The book Kindred: A Graphic Novel Adaptation is set in California in the year 1976 about a young woman named Dana, a black writer, facing the horrible truth her ancestors went through. As she puts books on a shelf with her husband Kevin, a white...
Though Aldoux Huxley’s Brave New World and Octavia Butler’s Kindred differ significantly in context, the two establish a similar theme: literature is critical to achieving both intellectual and physical freedom. However, while John from Brave New World ultimately fails to prompt the citizens of the...
Silence also played a role in one of her biggest moral dilemmas in this novel: assisting in the sexual exploitation of a black woman by a white man. In section 11 of the Fight, Rufus ordered Dana to talk to Alice into sleeping with him....
Can it be said that the SF genre has only scientific probability? Most people are beginning to see SF as a movie, animation, or game. However, few people can clearly distinguish what exactly SF means. As people call it Science Fiction, they will guess that...
The harsh characteristics of a monster are shown through Rufus’s upbringing and lineage allowing for the false perspective of deserved power. This leads to a distorted sense of superiority, and therefore corrupt actions. Rufus’s first instinct as a young boy is pure, as he knows...
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“Science fiction is the /panch of literature that deals with the effects of change on people in the real world as it can be projected into the past, the future, or to distant places. It often concerns itself with scientific or technological change, and it...
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According to Google dictionary, “Setting is the place or type of surroundings where something is positioned or where an event takes place. ” Kindred, science fiction author Octavia Butler uses setting in her writings as a way to move her characters from one place to...