Consumer Attitude Toward Pizza Hut

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Favorable buying decisions are generated by favorable attitudes. Based on this background, the current study aims to explore the consumer attitude towards the fast food restaurants in Bangladesh. Previous studies those were conducted on consumer attitudes towards fast food restaurants solely focused on consumer preferences of fast food items. However, very few studies, as far as known, were conducted to explore consumer attitudes towards services of fast food restaurants. So, it seems rational to probe into the consumer attitudes coming from deep in their minds towards Pizza Hut by considering the underlying variables.

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The components of the defined problem are:- consumer attitude, price, quick service, environment, location, food quality. Favorable buying decisions are generated by favorable attitudes. Based on this background, the current study aims to explore the consumer attitude towards the fast food restaurants in Bangladesh. Previous studies those were conducted on consumer attitudes towards fast food restaurants solely focused on consumer preferences of fast food items. However, very few studies, as far as known, were conducted to explore consumer attitudes towards services of fast food restaurants. So, it seems rational to probe into the consumer attitudes coming from deep in their minds towards Pizza Hut by considering the underlying variables. The components of the defined problem are:- consumer attitude, price, quick service, environment, location, food quality.

Background of the Study

The purpose of the study is to measure consumer attitude towards Pizza Hut which may lead to a better understanding of the importance of each independent variable in order that they may form a positive attitude in the minds of the consumers. This is obvious that customers have some feeling towards a restaurant- good or bad- in terms of some measurable variables. These variables generally form the attitude of a consumer towards that restaurant. Some consumers might feel that the price is too high for him. Some might visit that restaurant again and again because he or she might feel that the price is perfectly reasonable. Some consumers think that the environment of a restaurant is not at all up to the mark. So, he or she avoids that particular one. To some consumers the environment of a restaurant might seem heavenly. Customer service is often a critical factor that ensures the frequent visit of a consumer. Some consumers hate a particular restaurant because of poor customer service. The quality of food is also a great indicator to whether a restaurant is preferred by a consumer to another or not. Thus countless factors work as reinforcements on whether a restaurant will be preferable or not. However, these factors are confusing at times. As far as it is known that price is an important factor that forms consumer attitude towards restaurants.

Furthermore there is obvious debate over the two concepts- people choose high price restaurants to feel aristocratic vibes or they choose low price restaurants to spend less. And at this age of show-offs through Facebook or Instagram, price has been a more confusing variable than ever even when considering the middle class people of a developing country like Bangladesh. Besides, customer service is also a considerable factor while measuring consumer attitude of service industry. However, sometimes service expectations are noticed to be sacrificed at a lower price by some consumers. So, considering all of these things, this is still not clear that actually which particular factors, to which extent, are meant to be present in service industry such as fast foods, in order to form positive consumer attitude. If consumer attitude is not at all good towards a restaurant, it faces poor number of visits. On the contrary, positive consumer attitude results in more and more visits by wide spread word of mouth. Needless to say that consumer attitude must be measured if a restaurant aims to go on continuous development. Perfectly measured consumer attitude gives the restaurant a possible direction to how it should make changes in its services offered, to what extent which aspects it should give more emphasis on, which aspects it is doing well in and how to achieve overall customer satisfaction.

Thus it is necessary to identify the attitude of the fast food consumers towards the restaurants. In simple terms attitudes are a representation of our likes and dislikes. However attitudes go beyond this and have been described as a lasting, general evaluation of people (including oneself), objects, advertisements or issues' (Solomon, M. R. et al, 2006, page 138). In this study, it will try to identify various factors that are important to consumers when they actually rate Pizza hut as a fast food restaurant. It will also conduct research on what is the consumer attitude towards Pizza Hut and try to numerically explain the overall situation. The information needed for the study is the set of consumers’ opinions about the price, quality of food, quick service, environment and location of Pizza Hut branches in Dhaka. The information will be collected through a questionnaire and tabulated from it. Then the reasonability of price, quality of food, quickness of service, comfort of the environment and convenience of location will be numerically evaluated from the answers of the respondents. On the basis of these numerical values of variables the overall consumer attitude towards Pizza Hut will be determined. Thus the information will be used indecision making.

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Consumer Attitude Toward Pizza Hut. (2020, December 01). WritingBros. Retrieved July 27, 2024, from
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