Summary of source A: This George Steven’s production of The Diary of Anne Frank is an adaptation on the diary Anne wrote. The movie begins with Otto Frank visiting the building where he and his family resided. He sees Mr Kraler and Miep who then...
Anne Frank was a 13-year-old Jewish that has made a big impact on people around the world. Making us realize the crimes we create are destroying all of humanity just because some of us have different views and beliefs are certain things. If you don't...
How would one respond to the most miserable and unpromising situation? In The Diary of Anne Frank by Frances Goodrich and Albert Hackett, the main character, Anne Frank, is deprived of her freedom and forced to hide in a secret annex. As a Jewish girl...
Genocides are the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation. They are completely inhumane acts that kill mass amounts of people in brutal ways for no absolute reason. There have been several genocides that have...
From the secrets written to Kitty we can learn the other side of World War 2, a side which is rarely, if ever, seen. The diary gives us a glimpse into Anne Frank’s fundamental view of the world, that view will give us a better...
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