The Themes of Fascism in The Children of Men

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Set in 2027, chaos breaks through when all women somehow become infertile, all while humankind and its moral self are facing extinction. Illegal immigrants seek for safety in the United Kingdom, where the government imposes harsh immigrant laws on refugees. The film, Children of Men, by Alfonso Cuaron, portrays ethical themes such as religion, fascism and nihilism through the actions of the main characters, the authoritative British government and the social conditions. The name of Christ and echoes of the gospel occur throughout the film, signifying God's hope by providing an innocent, miraculous child to a dark and violent world. The bible contains many stories about people longing for salvation – Moses freeing the Jews, Jesus freeing the sins of humanity, etc. In the film, the world requires redemption through the problem of widespread infertility and expected extinction of mankind. Former political activist, Theo, whose name relates to God or deities, finds redemption while protecting a pregnant woman. Theo plays a similar role of Joseph to Kee's baby, with her unborn child symbolizing a Jesus figure and a savior of the human race. Theo reaches a pinnacle of Christ when he sacrifices himself in order to keep Kee and her baby safe, where the children of men on earth will continue. Children of Men may be rooted in a tolerable moral vision, but it is Nihilistic in regards to the authoritarian ideology. Political and personal nihilism is best illustrated in the main character, Theo, because he gives up on the world after the infertility crisis occurs.

Throughout the film, human life has become of less value and predicted to have no future of the human race. Infertility operates as a symbol of mankind's despair underneath the surface of modern life. The movie portrays xenophobia, the desire of death and narcissistic attitudes towards children, and violence towards the immigrants. Although infertility is the main issue throughout the movie, fascism is portrayed through humankind's tendency towards fascism and the face of social conditions. Because the setting is placed in 2027, the movie could be forming a connection with the world we live in now, in regards to choices of government. Fascism tends to emerge when times are tough, economies are poor, and when immigrants pose a threat. Even though the British government is the last functioning governmental body, it is responsible of a chaotic and hopeless society of religious extremism and social collapse. The brutal anti-immigration methods of the government show that even a democratic country like Britain, can adopt fascist ideologies. Throughout the film, Alfonso Cuaron portrays the themes of religion, fascism and nihilism through the characters actions towards the infertility crisis, the authoritarian ideology of the British government, and through the harsh social conditions and brutal immigration methods. These themes undermine a foreshadowing of today's humankind and moral self, by depicting a future set in 2027.

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