Sex Education: Human Sexuality and It Importancy for Undersending Yourself

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Human sexuality means education means that understanding the way how we express our feelings, understanding biological, physical and emotional function which occur at some point of age and how to make a good choice over bad choice because Sex education can highly increase your knowledge and it can also broaden your thinking about how you see other humans sexually. The lack of sex education in young teens and children can be harmful because they needed to get aware of all the aspects of sex and reproduction. Awareness about human sexuality can also decrease hate crimes which are still a big problem in many countries who lacks in providing proper sex education in schools and to everyone.

I personally enjoyed learning this subject because knowing about sexuality and its function is interesting there is no limit of discovering new things if we do research on sexuality we will always find new things how things can get better and awareness about sexuality can lead you to a healthy lifestyle and make your sex life better. According to me, everyone should learn and get knowledge about human sexuality because it tells us everything about safe sex, reproduction and it can change our mindset about sex. 

Sex plays a very vital role in everyone’s lives and understands sexology can also change you as a human being. Like in today’s time everyone should be open-minded to everything as time changes everyone should make some changes in their lives. So that if you are open-minded to these things you can share your knowledge to others and if you seem to be open-minded a one can share his or her problem with you because now also some people feel shy to talk about sex or sex problems with others due to social bias. 

People thoughts about sex have been changed as time changes because many sexologists have done great work by doing research on sexual behaviour, how our brains react to such things, biological and psychological variations. These researchers have a significant impact on the people’s mindset their way of thinking. I personally feel that sex education is the most important thing that everyone should learn especially youngsters so that they should aware about the things if they have sex with someone what will be the results of unprotected sex and unsafe sex.

There are many stereotypes in society that we all hear as we grow up about sex. In some countries still talking about sex consider an as bad thing or something that you should not speak publicly. Lack of proper education and knowledge about Sex education can put a person many dangerous situations because having unsafe sex can lead to many chronic diseases which can not be cured like HIV/AIDS. There are many sexually transmitted infections which can be very dangerous and may even kill a person if it went worse. 

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Getting knowledge and understanding biological functions is very important for everyone like these STI’s can be prevented by using different contraceptive methods like Male Condoms, female condoms, cervical caps and birth controls pills. Condoms are the most famous contraceptive method of reducing unwanted pregnancy. As per ‘my knowledge there was only two contraceptive methods condoms and birth control pills by studying human sexuality I got to know many other methods of preventing pregnancy”. According to your comfort which your body can bear because they may have many harmful effects on your body and may affect your hormones. As an individual, we all deserved to know about all these methods and about there good and bad effects on the body.

Many things have changed till now in society as different identities like Homosexuals, Gays and lesbians like they were not treated as human beings in earlier times like developed country like Canada at some point in 1959 has start a secret mission about eliminating all the homosexual from government bodies and also does not want them as a member of society. Canadian government thinks that they are a national threat and an easy target for the enemies because they can blackmail them, they can reveal confidential information to them to they totally wanted to get rid of homosexual’s form government offices. 

This mission was named a “THE FRUIT MACHINE”. These all were stereotype made by the society which was the biggest barrier which was stopping everyone to talk about sex openly or to anyone. Bow thing is getting easy there are many organisation’s which helps the LGBT’S if they face any problem. They have given equal rights as every other individual had in society. Growing up trans is not in anyone’s hand it totally depends on biological reactions. Earlier people think that who is homosexual is getting punishment from God for their bad things but now people are getting aware of them accepting them as a member of society. 

The collaborative support from society and government can help LGBT to live a better and happy life. My views have totally changed towards sexual orientation and seeing and judging people on their sexual orientation. We should change our mindset by breaking all the stereotypes which exist in our society and enjoy our lives. A little change I ourselves can make us a better and knowledgeable member of society. People should not feel shy while talking about sex or other things related that because if you are suffering from any problem you should share them with other who has knowledge about that so that you can find some way to overcome that problem.

As a member of a family, as a parent, I will share all the terms and functions of human sexuality to my children and to my partner as well because this may lead good change on their personal beliefs about sex. Good communication between you and your partner make your sex life better and also proven by studies that communication and talking about your problems with your partner help the relationship to lasts longer than the relationship where the couple hardly communicates with each other. 

Communication also plays an important role in your life it can express your feeling towards someone by your gestures and behaviour. Talking with your partner about sexual feeling can also make life better and increase the level of satisfaction in a relationship. It can also solve a problem your partner is feeling in sex life or from you and telling about their need what they want from you or you can tell your problems to them it will also help to maintain transparency in the relationship. Also providing information about human sexuality to your children can also make them open-minded and broaden their way of thinking because sex is the part of everyone lives everyone must experience this thing at some point in their life’s. 

If they have the knowledge about sex, intercourse and other important things related to sex they can make the right choice like with whom they must experience sex and understanding the consent of another partner. Avoiding unsafe sex practices and always have safe sex to prevent sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancy. Many children make a bad decision by engaging in unsafe sex which can ruin their life, but they are not aware of the result which can be worse than they think they can get exposed to HIV/AIDS and many more diseases. Proper education about sex can prevent all these situations and should also change their behaviour and point of view of understanding things which a narrow-minded person can never understand.

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