Characterization Of Africa As Inferior In International Relations

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Table of contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Africa’s Inferiority in the Global Market
  3. Conclusion


The following essay will explain and emphasise how Africa has been and will always be inferior in the global market. It will outline how colonialism was an important factor on the marginalisation of the continent. The essay will also be inclusive of relevant and recent examples that prove that indeed Africa is an inferior continent in the world and also markets thereof. The slowed down development and growth of the continent is also explained to be an outcome of how Africa has become very dependent on foreign aid as a means of survival.

Africa’s Inferiority in the Global Market

Present day African nations were not made by the Africans; they comprise of discretionary lines drawn on a guide by Europeans, who partitioned up Africa between themselves at the Berlin Conference in the 1880s. These lines scrunched totally extraordinary, antagonistic ethnic or religious gatherings together into a similar nation. The European colonialists are gone now, yet the lines are still there. We have seen in numerous spots, not simply in Africa (Iraq is a flawless model) that a nation made out of contradictory ethnic or religious gatherings can typically just be held together by a tyrant who runs by animal power, and much of the time that is exactly what Africa has endured (Baker, 2015).

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The colonialists carried with them a guarantee of a new framework and industrialization as a method for modernizing African social orders. Rodney contends that "the mix of being persecuted, being misused, and being neglected is best shown by the example of the financial framework of African states: eminently, their streets and railroads" (Rodney, 1972, 209). A large number of the real street and railroad frameworks went straightforwardly to the seaports with the end goal to encourage the fare of African assets for the benefit of both the Americas and Europe, with next to no as a by-product of those whose work was misused all the while. African nations have been beneficiaries of outside help since their freedom. It is verifiable that some U. S. advancement help programs, particularly the general population and nation focused ones, for example, the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) and the Africa Development Foundation (ADF), have indicated enduring outcomes in projects that invigorate neighbourhood economies and lessen help reliance, (for example, practical agribusiness, youth business, and enhanced access to control). Regardless of these triumphs, numerous specialists contend that the arrangement of remote help has, now and again, built up a culture of reliance in Africa and encouraged paternalism—instead of organization—by the U. S. what's more, somewhere else.

Consequently, African governments need to accept this open door to scale up approaches that goad majority rules system, making the empowering condition to assemble thriving in Africa through solid needs, for example, work creation, territorial incorporation, and financial commitment (Kwemo, 2015). This has led to problems confronting African nations to be a worldwide condition that is fairly threatening. This hampers their endeavours to beneficially take advantage of worldwide markets. Furthermore, African economies are thwarted by a strong dependence on outside help (Ndikumana, 2015). The main problem about Africa’s high dependence on outside help is that Africa has become unable to fend for itself in the global market. Africa has become a weak and inferior continent that has vast resources. To be clearer, Africa can become has an abundance of raw materials but lacks the necessary skill and motivation to fully utilize these resources. This is where vulture countries come in. By vulture countries, a relevant example will have to be China. China has become a parasite that wants to suck out all of Africa’s resources and also the sovereignty of African states, in other words, to gain full control of the whole of the continent. Ambassador David Shinn of China broke down what the Chinese government wanted from Africa; it wanted Africa’s natural resources, political support and diplomatic recognition, to export as much as it can to African nations and no problems in China’s plans to take over Africa.

One thing that these African nations do not seem to realise is that all this proves to be beneficial to China, solely. China will become more of a powerhouse of a country whereas Africa continues to become weak, poor and marginalised. The sooner that Africa realises that countries such as France, China, The United States and Russia are profiting from their relations with African countries whereas these African countries are losing, the better. There’s a huge difference in how Africa is progressing compared to other countries in other continents. The growth and development of the African continent is hindered by its dependence on other countries. Should Africa continue to be as divided as it is, then soon some country from those superpowers will end up taking over full control of Africa and its sovereignty.


The essay above explained that Africa will not flourish as a continent, should the dependence and submission to these powerful countries continue. And even so, the progress might take years and years before any full independence can be seen. African leaders have to learn to stand on their own and get more people educated and clued up on how to both extract and make full use of resources to be able to compete on a global scale. And these African nations have to learn to work together in a way that’s beneficial for the continent as a whole.

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