Human Activity as the Cause of Amazon Forest Fires

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One of the most devastating pieces of news that I came across recently was that the Amazon forest was on fire. This is more so because the Amazon forest is one of the largest ecosystems in the world. As such, it is an instrumental part of the global climate. In fact, the forest has been dubbed ‘the lungs of the world’ just to emphasize the significance of the natural environment to the world. Ideally, fire is a natural and vital part of the forest ecosystem as it has functioned to maintain the health of forests over the years. Nonetheless, in the past few years, fires have become a threat to the ecosystem that protects the world from severe global change. In a fair warning, the rate at which forests have been burning down in the last decade indicates that the problem has become too harsh to ignore.

Notably, in the 1980s and 90s, forests used to catch fire. However, the recent increase in the El Niño frequency and fluctuations in the fire-human perspective have altered ensured that forest fires remain a threat to biodiversity and the existence of forests. Arguably, forest fires have caused much damage and impact on global warming, as has been witnessed in many geographical regions in the world that the phenomenon has taken place. In this regard, human beings have to heed the wake-up call and immediately reduce their activities, such as lumbering, farming and livestock keeping, near and in forests that lead to an increase in the probability of fires.

Forest fires have been known to have significant effects on the ecosystem. Globally, they are imminent sources of carbon emissions that lead to global warming and, therefore, directly impact changes in biodiversity. On a local and provincial degree, forest fires cause variations in the hydrological cycle, which has detrimental implications for marine species. Also, they lead to modifications in biomass frameworks. It has been noted that the health and lives of human beings are affected directly and indirectly by the smoke that is produced during the fires. Additionally, this smoke causes a reduction in photosynthetic activity. Ideally, when a forest fire begins, there is a high likelihood that the burning will persist due to the subsequent burning of dead trees that fall to the ground and open up avenues for the fires to increase in their intensity and move forwards. According to Nasi et al., “The replacement of vast areas of forest with pyrophytic grasslands is one of the most negative ecological impacts of fires in tropical rain forests. These processes have already been observed in parts of Indonesia and Amazonia” (36). This presents the overall impact of forest fires and appropriates the inherent perils that should be linked to them. In this context, the realization of the implications of forest fires is compounded by the significance of tropical rainforests in reducing climate change or globalization.

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The real problem and issue when it comes to forest fires is that the actions of human beings have caused at least ninety-five percent of all the forest fires that have been witnessed in the world. Ideally, there has not been a concrete collection of information that points to the real causes of forest fires. Nonetheless, it is widely accepted that most studies have identified human beings to be at the center of it all. Most notably, forest fires have been known to begin accidentally with human beings either acting negligently or actively participating in activities that have led to forest fires. In Europe, the leading causes of forest fires that have been noted include coal kilning in such areas, the use of fires in agriculture, power lines, railroad sparks, and even the deliberate actions of human beings to clear forests by setting them on fire. This speaks to the bulk of the problem and suggests that human beings must take a step back and examine their actions as it pertains to forest fires. According to Tedim et al., “the heterogeneity of fire causes highlights the need to consider the social paradigm in forest fire risk management and in developing new forest fire management policies. Fire risk is socially constructed and needs to be resolved by social means” (81). This suggests that the solution lies within the activities that human beings partake in. Ideally, the problem of forest fires has been showcased as a construction of the social activities that can be mitigated if the right policies are put in place.

To solve the issue of forest fires, there has to be an implementation of laws and policies that control and mitigate human activities in and around forests. Ideally, there is always a need for control when it comes to the environment and this is because human beings have time and again failed to realize the implications of their actions. In this regard, one could say that every person has their own agenda when they view a rainforest. Taking a look at the perspectives of the environment between the whites and the native Indians, it is evident that they are ruled by different frameworks of the mind that allow different treatment of the environment. In his speech, Chief Seattle points out that “there is no quiet place in the white man’s cities. No place to hear the leaves of spring or the rustle of insect’s wings. But perhaps I am a savage and do not understand, the clatter only seems to insult the ears” (649). This analogy screams for the need for rules and policies when it comes to the use of forests. Human beings continually exploit the environment as they see fit and because they have no guidelines that suggest the inevitability of their actions. With laws and policies present, one can imagine a situation whereby the natives and the whites can both use the environment in a dignified manner that is appreciated on both sides. Activities such as lumbering and clearing of forests intentionally for agriculture need to be controlled. It is a wonder that the natives were able to use land and the environment without destroying it as much as modern generations have.

Another suitable solution is the use of technologies that immediately recognize and establish contingencies to mitigate forest fires. Ideally, forest fires in some regions cannot be avoided as the conditions in the areas ensure that they spread like wildfire. In this regard, the use of technologies will provide a balanced management of the fires. According to Akay et al., a “GIS-based MultiCriteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) using AHP method” (30) can be used to develop a risk map for forest fires. In this case, it is possible to determine areas that are prone to forest fires and develop a suitable strategy to prevent them. This method is tied to the development of knowledge in human beings that allows them to implement solutions to forest fires. This, therefore, calls for more educational programs on forest fires and how they can be dealt with. In a system whereby children and other young people are taught how to deal with forest fires and practice strategies that lower the risk of forest fires, there is a likelihood that this menace will be dealt with intently. According to Lopez, “children know that nearly anyone can learn the names of things; the impression made on them at this level is fleeting” (652). Ideally, this presents a broad perspective of the solution developed here. If children are taught how to treasure the environment and the strategies that will facilitate better decision making when it comes to forest fires, they grow into adults who are more conscious about their environment.

On the other hand, it is noted that some forest fires are unavoidable. In fact, the general gist of it is that they are suitable for promoting the ecosystems of the environments that they happen. This is bordered on the ability of such ecosystems in putting out or handling the impacts of the fires that have occurred in them. Arguably, this presents a conundrum regarding the measures that have been suggested in this essay. That is, it would be irrelevant to install such strategies as nature can take care of itself. However, it should be noted that the activities of human beings work towards destroying the balance created in such ecosystems. Therefore, in the long run, the strategies developed have to be factored in to ensure the protection of the environments.

Ultimately, human beings must be kept in check as their activities may have a detrimental impact on their environment. In this regard, there is a need for policies and laws that reduce and control activities such as lumbering and clearing of forests to establish land for agriculture, which will in turn, lower the probability of forest fires. As noted, forest fires have a detrimental impact on the ecosystem especially when the greedy activities have destroyed the biodiversity and balance of forests that human beings progress on earth. In this case, implementing the solutions provided is the only way to ensure that the environment is protected.

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