The Variety of Human Sensations in Synesthesia and Kinesthesia

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Also since hearing is the primary warning sense, a sudden sound, specifically noise, will start a process. We almost instantly tend to move away from unpleasant sounds if we can, we gravitate towards pleasant sounds. Noise pollution have a hazardous effect on out overall health and well-being. The use of white noise, like the sound of water flowing, birds chirping, wind blowing, and tranquil instrumentals helps to drown out the distracting noises and it has the ability to stimulate the production of endorphins and lower heart rates. Thus, this induces that pleasant sounds in an environment has the ability to refresh and reawaken the senses.

Sense of taste. Unlike sight, taste is probably the hardest sense to incorporate in the environment. It is often pertained to as one of the “weaker” senses but it has a potent motivational force. Taste acts like a response and sometimes even a learned behavior. (Milosavljevic, 2017c) This means that the impact of the sense of taste is often mixed in connection with other memories and neural outputs. It is also mixed with visual olfactory and tactile senses. (Olpin & Hesson, 2013k) To incorporate and stimulate the sense of taste, it should work in conjunction with other senses because it is not yet discovered on how the sense of taste alone could be incorporated in the environment.

Sense of touch. The sense of touch is part of a tactile meaning that understanding our environment includes other outside influences upon the skin. It plays a fundamental role in the biological, mental, emotional, and social development of a person. Pressure, temperature, vibration, discomfort, and other sensations are all part of the touch sense and are all attributed to different receptors in the skin. It is not just the discernment of direct contact and feeling; we can distinguish a large variety of feelings such as soft, hard, hot, cold, smooth, rough, and the like. (Milosavljevic, 2017d) The power of the body-mind- soul connection at work is shown through the ability to touch and physiologically feel. The design of a space needs to include an awareness of the tactile and tangible nature of materials used in different areas. (Edlin & Golanty, 2010b) It’s not only the visual aspect that needs to be considered, but also the touching of objects that affect a sensory and emotional response.

Synaesthesia. Synesthesia is “the production of a sense impression relating to one sense or part of the body by stimulation of another sense or part of the body” (Oxford Dictionary, n.d.) Many researchers describe synesthesia as a physiological and psychological perceptual variance in which a person’s sensory stimulus can be linked with another sensory stimulus that can automatically trigger another sensory experience. For example – in relation to sight, taste, and smell – looking at a specific color may induce any number of other sensations. Green may be reminiscent of the smell of grass, yellow may arouse a sour taste, and blue may be perceived as more thirst-quenching since it can be associated with the fact that blue is a cool color. (Suslick, 2012)

This particular sense has the ability to enhance our creativity, promote relaxation, and enhance the memory. Through synesthesia, the emotions and physical states of a person could easily be evoked using a stimulation from the environment and encompassment of the different elements that could trigger senses. (Suslick, 2012a) This demonstrations that the interaction between the senses have the ability to stimulate humans physiologically and psychologically.

A study by Casini (2017) focused on a particular orientation toward synesthesia, responding to Whitelaw’s encouragement for exploring synesthesia as sensorial phenomenon (Whitelaw 2008) with a great potential of transforming and revitalizing the way in which we interact with the world. He stated that synesthesia is a medium at the disposal of artists and designers. He implied that through synesthesia, we can develop an interconnecting, sensory-based approach to engagement and interactivity that is not only in the form of a visual or tactile stimulus. but also at a cognitive and multi-sensorial level. Synesthesia, a mixture of different senses, is the most effective way in creating a stimulating and healing environment. An example he cited was the work of Wasilly Kandinsky. In 1911, the artist Wasilly Kandinsky made an in-depth study about synesthesia by listening to a symphony and creating the first abstract paintings ever, responding to the sounds. He also used an exhibit entitle “The Sensorium” as an example for his point. This immersive exhibit’s mission was for guests to enjoy their collection in different ways, enabling visitors to experience art with all of the senses. This was made possible through the usage of different technologies like a new technology that create sound waves that allows you to experience the feeling of touching without actually touching the surface of the artwork. Flavor technologies were also displayed which made custom scents using nature to invoke an ambiance intended to influence the emotional perception of the artworks. For the guest’s food, chocolatier Paul Young has come up with an edible product that will sham the experience of the textures of the painting through the food they’re eating. The examples he stated were clear representations of how synesthesia and a mixture of different senses enhances the overall experience of a place.

Kinesthesia. Kinesthesia, relating it to the person’s relationship with the environment, can purely be defined as the sensation of movement. This position-movement feeling was originally coined by Julius Caesar Scaliger in 1557 as a “sense of locomotion”. It is considered as a mysterious sense since, by comparison with our other senses such as vision and hearing, we are mostly oblivious of it in our daily activities. (Gandevia, 1996) Kinesthesia focuses on the position, movement, and exertion of effort essential to move the body. Professionals from the medical field expresses the fundamental importance of kinesthetic awareness to physical well-being and human potential because kinesthesia has the ability to affect the social, mental, emotional, and physical aspects of health. (Clark & Horch, 1986) From this, it can be induced that bodily awareness and consideration for kinesthesia is even more multifaceted and may comprise of sense of balance, spatial relations of parts of the body, effort, contact of one part of the body with another part, exhaustion, willingness, pain, and many others.

Hapticity. The fullness and prearrangement of the general sensual information available in space (visual and spatial, somatosensory, auditory, olfactory and gustatory) significantly shape a users’ subjective perception of particular environment and emotional response to the overall aspect. According to the notion of hapticity, visual signals like surface textures or figures are able to convey tactile information like smoothness and roughness. (Pallasmaa, 2000) Most importantly, hapticity is considered vital in determining the sense of existence which refers to the perception of being absorbed in the surrounding environment which promotes belonging in the space and the enhancement od social connections and engagements.

The unconscious sense of touch may convey an invite or rejection, closeness or remoteness, pleasure or repulsion. Hapticity is often neglected in today´s visually-focused architecture and design. (Pallasmaa, 200) The overall exterior and interior design may be aesthetically-pleasing, but it fails to provide a healthy foundation for our bodies and sense of connection to the space.

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According to The Concise Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church, a retreat is a “period of days spent in silence and occupied with religious exercises.” Retreats were introduced during the Counter-Reformation period. In the Roman Catholic Church, the habits of retreating every year became prevalent in the 19th century.

Retreats may be familiar to most people. These are usually held near the end of the school year for graduating high school and college students from mostly Catholic schools since these years are critical in the discovery of life and career path that one might take.

Company employees are also known to go to annual retreats. Aside from the typical notion that retreat houses are only for prayer and contemplation, the retreat experience is also vital to encouraging team building activities in order to strengthen each other’s relationships. Some families also go on retreats to be have a quiet time together and be closer to each other while being close to the Lord at the same time. (Groff, 1993) With this, it can be implied that retreats differ from conferences, seminars, and meetings in that the main purpose of a retreat is interior holistic spiritual development through days of reflection rather than listening solely for the purpose of learning then returning back directly to the daily routine. Retreats are organized around a presentation and a couple of talks that aims to guide the retreatants to their holistic healing journey. There are times wherein seminars, conferences, and workshops with a religious background are labeled as retreats but those types of gatherings lack vital features of a full retreat environment that is systematically designed to aid retreatants in deepening their relationship with God and help in healing other difficulties in life that they may be currently experiencing. This may be more accurately called as “time of reflection and healing” because it lasts for a while, the retreat span depending on the choice of the retreatant, and it promotes different activities that may aid in holistic healing, such as meditation, contemplation, and prayer, which are vital in making the right environment for the development of the retreatants. (Dorr, n.d.)

Importance of Retreat to Holistic Healing

Retreats have the ability to refresh and revitalize our bodies. It gives the opportunity for retreatants to take the time off and spend more time in prayer and self-contemplation, and to reawaken and deepen one’s relationship with God. During this time, retreatants may take the opportunity to more clearly reevaluate our actions and whether we’ve fruitfully engaged in our spiritual and religious beliefs to seek God’s healing grace which enables us to achieve holistic, spiritual and religious renewal. Retreats give us the opportunity to temporarily leave behind the our daily schedules and routines in a period of time to permit relaxation and for an inner spiritual change to transpire: the unconscious connection of the mind, body, and soul, which is very important to deepening faith. (Dorr, n.d. a) According to The Catholic Encyclopedia, “In the fever and agitation of modern life, the need of meditation and spiritual repose impresses itself on Christian souls who desire to reflect on their eternal destiny, and direct their life in this world towards God.”

In addition, there is a scriptural basis for understanding the importance of retreat that that took place way before the modern world. At the beginning of Mark’s gospel, it was conveyed that: “Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.” Simon and his companions went out looking for him, and when they finally found him, they exclaimed: “Everyone is looking for you!” (Mark 1: 35–37; see also Luke 4:42) He didn’t go somewhere just to take care of personal matters or because he has to take care of something, he went into solitude because of his spiritual need to pray and contemplate. It was said that Jesus would spend an entire night in retreat: “In those days he departed to the mountain to pray, and he spent the night in prayer to God. (Luke 6:12).” And, this is also conveyed: “The apostles gathered together with Jesus and reported all they had done and taught. He said to them, ‘Come away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.’ People were coming and going in great numbers, and they had no opportunity even to eat. So they went off in the boat by themselves to a deserted place.” (Mark 6: 30-32) This shows that even during ancient times, even before the stresses we experience nowadays were created, humans seek to rejuvenate and take the time off to think and engage with others to share experiences that may be of help to other people. (Dorr, n.d. b)

For many people, a retreat serves as their sanctuary. A sanctuary is a place wherein theire is order and serenity, a retreat and break from the everyday stressed of life. It is a place where people can boost their creativity, to find their personal paths, and to be able to trnadform and renew their senses. (Cerwinske, 1998) A sanctuary is designed for one’s personal self-animation- anima being Latin word for spirit - as to nurture quietness.

Worship spaces are places of commitment, where individuals commit to a faith and join a community, where couples commit to one another, and where a family of the church commits to the upbringing of the child.. (Roberts, 2004a) A sacred place is where we are welcomed into the community, where bonds are united with others, a place that takes on the patina of life and faith. Worship spaces also house the gathering of the faithful, reaffirming the identity of the congregation as a community of faith. (Roberts, 2004b). The people come together for worship, teaching, and fellowship in the presence of their God.

According to the Code of Canon under Sacred Places and Times entitled Sacred Places number Can. 1205, “Sacred places are those which are designated for divine worship or for the burial of the faithful by a dedication or a blessing which the liturgical books prescribe for this purpose.” In addition to this, it was stated under number Can. 1210, “Only those things which serve the exercise or promotion of worship, piety, or religion are permitted in a sacred place; anything not consonant with the holiness of the place is forbidden. In an individual case, however, the ordinary can permit other uses which are not contrary to the holiness of the place.” This information stated in the Code of Canon Law is a basis for retreat houses since this type of facility is a place for encountering God.

Retreat houses have been around for hundreds of years, these facilities were said to be established in the 17th century. (The Concise Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church) The growth of the need of the presence of God in a retreat has far outstripped the availability of retreat directors, retreat houses and the traditional modes of giving retreats. Since people today are asking for more meaningful religious experience during a retreat, various kinds of retreat programs have been created and deisgned to provide retreat experiences of sufficient depth to meet the growing hunger for a deep experience of God's personal love and concern. (Beltran, 1986a)

In modern times, the spiritual retreat house is considered as an important multi- functional communal institution, which, in addition to the traditional spiritual and religious functions, has a number of new sociocultural functions, which was derived on the society’s progress and change of demands throughout the years. The main goal of the spiritual retreat houses is the holistic healing and life renewal of the retreatants through participation in spiritual and religious exercises. The overall design of spiritual retreat houses is intended to deliver comfortable and peaceful lodging and please all the spiritual and social needs of a wide range of visitors - from students, families, parishioners, to religious groups. (McGuire, 1996)

Retreat house facilities usually includes conference rooms for social activities and seminars, prayer rooms, offices for a private conversation with the retreat master, a dining hall, an oratory or chapel, bedrooms ranging from solo to group accommodations, an outdoor area, and many other facilities depending on the management. This study will focus on two conference rooms; one for social activities and engagement and one for solitude.

Creating and designing a place to encounter the divine is one of the most ambitious yet genuine of human activities. (Crosbie, 2006) Sacred places are places wherein religious services could be shared. One purpose of religious and other meditational and contemplational rituals is to bring people into physical and spiritual harmony with one another and to recommence the social connection among people with the same beliefs. These kinds of places are born because of the need of “visible, tangible, and symbolic vehicles or grace… to assist us in grasping the intimate relatedness of our humanity and God’s transcendence.” (Saint-Laurent, 2000)

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