National Liberation Front in the Movie Battle of Algiers

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Throughout the film, the FLN (National Liberation Front) proved to be dedicated to exhibiting resistance to French colonialism through a variety of political and violent means. The FLN targets French policeman and paratroopers by means of guerilla warfare. The group was resourceful, dedicated, and persistent. In a nonbiased documentary style film of The Battle of Algiers, it is difficult not to side with FLN movement, despite questioning some methods and tactics used during the war.

The leadership of the FLN shows skepticism and intelligence when regarding new FLN recruits. They reveal carefully developed plans to initiate members into the FLN, using caution when deciding who to trust. This is evident through the mission given to Ali La Pointe by the FLN. He is tasked with shooting a French policeman, ensuring that he is indeed committed to the cause and willing to endure consequences and sacrifice for the needs of the FLN. After attempting to murder the French officer, Ali La Pointe realizes the weapon given to him only shot blanks; therefore, nothing happens when Ali pulls the trigger directed towards the officer. Through this, the FLN is able to confirm Ali’s loyalty to the FLN while retaining him from incarceration. The FLN was highly strategical in their methods and moved cautiously in their endeavors.

The FLN showed signs of resilience when overcoming barriers enforced by the French authorities. The group showed intellect and persistence through the stash and grab type method when committing attacks against French authorities. Weapons were placed in FLN known locations to avoid being caught during a potential search or pat down. This allowed members to quickly retrieve a weapon when needed, use it, replace it, and flee the scene in seconds without authorities or witnesses seeing the culprit.

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Colonel Mathieu leads the paratroopers which the French government uses to eradicate the Algerian rebellion. Mathieu is tasked with controlling the Algerian environment. He is a stern leader, exhibiting little emotion and respected by his subordinates. Colonel Mathieu’s character is used as a balance against the Algerian nationalists, his actions embodies and represents the French perspective. His primary goal is victory.

Colonel Mathieu provides a new challenge for the FLN group. The addition of paratroopers targeted specifically towards Algerian terrorism indicates how much ground the FLN has covered. The French government is giving the FLN more attention by adding additional resources into the mix. Through Mathieu, the audience is able to see into France’s logic and the logic behind their methods, including their justifications for torture. This is evident in the cross examination scene done to Colonel Mathieu by the journalists. He emphasizes the consensus in eliminating the FLN rebellion and highlights their terrorist actions. He communicates to the journalists about the primary internal struggle between France and the FLN, which is France’s occupation of Algeria.

Women were used to the advantage of the FLN warfare in the film. Prior to the scene preparing the three woman with bombs, FLN leader Jafar acknowledges a French bombing in the Casbah but prevent the Algerian people from reacting. He informs them that the FLN will avenge the actions of the French. The plan is to use women to bomb the European areas.

The women wore makeup and European clothing to pass for Europeans. As they modify their appearances to European styles, a fast paced drum beats in the background, indicating the tension and chaotic atmosphere. Ali La Pointe and Jafar review the women’s appearance and gives the go ahead, after Ali suggests the third woman go to a specific checkpoint, one which he believes will be easier to pass through.

The audience receives insight into French culture and beliefs regarding women through this cut. Women were not seen as capable of committing such heinous acts. At the checkpoints, the women were able to pass through without hesitation. Instead of close examination at the search point, the women were flirted with by French soldiers. This paved the way for the women to successfully bomb each of their assigned areas.

Although this show’s French negligence when regarding women, it simultaneously highlights the FLN’s willingness to utilize all resources available while fighting against the French. The FLN and women were willing to use the feminine aspects of the women to aid in their campaign. Additionally, the personal sacrifices these women were willing to take on behalf of the FLN exhibits the unity and commitment from all members of the FLN, regardless of sex. The fearlessness displayed by the women during these scenes characterized Algerian women of the time, whereas the innocence assumed is directed toward women of the time in general.

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National Liberation Front in the Movie Battle of Algiers. (2020, December 01). WritingBros. Retrieved July 26, 2024, from
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