The Experience of Reading Middlemarch and Visiting Bangalore

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Bangalore city is considered to the silicon valley of India. It is the capital city of Karnataka state and central hub for information and technology field. Many people from different places come here to explore and for the sake of job and entertainment. I also came here for my six months internship in a branded international chain hotel I.e. Sheraton Grand Whitefield Hotel and Convention Center. I arrived here on 10th of January, 2019 on Kempengowda international airport. And from there my Bangalore journey and experience started. I found Bangalore city well developed and very forward in technology and transportation as well. It is very easy to travel to any place over here because there are multiple mediums to travel like UBER, OLA, Auto rickshaws, BOUNCE, RAPIDO, and local buses as well. I used multiple mediums to explore Bangalore during my time here. I have visited MG Road, Brigade Gateway, Lalbagh garden, Lumbini garden, water parks and various malls and shopping centers.

Everything is new for me as I have travelled from my native land to another place. I experienced drastic change in food, weather, lifestyle, languages and people. So it took some time to adjust here. The most challenging thing I found is language and food. Food here is not so pleasing to our palette. I have had many problems regarding food as they were different then we have had in our country. About language, I had to adapt Hindi language to communicate during my work and also learn a bit of Kannada for communication with the locals.

About hotel, I joined hotel on 15th of January. At first I thought it will be very difficult to adjust with staffs because of various barriers in culture and languages. But it was not the case, I found them very helpful and friendly during my work hours they have been very supporting and motivating for me. All the staffs are quite happy as we trainees have assisted them for maintain the quality and standard of hotel. I try to enjoy each and every hour of my work time though my duty includes long hours and stressful situations.

This city is so developed that the use of cash is very rare. City is too mush developed in technology where a food is arrived in your doorstep with one click. If I am hungry I just need to order food in a application and the food reaches to me in very short period of time. All these aspects amazed me because it was all new to us. This trip has given me many merits but on top of it is my friendship and bonding with my colleagues. We arrived in a group in Bangalore which helped me in many ways due to which I didn’t face any difficulties during my time in Bangalore. I have made numerous friends and made close friends who will stand for me in many problematic situations. this is the greatest achievement I have got by coming here in Bangalore. Me along with my friends enjoy movies, visit places, work together, prepare food which has been very good advantage for me by coming here in Bangalore because I am learning to stay away from family and build a great friendship.

I got chance to learn every department In hotel which has given me knowledge about how the hotel works and how each and every department operates in hotel. Overall I am happy to be here in a new place and learning new hospitality and having new experiences. Gathering these experiences I am sure I will be well prepared for the challenges I may face in my future. Being in Bangalore and pursuing my internship is the footstep for building my prosperous career. I must thank my college and Sheraton Grand for giving me opportunity for giving me chance to know new things and making me prepared to build my future ahead.

Review About a Novel by – George Elite

Dorothea Brooke is a young woman living with her uncle and sister in the small-but-growing town of Middlemarch, England in around 1830. She has all the makings of a Victorian hero: she is beautiful, intelligent, and generous. However, she is also so idealistic, it is almost laughable. Her main ambition in life is to take on a noble project – so she marries a dried-up old scholar named Casaubon, thinking that helping him in his research will be the project she is after. Not so much. Dorothea quickly discovers that he cares more for his own scholarly pursuits than he does for her, but she cannot do much about it (this is in the days before divorce was allowed for anything other than adultery or physical abuse).

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Meanwhile, an idealistic young doctor named Tortious Lydgate moves to Middlemarch to set up a practice with his new-fangled ideas about medicine and science. However, he encounters many obstacles. First, most of the residents of Middlemarch have lived in the town for their whole lives, and they do not trust newcomers. Second, they do not trust new ideas, and Lydgate is all about scientific progress. Lydgate falls in love with Rosamond Vincy, the sister of one his patients, and marries her. More unhappiness in marriage! Lydgate discovers that Rosamond is a superficial and selfish, and Rosamond learns that Lydgate will always be 'married' to his work as a doctor. Then they run out of money because neither of them knows how to stick to a budget.

These two unhappy couples (the Lydgates and the Casaubons) are connected by Mr. Casaubon's young cousin, Will Ladislaw. Will is a handsome, young artist with a sparkling wit. Seriously, he sparkles. Lydgate finds Will to be sympathetic to his ideas about science and medicine, and since Will is an outsider in Middlemarch, too, they quickly become friends. Everyone seems to like Will. Especially Dorothea, who finds that he understands her in a way her husband doesn't. However, do not worry – Dorothea's halfway to sainthood, and she's not about to cheat on her husband. The thing about marrying a much older man, though, is that they pass away and leave you free to remarry. Nevertheless, there is a catch: Mr. Casaubon was always jealous of the friendly bond between his cousin, Will, and his wife. Therefore, Mr. Casaubon leaves a codicil in his will (a postscript) saying that Dorothea will lose all the money she is supposed to inherit from him if she remarries Will Ladislaw. Dorothea had not even thought about marrying Will until she reads the codicil. She thought they were just friends!

After some serious thinking, and some misunderstandings (Dorothea thinks that Will likes Rosamond), Dorothea and Will decide to get married. They live happily ever after, despite the fact that they forfeit the large inheritance from dead Mr. Casaubon. In addition, Rosamond and Lydgate live unhappily ever after – or, until Lydgate dies at a tragically early age, leaving Rosamond free to marry someone who is more willing to cater to her whims. The opening description of 'Miss Brooke' (a.k.a. Dorothea) harps on how she is so beautiful that she does not need to wear fancy clothes. In fact, she wears very plain clothes, despite her good birth – her family is solidly part of the lower upper class. Women of the middle class, the narrator tells us, try to show off by wearing fancy, expensive clothing, but Dorothea Brooke and her sister Celia don't need to show off. However, Dorothea does not choose plain clothes for social reasons, or even to save money for more important things: she wears plain dress because of her religious beliefs. Dorothea is so hung up on her spiritual life and its 'eternal consequences' that she thinks it is crazy to spend any time worrying about clothes. Celia is easy-going enough to go along with her sister's ideas about wearing simple clothes, but her common sense tells her that such ideas can be taken to the extreme. Dorothea and Celia have only been living with their uncle at Tipton Grange for about a year. Before that, they lived in Switzerland, where they had been educated. Dorothea, the older of the two, is not quite twenty yet – the girls had been orphaned when they were twelve, and their uncle Brooke, who is not married, decided to send them away to school rather than attempt to raise two girls on his own.

Dorothea says she does not want to marry – she has too many ideas about how to help her uncle manage his estate and improve the lives of the poor people in the neighborhood. Her wealth and beauty, though, would make her an attractive wife for anyone – if it were not for her extreme ideas about religion and reform. In fact, a neighbor of theirs, a young man named Sir James Chettam, has been visiting them so often that Dorothea assumes that he must be in love with Celia. Of course, he is actually in love with Dorothea, but she's too busy thinking about how to help poor people that she has not realized it. Celia and Dorothea are alone one afternoon. Celia asks Dorothea if they can go through their mother's old jewelry box together – now that they're old enough to wear grown-up jewels, their uncle has given them their mother's to split up as they see fit. Of course, Dorothea is not interested in jewelry. Too superficial! Celia, though, thinks the jewels are pretty, and sees no reason in the world why they should not wear them – if only to honor their mother's memory.

Dorothea acts as if she is above such things, which hurts Celia's feelings. Then an emerald ring and bracelet catch Dorothea's eye – the brilliant green is so gorgeous that she agrees to take those things, and let Celia have the rest. Celia agrees, but is still annoyed that her sister should be so eccentric when plenty of women – even good, devout Christian women – wear jewelry. The narrator tells us that we've reached the end of the story, but will go over all the major characters to tell us what happened to everyone: Mary and Fred live happily ever after and have many children, of course, and Fred even writes a book about farming, which everyone suspects his wife to have written. Then Mary writes a collection of stories for children taken from Plutarch, and everyone suspects Fred of having written that. Lydgate dies when he is only fifty, and always considers himself a failure. Rosamond is remarried after her husband's death to an older physician who is nice to her four kids. Rosamond never forgets Dorothea's generosity to her. Dorothea never regrets giving up her wealth and position to marry Will. He becomes a Member of Parliament, and does great work in the political world. Sir James finally breaks down and agrees to visit Dorothea when Celia receives a letter announcing the birth of their first son. Mr. Brooke lives to a ripe old age, and Dorothea's son inherits his estate at Tipton.

I am passionate about reading. Although I have several hobbies, such as watching movies, traveling and hiking, reading books is what resonate me. There are many reasons why I read books. The first reason is it gives me a level of fulfillment. That is, books rejuvenate me. After reading a book, I feel like a whole new being and my outlook in life changes.

The second reason is books make my mind sharp. It a known fact that books improve our brain muscles. They make us think better and improve our decision-making abilities. I find it funny that whenever I utter a clever quote from a book, everyone around me be dumbfounded. Furthermore, books are very wide and detailed. It seems like there is a book for anything you can think of. If you want religious books, there is the Bible, the Quran, the Ramayana, the Mahabharata and other spiritual books. There are financial books, inspirational books, cocking books, business-related books, biographies, fictional and non-fictional – the list is endless. Reading is actually among the few hobbies that you learn while doing it. Due to my widely acquired knowledge from books, I find it easy to jumpstart a conversation with a stranger. I realized that people are more responsive when you engage them in topics they are familiar with. This is where I have an upper hand over other people, because I am quite knowledgeable in many sphere of life thanks to books. While most people find reading an upheaval task, reading to me is like a calling. It just comes naturally to me. I have made it my culture to read at least a chapter before I hit the sack. Sometimes I read late into the night, especially during the weekends and I only stop when my head becomes too drowsy to continue. My reading culture is further heightened by my introversion.

Most of my ‘me-time’ is actually spent on reading. This is how I get my energy back. The outside can be too overwhelming for some of us. Whenever I feel like my energy has been milked dry by the outside world, I just take a few hours of reading to rekindle my spirits again. Apart from reading books, travelling is my hobby. I used to enjoy most while travelling to many places. I love travelling to nature, historic places, religious places, temples and so on. I have visited numerous places till the date. As my hobby is travelling I mostly love to travel to peaceful places filled with natural scenic and beauty. I often travel to these sorts of places whenever I need to refresh myself and enjoy my holidays. Till the date I have visited most of the places around Nepal like Pokhara, Chitwan, Mustang, Manang, Lumbini, and so on. I found Pokhara is the most beautiful city with beautiful nature it is also called as the city of lakes. It is surrounded by 3 lakes like Phewa lake, Begnas lake and Rupa lake. When we stay and see we can feel that the mountains around are looking at us which makes us stress free and relaxed.

The second place I visited was Chitwan, city of elephants. Chitwan is city with second largest tourist destination of Nepal. Most of the people from different places and countries visit here to enjoy the culture, nature and wildlife. People come here for various reasons and enjoy themselves. Elephant ride, jungle Safari, Jeep safari, Crocodile and elephant breeding camp and interact with famous Royal Bengal Tiger. I visited Chitwan a while ago there I stayed in a famous hotel and the other day I went to enjoy the nature and wildlife which Chitwan had offered me. I got to know distinct culture and traditions by visiting here and I also got chance to see the beautiful animals during my elephant safari around the Chitwan National Park. Apart from these places I have explored many places and in future I am sure that I will complete my trip all around Nepal and also different countries which are famous in travelling.

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