The Challenges During the Construction of Parthenon

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The Parthenon is one of the unique architectural symbols of any civilization period. The building was constructed between 447 and 432 B. C. The temple was constructed as a replacement of the temple that had been destroyed in Persia in 480 B. C. Parthenon refers to a room where Athena the virgin goddess had her statute. It is, therefore, a temple that is dedicated to Athena as the virgin goddess. The temple was made by Pentelic marble and was designed by the architect Iktinos. It was, therefore, one of the most significant temples and architecture before 1100 A. D. The purpose of this paper is to address some of the challenges in the project and propose how the challenges can be addressed.

The first challenge associated with the temple is the use of the marble which had been smoothened and polished. This gave it a final touch that was not perfect as it was anticipated. In my design, I intend to adopt a new version of finishing that will give the temple a perfect final touch. What I intend to do is to ensure that add subtle texture with a stippling pattern. The main intention of using this version of finishing is to make the marble dull. Dulling the marble will ensure that its flaws are well covered and that the temple is in a position to stay for a longer period without having to be polished once more for final touches. The final touches will be executed by the use of chisel blows that will ensure the execution of the correct rows on the base, columns, the floor, and the other surfaces. This implies that the work will have to take a considerably longer time to execute as the final touch will require much attention and care during the execution. However, after completion, it will have a perfect final touch that will override the initial one, which had several flaws.

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Another serious challenge is in regard to the massive columns on the original temple. The columns were weak and were exposed to any form of danger, such as an earthquake or even explosions in the event they occur. My project will ensure that the columns are dismantled from one segment to the other. In their place, I intend to replace them with a metal collar that will exert a controlled amount of forces for the purposes grasping the column safely without harming the stones used in the construction. This is essential as, on the original temple, the columns were not in a position to protect the stones from carrying intense pressure exerted on them in cases of a tragedy or earthquake. This is the main reason as to why the temple was prone to earthquakes and explosions and will collapse in the event such happens. The collar will also be suspended by adjustable connectors. The connectors will be put inside mounted and rectangular steel frames. By tightening the connectors, the column will be raised less than an inch. The reason for raising the column is to give the column a chance to adjust in cases there is a need to do the same.

There is also controversy as to the use of inclinations and gentle curves as opposed to straight lines. Experts have been arguing that this technique was used to counter the optical illusions that would have been created in the process. For example, a look at the temple can trick the viewers’ eyes in seeing sagging, flat floors built under the roof of the temple. In order to address the situation, my project will add additional curves together with inclined angles and simple surveying tricks on the temple. The project will ensure that the original purpose of the curves is maintained, which is to help in draining water from the roof. This means that if the curves are done away with, it can be difficult for water accumulating on the roof to drain out. This can cause serious problems to the roof and the temple at large. My project will be instrumental in ensuring that curves are reinforced and added to ensure that the optical illusion is done away with and that the original purpose of enhancing drainage from the roof is maintained. In this regard, both the straight lines and curves will be used in the process of constructing the temple. This will ensure that structure gives a good visual impression as well as its strength. The combination of the techniques is critical towards achieving a strong structure for the temple.

My project will also work towards reinforcing the outward columns further as compared to the inner columns. This is based on the fact that the inner columns appear to be thicker as compared to the outer columns. The impression was that the inner columns would make the temple more stable. However, with the current trends in construction and weather, the outer columns need to be thicker as compared to the inner columns. This means that my project will prioritize and ensuring that the diameters of the outer columns will be increased while those of the inner columns reduced to enhance the stability and strength of the temple. Another change will be instilled with regard to the spacing of the columns. On the original temple, the columns are closely spaced, and this might hinder the movement of people while in the temple. To correct this, the project intends at ensuring that spacing between the columns is increased. This will help in creating more space in the temple. Moreover, it will be advisable to increase the spacing between the columns since their strength will be reinforced. This will not have any negative implications on the stability of the temple.

In conclusion, Parthenon was one of the most unique and significant architects before 1100 A. D. The uniqueness of the temple comes from the fact that it was constructed using marbles and a special form of columns that were put close to each other. However, the temple has several challenges that can be addressed through various means. For example, it is critical for the columns to be substituted with metal ones as part of ensuring that the strength of the temple is enhanced. Moreover, the out columns must be reinforced and strengthened to make the temple stronger that is was at the beginning. This will mean that outer columns will be made stronger as compared to the interior columns. The interior columns will also be spaced to create more room for movement and interaction of people inside the temple. This is as opposed to the current situation where columns are closely spaced a technique that was intended at ensuring the temple was stronger.

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