Analysis Of Integrated Marketing Communication Strategy Of Adidas Company

In the advertising, Adidas's own target is to achieve the greatest possible impact on large populations of the target audience. These ads are usually expensive. However, successfully applied a strong brand image of Adidas products can reap the rewards and high demand.
Adidas uses celebrities represent product to the client or ideal user. Extremely popular personalities such as professional athletes used as offering the Adidas’s products. Target customers are watching their favorite celebrities use the company's products. As a result, customers are motivated to imitate the behavior of these celebrities. Through the use of ad figure known marketing communication mix, Adidas is promoting the company's products to customers how to motivate your choice to imitate the famous Celebrities. Brazilian football team, and LeBron James, Tiger Woods and Lance Armstrong cycling golf are number of famous athletes and used by Adidas as celebrity endorsement strategy to promote its products.
Adidas focuses on other countries’ sportsman as Brand ambassador for making its all target customers of all countries aware about its offers.
Personal Selling
For this IMC strategy, Adidas has in stores personal sales efforts. The stores offer staff’s help for customers to learn more about the company's products and to purchase these products. In some cases, sales staff helps customers to find the right products to promote the Adidas Company through personalized service.
The customer experience has been developed by staff trained to help and persuade sales. Customers feel good about buying Adidas products. They also sell these products which customers feel as having better decisions. Therefore, the combination of Adidas’s marketing communication while promoting the company's products, improves customer experience and use personal selling to build relationships with customers (Adidas marketing communications-mix).
Direct Marketing
Adidas uses direct marketing to promote new products to the target market. These new products are usually advertised heavily. However, to make a bigger impact, the firm uses salespeople to approach certain organizations or individuals in target market segments.
As the Adidas approaches sports organizations in colleges to promote its products. Adidas’s marketing communications mix uses direct marketing to establish stronger relations with target customers and motivate them to purchase the company’s products. It uses direct marketing to introduce new products to the target market. These new products are usually heavy advertising. However for having larger impact, the company may use some of the organizations or individuals close to the seller in the target market segment which can direct promote the product to customers. (Adidas marketing communications-mix).
Sales Promotions
Adidas’s sales promotions include coupons and special offers to customers which it target.
The characteristics of these products business and its benefits can be as discount coupons can make customers to save and by using special offers new things are offered to customers, showing sales promotions enable customers to be motivated. Marketing communication mix uses sales promotions whenever Adidas want to attract new customers to drive demand, since they would be motivated to buy the products of Adidas on the basis of the perceived benefits (Adidas marketing communications-mix).
Public Relations
Adidas rarely used public relations as marketing communication mix or IMC strategy. The company depends on social problems such as the use of workshops and green technology that use public relations to cope. In some cases, Adidas may use similar charity events and public relations activities as a sponsor. This is the Adidas communication mix of existing and potential customers marketing, so they have a better perception of the brand, the brand uses to solve problems and promote public relations (Adidas marketing communications-mix).
Social Media
Adidas is one of the biggest brands in the world and therefore has been a big surprise followed on social media. Expectations of getting this IMC strategy are there but the budget of social content is high. As a sports brand, Adidas may expand its social media to creating a buzz which is important. Especially for new technology based or current products of Adidas it may increase its social media IMC strategy to get in line with customers way of receiving promotions. As for promotion of new series of Adidas 6.0; it should use social media to promote their dancing shoes and parkour. (Case-study Adidas) Adidas has recently use some social media communication mix for its promotion of products where customers are allowed to take advantage of the campaign, by taking action in social site to share photos of themselves call this demographic youth to demonstrate their sports skills by uploading them, where the Winners will receive $ 500 in cash or a scholarship.
The net sales or revenue of Adidas in year 2015 has increased to 31.34B as compared to previous years 27.8B and 25.3B in 2016 and 2017 respectively. Hence its net income is increased to 3.62B so from its increased revenue and income it can be forecasted that it can increase its expense towards marketing to get increment in its market share and expand its business in other countries as well. (Yahoo finance)So by looking to financials of Adidas, following is the forecasted financial plan or budget plan for Adidas for the year 2019 is made:
It is seen that with the increment about 10% in Sales according to their strategy, it is forecasted that in 2019 it may have also 10-11% increment in sales and hence can increase its marketing expenses by 5% of Sales in 2019.
Implementation, Control and Contingency Plan
Adidas can ensure its correct marketing plan through controlling procedures of top management and with proper guidance to all departments of organization. The objectives of Adidas can be correctively achieved by proper check and balance of company’s market share, profit, sales, budget and continuous analysis of all departments of company so that marketing plan could implemented and could meet with targets.
Also through proper setting of milestones, budget and department selection to work on objectives of marketing communication, channels and research then the marketing plan would be executed in timely basis and with fewer errors. Contingency plan If all the set standards and controlling procedures wouldn’t meet with marketing plan execution then alternative plan would be there to set the marketing plan, the alternative plan include the Backhouse resources in terms of extra budget plan, remedy for new designs and communication ways, redefine or redesign marketing plan and strategies.
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