The Arguments For And Against Gay Marriage

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Gay or same-sex marriage happens between two people of the same gender. According to Peter Hart-Brinson gay marriage has been in existence since the first century, and still around in the modern era (Hart-Brinson, 2018). Currently, it is uneven globally as some nations legally recognize and perform this type of marriage, while others do not accept this practice. Also Daniel DellaPosta in one of his journal article says “In the 1973 General Social Survey (GSS), just 11 percent of respon-dents agreed with the statement that homosexuality is “not wrong at all.” By 2016, this number had increased to more than 52 percent (Dellaposta 2018)”. One reason for supporting gay marriage is that homosexuality is natural sexuality, and therefore, those who are taking part can form equivalent relationships like those of heterosexuals. Opposers, on the other hand, refute this practice because the form of marriage as unnatural and abnormal and also believe that children are better off when raised by opposite-sex parents (Lee, 2010). Therefore, this is an issue that has sprouted various heated debates and is continuing as people practicing it do not intend to stop any time soon. Some international organizations also support gay marriage making it more difficult for the opposers to stop this practice. The paper will, therefore, discuss proponents and opposes of gay marriage and evaluate how each response could affect the interested parties.

Proposes and Support for Gay Marriage

Firstly, the supporters of this issue believe that marriage is an essential human right that should be a personal choice (Gibson, 2018). As such, the state should not interfere with people who choose to marry the same gender. Denying them the right to marry who they love is discriminatory and not suitable for their prosperity. Secondly, supporters believe that gay marriage is good for a nation's well-being as it brings financial gain to the federal and local governments. The government earns revenue from the marriage licenses, and thus allowing gay marriage will significantly add the revenue, which in the long run will boost the economy of the nation. Thirdly, the supporters believes it their human right according to our book “Human right are basic protections and benefits possessed by individuals against others (Panza & Potthast 2010)”. The supporters suggest that homosexuality is part of adult sexuality, and therefore gay men and lesbians can love and have long-lasting relationships like heterosexuals. They can also enjoy and practice good parenting like heterosexuals. Also, banning gay marriage increases the rates of psychological disorders as the interested parties become affected psychologically and, therefore, could be stressed or depressed and thus end up developing bipolar disorder. Above all, proponents also believe that gay marriage does not harm the institution of marriage as it is more stable than heterosexual marriages (Wolfe, 2011). They believe that same-sex married couples can teach heterosexual couples how to solve marriage problems with more respect and mutuality.

Opposition against Gay Marriage

Firstly, same-sex marriage offends God, because in the bible in the book of Genesis, God created man in his image and gave him a female and told them to multiply and fill the earth (Morales, 2015). Also, God was not happy with Sodom and Gomorrah and therefore punished them for homosexuality by overthrowing those cities. According to ethics and religion, there is this theory that God makes the ethical rules that everyone should follows which is known as The Divine Command Theory of Ethics (Panza & Potthast 2010). In the Bible, the old testament “You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is abomination (Leviticus 18:22)” and also “If a man lies with a male as with a woman both of them committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them (Leviticus 20:13)”. Furthermore, our savior Jesus Christ also said that a man shall leave his parents and cleave to his wife. Therefore, same-sex marriage is highly condemned in the bible and thus opponents believe that it should not be practiced by anyone anywhere. Secondly allowing same-sex marriage is bad for society as it will obscure the fundamental ethical values, diminish traditional marriage, and worsen public morality. As such, it would also make other people in polygamous or incestuous relationships the right to marry. Thirdly, the opposers believe that gay marriage is not marriage because, to them marriage is a covenant between a man and a woman that aims towards procreation and well-being of spouses (Gallagher, 2012). Therefore, marriage should not be extended to gay couples, as they cannot produce children together. Also, gay marriage denies the child a mother or father, which is not good for the proper development of the child. In most cases, girls raised apart from their fathers are usually at a higher risk for early sexual activity or teenage pregnancy, while boys raised apart from their mothers usually lack emotional security and thus have a difficult time developing future relationships with other people.

The Most Ethical Response

Same-sex and heterosexual marriages are both practiced by human beings who were all created in the image and likeness of God. Therefore, marriage is a choice that no one should be denied. The current society allows and also denies same-sex marriage for various reasons, as already discussed. Though same-sex marriage is permissible in some nations, I believe it is not the best as it defies the biblical word of God and also causes more stigmatization and increases immorality in society. If one wants to marry from the same gender, he or she should not be denied the right but should be guided appropriately before making such a decision. It is, therefore, essential to create more institutions to advice individuals on the type of marriage that could best suit them. The institutions should have knowledgeable personnel in marital matters and also counselors who will help those undergoing marriage problems.


Indeed the concept of same-sex marriages has sprouted more heated debates with other nations accepting the practice and others refuting it. Proponents believe that marriage is a personal choice, and therefore, if one wants to marry from the same sex or gender, he or she should not be discouraged from doing so. However, opponents do not accept this issue as it accelerates immorality in society and is against the biblical word of God. Therefore, the most ethical response would be to allow everyone the right to marry but under guidance as continuity of same-sex marriage would create more immorality in society and devalue God's word which will be a big sin.


Dellaposta, Daniel. “Gay Acquaintanceship and Attitudes toward Homosexuality: A Conservative Test.” Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World, vol. 4, Jan. 2018, p. 237802311879895. doi:10.1177/2378023118798959.

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Gallagher, M. (2012). The Case Against Same-Sex Marriage. Debating Same-Sex Marriage, 91-178. doi:10.1093/acprof:osobl/9780199756322.003.0003

Gibson, R. (2018). The Proponents: Making the Case for Marriage Equality. Same-Sex Marriage and Social Media, 1st ed. Routledge, London.

Hart-Brinson, P. (2018). The Evolution of Public Opinion about Gay Marriage. The Gay Marriage Generation, 72-95, NYU Press, Inc.

Holy Bible: Containing the Old and New Testaments: King James Version. American Bible Society, 2010.

Lee, M. (2010). Human Dignity and Same-Sex Marriage. Equality, Dignity, and Same-Sex Marriage. doi:10.1163/ej.9789004179264.i-263.38

Morales, B. (2015). Same-sex Marriage and Christian Ethics: Seeking Truth among Opposing Cultures and Theologies, Researchgate publication, no.2868663280

Panza, Christopher, and Adam Potthast. Ethics For Dummies? John Wiley & Sons, 2010.

Wolfe, J. (2011). APA Joins Legal Battle Against Gay Marriage Ban. Psychiatric News, 46(23), 4a-4a. doi:10.1176/pn.46.23.psychnews_46_23_4-a

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