The subtext of Spirited Away is when Hayao Miyazaki said that the inspiration for the story came from meeting the sullen 10-year-old daughter of a friend and his desire to make a film that would give her some useful lessons. These lessons provide us with...
“Spirited Away” is an animated movie produced by Studio Ghibli in Japan. The movie itself is a masterpiece of story and imagery, and has a wonderful lesson for people of all ages watching it. The film centers around a young girl named Chihiro who loses...
Spirited Away was Best Animation Award of Oscar in 2003, and it also was the first win the Golden Bear award at the Berlin Film Festival as a animation. It is majorly made by Miyazaki Hayao who is a very famous Japanese animator. This movie...
Spirited Away is a 2001 fantasy animated film directed by Hayao Miyazaki, Studio Ghibli’s most well-known film, and to no surprise, it is noteworthy for being the first ever anime (Japanese animation) to win an Academy Award. Spirited Away tells the story of Chihiro, a...
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