Abortion in America: The Battle Between Democrats and Republicans

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In America, there is a battle that rages in politics between the Democrats and the Republicans as each has their own opinions on different topics. One major topic that is debated among politicians includes abortion. This essay will highlight the issue of abortion in America is a highly debated topic in the country, with Democrats and Republicans having differing views on the subject. While Republicans generally oppose abortion, Democrats believe that it is a woman's right to choose. Muslims in America tend to identify as Democrats, but their religious views on abortion may conflict with the party's stance. Many Muslim scholars believe that abortion is not allowed in Islam except in cases where the mother's life is in danger or when the fetus is a result of rape. Despite this, some Muslim voters may identify as independent to avoid the extremes of both parties.

Abortion in America

66% of American Muslims say they are Democrats, while 13% of Muslims say they are Republicans. Around 20% are independent. Around 50% of Republican Muslims say that Trump is hostile against Muslims even though they are Republican. Republicans are more conservative and believe that the federal government should not play a big role in people’s lives. Democrats are known as the “Party of the People,” and they are known to attract people immigrants, blacks, minorities, and women. Republicans are of the opinion that abortion is equivalent to killing a human soul while Democrats believe that it is the woman’s right to decide whether she can keep the baby.

“According to the New York Times, Republicans in Richmond protested outside the capitol.”(Peters, 2019) They were claiming that Democrats are advocating for “birthday abortions” and are the “party of death.” This unusual event has led Democrats to find a solution to the problem. States like Alabama decided to make the whole procedure illegal. “On the other hand, Bernie Sanders talked in a climate change town hall.” He said that population control would be very helpful and that abortions could help this. He advocates for abortions for women in third-world countries with American tax money. Pete Buttigieg, Mayor of Southbend, Indiana, said that abortions can be allowed the whole way up until birth. He said the baby does not count as life until the baby takes its first breath. He justifies his point by taking points in the Bible where it says that life begins once the baby takes their first breath. He believes that because most Americans are Christians. He believes that many Americans can get on the board of the few times that the Bible talks about how life begins when the baby takes its first breath.

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54% to 39% of Americans oppose abortions funded by tax. 75% of Americans oppose abortions in other countries. This means that Democrats are going to not support tax-funded abortions. However, Bernie Sanders is advocating for specific abortions in third-world countries to keep the population down.“Opposition to [funding abortion abroad] includes most Republicans (94%) and independents (80%) and a majority of Democrats (56%).”(Miringoff, Carvalho, 2019) Most Democrats believe that abortions are only allowed in the first 3 months of pregnancy and Republicans believe that abortions can only be allowed in situations of rape, incest, and to save the life of the mother. Many Muslims identify themselves as independent to avoid the extremes of Democrats and Republicans. However, most independent Americans believe that abortion is ok to be done in the first three weeks of pregnancy.

Most adults in the US believe they are pro-choice(55%). Most pro-choice citizens agree with abortion only being allowed in the first three months of pregnancy. Most Muslim scholars believe that abortion is not allowed in Islam unless it is due to specific situations.“...and it is not lawful for them to conceal what Allah has created in their wombs if they believe in Allah and the Last Day.” (The Quran, 2:228) In cases of rape, Islamic scholars have said that there are two options to what could be done. The first option is to, “complete the term and give birth, then give up the unwanted child for adoption.”(Brockopp, 2003) This is not exactly feasible in Islamic States because Islamic states don’t have an institution as it is prohibited by Islamic law. The second option is to, “legitimize abortions for fetuses resulting for rape.”(Brockopp, 2003) This option is highly recommended because it would let the child and the mother does not have the problem of being humiliated. There difference of opinion because some scholars say that the child is a definite child, and what would be the reason for its killing. Even if there is going to be an abortion, it has to be before four months old unless it endangers the mother.

According to the Marist Poll, most adults in America agree that abortions should only be allowed if the mother is endangered, there was rape involved, or incest even though most adults in the US believe that they are Democrats. Most Democrats should be granted to anyone who is pregnant at any time during pregnancy. If Americans were true Democrats, they would also believe that abortion should be allowed anytime during the pregnancy. Most Americans(55%) believe that doctors should not be legally required to perform abortions. However, the percentages are close, and this could mean that some states will require doctors to perform abortions. This goes completely against Islamic rulings, and this could mean that living in some states compared to others might be considered bad for Muslims. Most Americans(42%) and most Pro-Life believers(70%) believe that life begins at conception. Pro-Choice, choice on the other hand are mixed on the issue, but most of them believe that a person’s life begins when the fetus can live outside of the womb. Muslims have the middle ground on this issue. Scholars have agreed that it is haram to kill a child after four months as Allah had blown a soul into its body. No major person in the abortion debate believes that life begins at four months old.

The issue of abortion has affected Muslims in various ways. Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice is an organization that tries to support pro-choice with religion. Khaleel Mohammed wrote an article on this site talking about abortion. However, he does not really put much of his opinion, but rather many hadith and interpretations of them. He talks a little about it in the end but doesn’t put much emphasis on them either. “Why should the woman have to live with the child of a rape, thus (possibly) reliving her horrible experience every time she looked at the child? And so, the answers to the several questions basically negated the possibility of abortion and showed total disregard for the rights and feelings of the woman.”(Mohammed, 2019) He asks these questions that seem to question Islam and its morals. He doesn’t give any real evidence towards why abortion should be allowed in Islam except for the last ayah he adds to his argument. “We have enjoined on man Kindness to his parents: in pain did his mother bear him and in pain did she give him birth.”(Q46:15) God has singled out the woman for mention when speaking of the duties of a person towards his parents shows that her pain must be taken into consideration first and foremost, and the final decision about bringing a child into this world must be hers.” He made his point that the final decision is upon the woman as Allah had singled out the woman in this ayah. This is taking things, and assuming things with very little evidence. Just because Allah singled out the woman, it doesn’t mean she has the right to abortion. It just means that Allah has is telling the people to appreciate their mothers.


The Western world has changed the world as a whole. The abortion debate is changing Muslims on a worldwide scale. Many Muslims are thinking of ways to adapt to the new world by making organizations that are made to support abortions for women. This will not stop anytime soon, and Muslims will have to hold on to their faith like someone holding on to burning coal.

Works Cited

  1. Brockopp, Jonathan E. Islamic Ethics of Life: Abortion, War, and Euthanasia. Lightning Source UK, 2015.
  2. Mancini, Jeanne. “Democrats Have Gone to the Extreme on Taxpayer-Funded Abortion.” Washington Examiner, 23 Sept. 2019, https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/op-eds/democrats-have-gone-to-the-extreme-on-taxpayer-funded-abortion.
  3. Mohamed, Besheer. “A Small but Steady Share of U.S. Muslims Are Republicans.” Pew Research Center, Pew Research Center, 6 Nov. 2018, https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2018/11/06/republicans-account-for-a-small-but-steady-share-of-u-s-muslims/.
  4. “Muslim.” Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice, https://rcrc.org/muslim/.
  5. Peters, Jeremy W. “Republicans' Messaging on Abortion Puts Democrats on the Defensive.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 16 May 2019, https://www.nytimes.com/2019/05/16/us/politics/abortion-republicans-democrats.html.
  6. Suleiman, Omar, et al. “Abortion in Islam - Animation.” Yaqeen Institute for Islamic Research, 17 Oct. 2019, yaqeeninstitute.org/omar-suleiman/abortion-in-islam-animated-video/#.Xa4PWJJKjIU.
  7. “What Do Parties Stand For?” What Do Parties Stand For? | Scholastic.com, https://www.scholastic.com/browse/article.jsp?id=4706.
  8. https://www.kofc.org/un/en/resources/communications/american-attitudes-abortion-knights-of-columbus-marist-poll-slides.pdf
  9. https://yaqeeninstitute.org/omar-suleiman/abortion-in-islam-animated-video/#.Xa4PWJJKjIU
  10. Suleiman, Omar, et al. “Abortion in Islam - Animation.” Yaqeen Institute for Islamic Research, 17 Oct. 2019, yaqeeninstitute.org/omar-suleiman/abortion-in-islam-animated-video/#.Xa4PWJJKjIU. 
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