Running Head: Analysis of Bill Clinton - Globalization Initiative

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The purpose of my research is to highlight Bill Clinton's strengths, weaknesses, and ethical decision making. Furthermore, I will analyze how his decisions affected the organizational culture. Through my research, I found that he is fighting for a better future for generations to come worldwide. What led President Bill Clinton to continue active involvement in the global initiative after serving as President of the United States was his passion for helping others. Even after his eight years of tenure as President, Bill Clinton did not stop making his goal a reality. According to Clinton, the biggest problem with globalization is, the expansion of trade hasn't fully closed the gap between those of us who live on the cutting edge of the global economy — and the billions around the world who live on the knife's edge of survival. (Globalist, 2001). The global economy is all our responsibility, it takes each an everyone us to do our part. I feel that at the time was a moral decision of his, Bill Clinton in 2006 stated: 'America just works better when more people have a chance to live their dreams' (Clinton, 2006). This illustrates that he wants the United States to become the greatest it can be.

The Situation

Bill Clinton said he anticipated the North American Trade Agreement (NAFTA) agreement would reassure other nations to work toward a wide-ranging world-trade pact. (Editors, 1993) We must all work towards a common goal and effort. Bill Clinton believes, for better or worse, it is up to the United States, as it has been since World War II, to help shape the future of both organizations and arguably the course the global economy' (Litan, 2000). Bill Clinton signed the North American Trade Agreement (NAFTA) into law on December 8, 1993, which had a great impact on the United States economy and workforce. This was his first attempt at implementing his theories on globalization during this 8-year tenure as the forty-second President. He has dedicated his life to public service even years after his initiatives and has continued his efforts towards creating a better economy by bringing other nations together for one cause. The intent behind NAFTA was to tear down trade barriers between our three nations, create the world’s largest trade zone, and create 200,000 jobs in the U.S. by 1995 alone. (Wharton, 2016).

Bill greatly affected a great majority of the united states people and their communities of the nation through the introduction of his efforts in the North American Trade Agreement NAFTA. Soon after (NAFTA) was signed into law, the U.S. economy was boosted and the growth went up by as much as 0.5 percent a year. The sectors that benefited the most were agriculture, automobiles, and services. (Amadeo, 2019) Currently, Bill Clinton continues to be active in public service, giving speeches, fundraising, and establishing a generous organization that made a great impact worldwide.

Leadership Strengths and Weaknesses


  1. Initiative as described in the Webster dictionary as; an act or strategy intended to resolve a difficulty or improve a situation; a fresh approach to something. Bill Clinton took initiative as a leader to take care of the problems with the U.S. economy and made it one of his top priorities when he was President. Bill Clinton’s enthusiastic initiative is proven in that NAFTA was planned over 3 different presidents, but he was the one to finally sign it into law. Bill’s initiative was not only noticeable during his eight-year tenure as the nation’s 42nd president but to this day as a world leader and role model has impacted global communities through the Clinton Globalization Initiative Foundation’s (CGI). Bill Clinton used a well thought out plan to boost the economy that would eventually create better jobs and income. Clinton’s Globalization Initiative (CGI) members have made more than 3,600 commitments to action, which have continued to improve the lives of over 435 million people in 180 countries since 2005. (Clinton Global Initiative, 2016)
  2. Intelligence which is defined by Webster Dictionary as; able to vary its state or action in response to varying situations, varying requirements, and experiences (Merriam-Webster, n.d.). Concurrently, Bill analyzed his plan and decided to implement NAFTA that two previous presidents before him initiated for the betterment of the United States and global economy which displayed his decision-making ability and show cased his leadership experience. Bill Clinton was intelligent enough to trust his plan and knew there would be challenges but had to accept any possible risks, for the benefit of the American people. Ross Perot criticized and warned that the North American Trade Agreement (NAFTA) would create a “giant sucking sound,” draining millions of jobs from the American heartland. But between 1994 and 2000, the American economy created 2 million jobs annually. (Hufbauer, 2013) Ross Perot along with other critics of NAFTA later came back to say they were all wrong about their fears and what they thought it would create if signed into law. NAFTA was about creating better jobs and lower costs for exports and imported goods.
  3. Courage is characterized as being brave, it is a psychological or ethical strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty (Merriam-Webster, n.d.). Bill Clinton was just that, he was brave and believed in NAFTA and that it could create millions of jobs, he surrounded himself with economics wall street advisor to further educate on issues. Bill had to be able to trust others and trust your instincts as well as your intellect. Through his courageous character, Clinton was able to recognize his strengths and I feel that they made him a better leader. Bill Clinton’s courage to stand for something greater than himself was notifiable recognized in his Globalization Initiative efforts to make the world a better place, even if there were those who doubted him, he never let it affect his vision. Even though the negatively of initiating NAFTA he stayed positive and that it was the right way to go about making positive change. Throughout the past 12 years, Clinton Globalization Initiative (CGI) members made over 3,600 obligations to over 180 countries which valued at billions of dollars, which are said to have improved the lives of 435 million people, creating up to 4 million clean jobs around the world. (Conason, 2107) This is just one example of the impact of Bill Clintons personal contributions that touch so many lives.
  4. Compassion is defined as understanding misfortune and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others (Merriam-Webster, n.d.). Bill showed genuine care for the people of this nation he devoted a lifetime to serve and be a voice for. He not only cared about the people of the US, but showed his compassion in assisting poverty-stricken area worldwide in areas impacted by starvation, fighting for a cure on HIV, helping to prevent children sickness, and providing humanitarian aid. The overall commitments made by the Clinton Globalization Initiative community, have impacted more than 114 million people have increased access to maternal and child health and survival programs, and more than 33 million people have increased access to safe drinking water and sanitation. Because of these obligations, more than 36 million people received treatment for the neglected tropical disease, and more than $318 million in research and development funds that have been spent on new vaccines, medicines, and diagnostics. (Conason, 2017) Bill Clinton has a personal way of touching those by inspiring them to be apart of a great foundation, the personal and financial contributors who have joined his efforts must trust him as a leader.


Overcoming his mistakes as President, he did not let his impeachment, or the Monica Lewinsky or other misconduct allegations negatively affect his attitude in continuing with his pursuit and sticking with the globalization initiative that he originally initiated during his 8-year tenure. Bill Clinton boosted the economy during his time when there was a demand for a better economy. Clinton’s initiative to get involved with globalization and keeping good relationships with the many other countries played a huge role. If he wasn't in such a powerful role or position of power nobody would of even care about his wrongdoings and poor decisions.

So, I would say his weakness in his leadership would be veering away from his ethical and moral compose, as he should be setting the example 24/7, leaders don’t have room for making mistakes. Clinton strived to overcome the negative blemishes he created, and I think it pushed him in proving the American people that he was still their president and will always have their best interest.

Ethics and Community


Bill Clinton's ethical boundaries affected the lives and communities in the following areas. Grocery and oil prices came down in the U.S. which was a positive thing that the trade agreement brought to the situation. NAFTA also benefited Mexico as an exporter of manufactured goods. This was looked at in a negative ethical decision to implement because Mexico had lower labor costs, which ultimately meant fewer jobs for U.S. workers, especially in the automotive industry. Therefore, when NAFTA was signed into law it required the U.S automotive manufactures to produce a certain percent of all parts in the U.S. so that it didn't have that much of an effect on local communities and jobs. Mexican farmers could not contend with the lower prices of United States supported grains or corn, these are just a few of the examples that were found in my research that affected the community. NAFTA increased farm exports because it eliminated high Mexico tariffs. The partnership with Mexico was important in lowering the high tariffs on U.S. goods. Mexico is the top export destination for U.S. beef, rice, soybean meal, corn sweeteners, apples, and beans. (Amadeo, 2019)

Three Nations that were a partnership in NAFTA were Canada, Mexico, and the United States. As a world leader, Bill has influenced other nations around the world. Leaders and people of power who helped him in his quest to create global economic opportunities helped to affect the purpose of his globalization pursuit. Bill Clinton stated, in a video interview that his age is catching up, and that while he is still able to use a voice and have a positive impact, he will continue his role with globalization initiative until he is no longer capable, which has been nothing short in solving the world's problems. (CBS. News, 2010). Clintons Globalization Initiative (CGI) foundation helped farmers in Africa increase their fields and incomes to mobilizing relief efforts in the wake of natural disasters; from confronting public health crises such as the opioid epidemic and childhood obesity to combating the effects of climate change. (Clinton, 2017) These are just a few examples of the unselfish efforts that his foundation contributed to helping others around the world. Was this a moral or ethical decision, or even both? I feel that at the time was a moral decision of Clintons. In 2006 Bill Clinton stated, America just works better when more people have a chance to live their dreams. (Clinton, 2006). This illustrated how Bill Clinton’s vision for the United States to become the greatest nation was by helping others.

Bill Clintons Globalization Initiative foundation impacts communities and the young future leaders by providing them with scholarships who share a similar passion in resolving world issues and to positively affecting those in need through his initiatives and global commitments. Bill Clinton never gave in to the negativity and lack of political and social support that he endures NAFTA process and he defended his beliefs and that it would have a positive impact on years to come.

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Organizational Culture

Congress and the American people had the two biggest effects on the decision to put NAFTA into law. Many politicians and the public communities were for the passing of NAFTA into law but there were also so many who were against and skeptical of the so-called benefits that had been introduced. According to Bill, we must do everything we can to make a difference in the lives of others. Bill Clinton believed that the arrangement, by producing the world's main employment region, would endorse both monetary and community progress.

The ethical decisions appeared to be favored in the benefit to donors that get them meetings in the state department which tied to some of the fraud scandals during Hillary presidential campaign that ran through Clinton Foundation and the relationships within the organization and its supporters. My research led me to the ever-forthcoming perception of pay to play concerning the Clinton foundation. David McGuire (2014, p. 236), a well-known Human Resource Development practitioner and his statement of, the public and social level stress the importance of acting reliably and in a moral way and in doing so embrace a community righteousness plan. The Clinton’s are moving ahead with plans to downscale their debated foundation’s network of offshoots, a decision carried out as the powerful family’s political influence wanes and its once-lengthy donor list shrinks. (News, 2017)

Decision Making

Many influences have played a part in my leaders' decisions. My research has allowed me to discover the political and democratic influences that were a great factor in the decisions for initiating the Globalization Initiative. Bill Clinton has dedicated a lifelong commitment to helping those in need and less fortunate not only in the local community but around the world. Bill has affected American jobs, the effects on Canada and its economy and workforce, Mexico and distribution and manufacturing of goods, and U.S. workforce. It was believed that his decision to create more jobs in Mexico and Canada would decrease the jobs in the US and drive up the unemployment rates. By Clinton easing trade between 450 million people in three countries, NAFTA more than quadrupled trade in 20 years. (Amadeo, 2019) It also enhanced the financial development in all three nations, Bill Clinton affected competitive trading between other countries, Wages, Economic growth, relationships between Canada, Mexico, and U.S. Clinton saw a great need to get the US economy, trade markets, and manufacture companies that had vanishing jobs and wages back where to a positive state. Bill’s decision to pursue what previous presidents started because he saw the long-term impact and what the future economy was affecting.

Throughout the process of signing (NAFTA) into law, there were plenty of political influences who were against it, saying it would ruin the economy and US would lose more jobs to other counties lower wages. Globalization is the entirety and speed of influences and connections - be they economic, political, social, and cultural - that are sometimes beyond the control or even knowledge of governments and other authorities”. (Haass, 2001)

Lessons Learned

Was your leader effective in this situation? Why or why not?

In my conclusion, I would say that Bill Clinton was very effective in his quest to create a better economy because NAFTA is still in effect today. Currently, President Trump’s team would prioritize in the negotiations in the process of trying to refine the agreement and make some changes. More than a third of the United States exports movement through Mexico and Canada. The jobs created through Clinton’s efforts and persistent dedication to getting this act into law was a great accomplishment for the prior presidents, himself and we are still reaping the benefits of them today. He was a great leader who stood up for what he believed was the right thing for our economy at the time.

Which strength or trait of theirs was the strongest, and what effect did it have on their ability to lead?

I found courage was the leadership trait that Bill Clinton displayed the most in his decisions. It made him a more effective leader because he was ultimately intending to help the American people which they bought into his initiative. Bill Clinton was a courageous leader who cared about the Nations wellbeing, was a humble man, which he states is key if you want to become a President. Question’s if Bill Clinton cared more about what people thought and acted on it vice if he made the decisions based on his personal feelings. One article stated, Bill Clinton is known to be one of the greatest but controversial Presidents of the United States. (Bill Clinton, 2006.) My analysis is that the decisions of President Clinton in the signing of NAFTA into law were going to negatively affect the other nations involved and only benefit the US. In the end, Bill Clinton felt that he was successful in being the president to create more job opportunities, not just in the United States but for Canada and Mexico helping their economies to also grow well into the future.

How will you incorporate #2 into your leadership acumen?

Because of my research on Bill Clinton and the role he played into singing NAFTA into law and how it affected the economy, I will incorporate-courage into my leadership style and take analyzed risks to potentially positively affect those around me it the most affected outcome form this case study that I’ve taken away from my research on Bill Clinton. Regardless of what position a person holds we as humans are wired to make mistakes. Because we can learn from them and become strong from our lesson learned. Through my research, I've learned so much about Bill Clinton that I never knew about. Through Clinton's own personal adversity still came greatness and his courage to overcome his past decisions was a great example. I will share what I have learned during this case study with my Marines and other members of my unit, this was a very informative topic and case study. No matter how many people might be against me and my goals if I’m truly passionate about something then I cannot be afraid to pursue it to completion. Because of President Bill Clintons Globalization Initiative accomplishments and hard work, we are still reaping the benefits of his actions.

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