The Importance and Concerns of International Approach to Elderly Care and Neglect

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It is an international and universal responsibility to end the neglect and abuse of elderly citizens while acknowledging the dilemma that is aimed towards better health care and responsible yet passionate medical professionals are of vital need in society (Ralston, M., 2017). The elderly hold great importance in society not only because of the many years that that have lived and gained much knowledge and experience but also because, of how they teach us life lessons and give us reasons to be the best that we can be in life with respect and self-discipline (Kalayci, I., Yazici, S. O., Ozkul, M., &Kupeli, A., 2016).

When it comes to medical treatment through geriatrics, the elderly become eligible at 65 years of age. Internationally and in different parts of the world, healthcare remains underfunded leaving the elderly in nuisance when they need certain coverage and treatment (Vozikaki, M., Papadakl, A., Llnarkadis, M., &Phalialithis, A., 2018).

Elderly peoples are by far the largest group to be victim of unsystematic, ungainly and being in an impersonally detached system within medical care. Because of this, it is a society’s, moral duty to fight for beneficial care for elderly peoples. This would also prevent and lessen the backwards financial incentives that embolden impractical assessments and precarious hospital entrance fee along with the dismay of social sustenance and individual aid along with precautionary care. When it comes to explaining Medicare for elderly citizens in America, Medicare has been known to distribute enormous quantities of money for treatment that is meant to improve their eminence of life but instead hurts them physically, mentally, and financially.

Elder people are perceived as being vulnerable, and irrelevant when it comes to modern technology and younger generational events; they are seen as being ignored by community and frail, however the reality of the lives of the elderly that are linked to younger people are similar.The knowledge and skills of the elderly are learned by the younger generations and are used in today’s society to help society function in full capacity (I. Kalayci, S.O. Yazici, M. Ozkul, & A. Kupeli, 2016).

International Approach to Elderly and Neglect Verses Moral Obligation

Internationally, the elderly go from being praised and taken care of to being, neglected and ignored. Many cultures, take heed to knowledge learned from the elderly and benefit from following their teachings; they care for them and feel it is a duty to help them continue living a life of peace with abstinence of stress and worry. When observing the worldwide humanistic journey of aging that we all must hopefully go through, it becomes tremendously stimulating yet accommodating to approach this topic while comparing and viewing people in different parts of the world and how they live and care for the elderly community. For some cultures respect is a vital aspect of honoring an elder, and in other cultures elderly are more so ignored and less cared for by family.

Neglect of an elderly citizen or community includes, when someone declines to execute and/or perform a caretaking responsibility. Neglect of elderly makes up many of all cases that are reported through elderly abuse. It can sometimes be classified as intentional and on purpose or accidental, dependent upon the factors associated with the claims of neglect such as someone uneducated in elderly abuse or neglect, or refutation in the idea that elderly complaints and cases of neglect need much tending to or investigation.

To believe that there is a moral obligation to caring for our elderly citizens as a nation means understanding and having knowledge of, the factors not only that hold major importance under the treatments and caretaking of the elderly but, the understanding of how important it is to help elderly citizens have longevity and to understand that one day if we are blessed we will all be at an age where we might need physical help or help in general from someone of the younger generation. We have to consider how we would want to be treated and cared for. Respect along with care, should be a Universal obligation however, it should definitely be something that naturally takes place in the presence of the elderly.

Elderly are held at different statuses to the community depending on the community’s culture. Different cultures have different ways in which they care for the elderly needs, and different cultures value and are responsible for different tasks pertaining to elderly needs. For many cultures, the general expectation is for most adult children to care elderly parents in need (Ralston, M., 2017). The expectations are mainly found socially amongst adult children and parents of whom are considered to be elderly and in the United States, there are government funded programs that help sponsor the financial responsibility and duty of taking care of an elderly parent.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Care Taking

There are advantages and disadvantages to caring for an elder family member verses allowing them to continue life in a rehabilitation facility/ convalescent home. One advantage is that you do not have to worry about putting your loved one somewhere where doctors, professionals, nurses, and CNA’s act in unethical manners such as, not servicing healthcare needed but charging outstanding amounts for it, or overcharging and billing twice the amount for care services; prescribing the wrong drugs, or sneaking drugs that keep patients lees bothersome to the staff hired to care for the elderly; over or under medicating along with recommendation of fraudulent antidotes for sicknesses and other conditions that should be carefully treated.

Often, self-neglect through elderly patients also. Self-neglect happens when mental impairment, physical or diminished capacity is shown through the cognitive, and social actions of an elder patient. This basically means that they are no longer able to perform in ways that are needed for everyday self care such as teeth brushing combing hair feeding, and sometimes even walking or seeing clearly. This mainly occurs, when an elder person is not able to function to the fullest potential of independence.

An advantage to allowing your loved one to cohabitate in a facility where there is also medical professionals around the clock is that many adult children in whom are caring for an elderly parent or loved one may work long hours and in addition have a family to look after. Sometimes the person caring for a loved one simply does not have the time to be with them all hours of the day. Allowing them to live in a facility can reduce stress for the care taker while also allowing the loved one to be able to socially be interactive with other elderly persons, along with getting the correct medical help needed however, this does not mean that the care takers job stops. Loved one should be checked on daily and never neglected nor forgotten about.

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Respect towards Africa’s Elderly Citizens, and Major Health Concerns

African cultures have respect for their elderly citizens especially, for their wisdom passed on from generation to generation. African cultures believe that with Age comes wisdom and to gain wisdom one must work hard and live long (A. K. Fayemi, 2015). They believe that in order for their elders to be where they are, they had to live a long amount of years and gain an immense amount of life learned lessons along the way (A. K. Fayemi, 2015). They looked to their elders no matter the circumstance. Elders in African cultures, are expected to act with self-respect and temperance at all times no matter the situation. In Africa you are expected to always acknowledge your elders allowing them to know that you honor their presence.

Major health concerns for elderly African community citizens are studies to be anything from upper respiratory irritation, serious chronic respiratory symptoms, cardiac disorders, existing heart issues, lung conditions, along with a few other health issues (A. K. Fayemi, 2015). Many of these conditions have been known to be the cause of premature mortality, and have reduced life expectancy for many elders in Africa. Falls of elderly, have correspondingly been known to be the leading cause of accidental, and unintentional deaths not only amongst elders in Africa but also amongst elders worldwide. However, studies have also shown that, people in Africa are living longer through life expectancy than they have in the pasts (A. K. Fayemi, 2015). It has been of implication that infectious diseases are continuously increasing.

The frequency of factors that are at risk for African elderly citizens being affected by these diseases have also increased. Studies have claimed that in the future the main causes of mortality in some African regions for elderly woman will be from diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and heart disease (Ralston, M., 2017). Another factor that leads to poor health outcomes for elderly in Africa is age and gender discrimination for woman mainly, and feelings of disempowerment. Poverty is also at an all-time high and is a factor that decreases longevity amongsts elderly citizens in Africa (Ralston, M., 2017).

Benefits and Programs Catered towards Africa’s Elderly

Studies have seen an increase in the life expectancy along with the population of elders over the age of 60 years in Africa (M. Ralston, 2017). Elderly citizens in Africa, have been said to already have enervative diseases which are said to have been similar to the elderly people in other countries closer to Africa (M. Ralston, 2017). The deprivation however, of programs that offer pensions and benefits nationally or worldwide along with urbanizing communities, and the serious economic stressing of younger generations, has claimed to be the primary destruction of extended families working together. This is said to be of major threat to the growth of elderly citizens in Africa.There are programs however that help with primary health care for elderly through World health organizations (M. Ralston, 2017).

Respect towards Asia’s Elderly and Major Health Concerns

In the Asian community, they are taught to practice honoring and being kind to the elderly. Respecting elderly is also law in Asian communities and countries. If an elderly does not feel respected they have right by law to sue the younger person of whom is perceived as disrespectful through financial and emotional support (N. Vandan, J. Y. Wong, & D. Y. Fong, 2018). Respect towards elders is stressed in the Asian community. Companies that citizens may work for in Asia are required to allow workers off to visit and care for their parents.

Reasons for this is because it is believed that the elderly population is at growth and many families believe that caring for the elder population helps stop the economy from being put in economic jeopardy. Being appreciative towards the elderly is instilled in the minds of the Asian community from birth. In China families from many generations live under the same roof which is also a reason that is believed to be why elderly in the Asian community have longevity compared to other non-Asian communities; because they have the love and support of family. Japan is said to hold the largest population of elderly.

It is also studied that longevity and happiness hold a large attribute to community bonds along with healthy life and family, daily exercise, and healthy diets. It is of importance in Asian communities to also honor tradition which stresses caring, respecting, and honoring, family members especially, the elder family members. Being an elder in many Asian communities is considered to be a great, and honorable asset rather than a liability. Elders are considered the head of the household, and make many of the decisions for the family. Elders of whom are able stay home, care for and raise the children in the household (N. Vandan, J. Y. Wong, & D. Y. Fong, 2018).

In Asia, the morality rate of the elderly based on Medicare and social security are shown to be lower than those of whites in America. Health concerns that are of interest with the Asian community include Cardiovascular disease, along with coronary heart disease which is known to be the leading cause of death for Asians yet it is a lower amount of elders from the Asian community of whom are diagnosed with the disease (N. Vandan, J. Y. Wong, & D. Y. Fong, 2018). Cardiovascular disease, involves the blockage of blood vessels that tend to lead to heart attacks and strokes.Coronary heart disease includes, when arteries’ of the coronary are narrarowed which are basically when the blood vessels that help to supply oxygen to the heart are negatively affected.

Following Cardiovascular disease and coronary heart disease is diabetes which is also has high risk within the ethnic community population. However the Asian community is said to have higher rates of type II diabetes and it is higher in the Asian community than any other ethnic community (N. Vandan, J. Y. Wong, & D. Y. Fong, 2018). They are also known to have a higher percentage of body fat which consequently leads to having diabetes along with dietary intake and digestion of foods that turn into sugars. In Asia the community as a whole lack the information, resources and treatment needed to rid diabetes.

Benefits and Programs Catered towards Asia’s elderly

Asian children tend to care for their parents as they become elderly. In Asia, families traditionally view respect for elders virtuously. If someone was to place their elder in a retirement home/facility, the nation would see them as not caring for their loved one or one of whom abandons’ their elder (P. M. Ong, C. Pech, & A. Cheng, 2017). China however is also known to have a limit towards children in a household so anyone could imagine there only being one child of whom will eventually grow to be an adult and in time care for an elder parent(s) (P. M. Ong, C. Pech, & A. Cheng, 2017).

Caring for an elder parent can be hard and straining especially when there are major medical need involved. This is the reason why many Asian countries are now developing more convalescent homes; to help take stress off of smaller families and individuals of whom are caring for elderly (P. M. Ong, C. Pech, & A. Cheng, 2017). Benefits and programs that help the elderly Asian community are SWISS re which aims towards helping elderly citizens age 65 and up with health and food; while there is also urban employee medical insurance and the urban resident medical insurance, for present or former citizens of whom have retired and are in need of medical insurance (N. Vandan, J. Y. Wong, & D. Y. Fong, 2018).

Respect towards America’s Elderly and Major health concerns

There are numerous health concerns with in America mainly dependent upon culture and life decisions that lead up to disease or condition being treated. Diseases dealt with areAdult onset diabetes, Arthritis, kidney and bladder problems, dementia, Parkinson’s disease, Influenza and Pneumonia, glaucoma, lung disease, Osteoporosis, cataracts, heart disease, Respiratory diabetes diseases, Alzheimer's Disease, and Cancer are just some of the diseases dealt with in American elder community. Falls, substance abuse, and depression are also diseases that are held within America’s elderly community.

Because America is said to be a boiling pot, it has numerous different cultures and because of this many people tend to have different beliefs and different ways of doing thing. When it comes to elderly in America it is dependent upon how one is raised and how someone is taut to value the elderly. There are many people in American society of whom are taught to value the elderly citizens and to respect and care for then no matter what (P. M. Ong, C. Pech, & A. Cheng, 2017). There are others in America however, of who ignore the elderly and may believe that their value is not of worth. Some people in America migrate from different countries to live in America; their values however remain the same. If they were taught as a child to respect their elders and care for them, it never changes amongst moving into America (P. M. Ong, C. Pech, & A. Cheng, 2017).

Benefits and programs catered towards America’s elderly

There are many government programs within the United States that help assist elderly citizens depending on what they may need. In America, every state has services catered towards helping the elderlyand dedicated towards the community along with housing and feeding them. Many different assisting programs are available to elderly citizens of whom apply and are eligible. Services included are health aids for in home care, meals delivered to the home, help with cleaning homes, transportation to and from wherever needed, shopping, counseling, legal help, along with medical appointments ( K. Tang, & J. Lee, 2005). Meals on wheels is a program that aids to preparation and delivering of healthy meals that are also nutritious and healthy ( K. Tang, & J. Lee, 2005). SNAP or Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program are known as food stamps which aid towards the services of helping those of whom are financially in need of food so that they may, be able to gout a buy food for their house hold. Caregivers of whom are family, can also receive help and support through programs that cater to both them and their loved one.


The international approach to elderly care in America is of importance especially when observing the need and lack thereof in the amount of resources about elderly care services offered within the elderly community. When there is lack of awareness, in regards to ways in which elderly people’s behavior patterns may change due to illnesses along with age, the lack of knowledge within the family unit can also lead to abuse and neglect due to lack of understanding and knowledge of elderly behavior. The international approach to neglect is of elderly care is that elderly people need care and to be comforted (M. Ralston, 2017). When elderly people feel cared for and safe, they tend to live longer and healthier lives; carefree and stress free.

Elderly care is a type of specialized care that delineated, to adjoin he obligation and necessities, of elderly citizens at heterogeneous stages. Elderly can always care for themselves (M. Ralston, 2017). The older we get, regardless to how strong and active we are, it is a fact that there will come a time when we as elderly citizens will need some form of help. When an elder person is neglected, the neglect can come in many forms. Physical, financial, emotional and mistreatment and neglect of welfare are just a few forms of neglect that are imposed upon elderly citizens. Every citizen deserves to be able to live a safe life with loftiness, and respect or admiration.

An international program by the name of the “International Network for Prevention of Older Abuse” was started in the year of 1997 by a woman named PhD. Rosalie Woll. Under her program are many other programs throughout numerous countries including Africa, Europe and Asia, which help neglected or mistreated elderly citizens. In countries, many elder peoples have low mortality from different diseases not to mention that many elders around the world suffer with more than one disease that may hinder them from living to their best advantage and care free.

The moral obligation to care for the elderly issociety’s, as a wholes’, moral duty to fight for beneficial care of elder community, to help the future and longevity of elderly people (M. Ralston, 2017). Universal awareness of elderly care, is of great importance because the obligation to care for elderly is societies, moral duty along with fighting for beneficial care of elderly, which will help the future longevity of the elderly community.

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