Essay Samples on Greece

Essay Examples
Essay Topics

The Strengths And Weaknesses Of Two Cities: Athens And Sparta

In ancient Greece there were two major city-states, Athens and Sparta, who held most of the power, population and money. Although they were relatively equal in size and might, when it comes to their values and overall life in each city-state, they couldn’t be more...

Country Analysis of Greece: Wealth, Politics and Current Issues

Executive Summary This report is an analysis to determine whether a Canadian company should consider expanding foreign operations in Greece. The following explains that Greece has experienced economic difficulty, however it is expected to see positive GDP growth in the coming years. Greece also has...

The Battle of Thermopylae: Integral Part of Greek History

The historical event I chose for my diorama project is the last stand of the three hundred Spartans and eight hundred and fifty or so other Greek warriors at the Thermopylae pass during the Greeco-Persian war or as it is better known as the Persian...

 Famous Greek Historians: Herodotus, Thucydides and Polybius

The Greeks invented history as a literary genre in the fifth century BC. Herodotus, ‘the father of History’ wrote it around ca. 450-425 BC, considerably after the appearance of epic, lyric poetry, philosophy, tragedy and comedy, and some four hundred years, according to his own...

The Many Discoveries of Archimedes

Archimedes was a greek citizen. He was born in 287 B.C. in a city called Syracuse on an island they called Sicily. When Archimedes was born they hung an olive branch on the door post as a sign that Phidias had a son. One of...

A Discussion of Whether The Parthenon Marbles Should Be Returned to Greece

Essay grade Excellent

The Parthenon Marbles, also known as the Elgin Marbles, are a collection of Classical Greek marble sculptures that were created in honor of the Greek goddess, Athena by the sculptor Phidias. These parts were originally part of the Parthenon, which is a former temple built...

The Parthenon: A Complex Architectural Advance of the Golden Age Greece

“What art is, in reality, is this missing link, not the links which exist. It's not what you see that is art; art is the gap” (Duchamp). This quote perfectly explains the piece of art in which is used as the focal point of this...

The Impressive Achievements and Accomplishments of Ancient Rome

The Roman Empire was an amazing and powerful civilization. It made huge technological, political, and religious innovations, and has had a huge impact on western civilization today. Rome sparked democracy, and created a powerful and skillful military. They also spread Christianity, and created myths people...

Asian and Greek Art Exhibitions in Metropolitan Art Museum

Art as we know of it today would have not been the same if it weren’t for the artists, techniques, and materials that were developed in history that would transpire and influence the world of art. There were two particular eras in history that massively...

Herodotus: Contrasting Origins of Bravery During the Persian Wars

Regarded as the first true historian, Herodotus' Histories are the first great prose work in European literature. In his final three books, “The Father of History,” as he would become to be known as, focused on the expedition of Xerxes, and the Persians unexpected defeat...

The Greek Refugee Crisis: A Humanitarian Catastrophe in the European Union

Introduction Every year, a staggering number of over 1,200,000 refugees brave the treacherous Aegean Sea in search of a better life, escaping the dangers that have engulfed their homelands. Europe beckons as a beacon of hope and safety for these desperate souls, but for too...

The Unique Style Of Greek Ceramics

Ancient Greece, as one of the cultural and artistic origins of western civilization, has created and developed various types of art styles including ceramics, sculpture, architecture and so on. Among, ceramics in an indispensable branch in Ancient Greek art: Greek people mixed clay with water,...

Exploring the Elements of Underwater Archaeology in Greece

History of Underwater Archeology in Greece Introduction There are a lot of hidden valuables that are found in the depth of seas all over the world. They include sunken ships, hidden maritime objects and other valuables. These valuables have over the course of history stirred...

How Ancient Greek Historians Saw History

Mesopotamia, one of the earliest civilizations used pictograms and writing to keep records. There were scribes that recorded daily events. Another way that Mesopotamia kept records was through storytelling. Storytellers would have passed stories down over generations. This went on for many years until Greek...

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