help or harm the world, and does a little bit of both. For example climate change, we can help by using sufficient energy and power but often it takes an effect on the environment, and disrupts our behavior and social well-being. “The villain is the person who knows the most but cares the least. ” - Chuck Klosterman claims but as seen from these global Issues, is true. I feel that even though these tech figures work better for the world, they can be seen as manipulating masterminds. We can only no so much of their actions but we can hardly tell what these tech figures motives are, and reveal to today’s society if they are villains or not. We can only judge, criticise, and dispute over the manner. While viewing the advantages and Disadvantages of technology, we can conclude that the majority of the people can demonize a person associated with technology rather than the piece of technology itself. Therefore these Actions justify that we can't stop or slow down the evolution and advances in technology yet There is so much more to it.

There are three main villains that klosterman heavily focuses on in the article that support His theory as to why technological figures can be viewed as villains in today’s society. One Is Julian Assange. He is a computer programmer, editor, and politician. The reason he is considered To be a villain is because of his works of hacking and using his invention, Wikileaks for the Purpose of demonizing people on the internet publicly. His works have become a threat to society. Another villain Klosterman showed is Perez Hilton. He is an American blogger, columnist, and media personality. His blog, has targeted many people including celebrities and misusing and Exposing their personal information. He was abusing information and allowing false claims in The internet where everyone could see it publicly. It has gone so public, where the government soon got involved when he blogged about false claims of the passing of fidel castro in 2007.

Lastly he explained another villain in his article named Kim Dotcom. He is an internet entrepreneur who created a megaupload, a online company that dealt with online files, data, and viewing. He used that technology for harming others by committing acts of crimes such as racketeering, money laundering, copyright infringement, and wire fraud. United states planned on arresting him along With New Zealand who made a warrant on his arrested and went to court. He soon was out of Jail and tried to redeem himself by creating a political party yet failed. His reputation of his crimes has made him still a threat which he is close eyed. His technology has been managed differently Which is called mega, and is still thriving while his innovation Megaupload has been shutdown. Overall he has misused his innovation for commiting a series of crimes. What is similar is that these three “villains” have “bad” intentions and motives with their use of technology. that is as to why they are threat because they have These actions From all three men and what they have contributed for the world is the reason they are a threat and are wanted men. This does not necessarily mean that other technological figures and Innovators are a threat and are villains all though the technology built and they are foreseen can make Them villains.

Determining if a person is good or bad isn’t as straightforward as it seems. Overall i feel that its the environment and the person’s upbringing that results in their behavior that is willingly judged. Although there is not truly such thing as a villain. In Klosterman’s article He studied where those who are villains exist in today’s society, specifically in regard to the inevitability of technological progress. On the contrary they are justifications. I feel and many others believe there is no such thing as a villain. No one carries out an action that is set out to believe to be bad. This explains the reasoning behind the self proclaimed statement “the end justifies the means”. The action therefore is not inherently “bad” because of the intentions behind it. People will always do what they think is right, with “right” defined as self serving to a person’s eye. Even when in this Circumstance that the person is the blame and not the technology.

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