Reasons Why Graffiti Can't Be Considered a Form of Art

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Graffiti has always been a issue of controversy in our society as there are endless debates happening all over the world whether or not it should be categorized as a form of art. Drawing, painting, printing, design, sculpture, printmaking and photography all encompass the category of art. However, graffirt should not be classified as a form of art, because firstly it is a blatant form of vandalism, secondly,its highly expensive to remove, and thirdly it’s a crime/against the law.

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Firstly, graffiti cannot be cogitated as form of art, as it is a conspicuous form of vandalism. Vandalize is to purposely damage things, especially public property. In accordance most graffiti is done randomly without consent of the owner, in other words they trespass. Those so called “artists” go wherever they want and ruin and blemish public and other people’s property. This will cause disordered situations when everyone can spray or scribble anything they like on public space. If your home were tagged during the night without your permission, would you appreciate and accept the new addition to your home décor or would you instantly call a painter, if not the police?

Secondly, the cost of removing graffiti is highly expensive. Did you know that large cities typically budget more money towards graffiti removal? Billions of tax payer dollars are spent each year for the removal, prevention and mending the damage as a result of graffiti vandalism. Public money is being spent on cleaning graffiti rather than on things that can benefit the community. In addition to clean up costs, graffiti vandals often heist and walk off with materials like markers and spray paints and add an additional costs to businessess. Many public places do not have enough funds to repair the damage caused by graffiti vandals. As a result, graffiti on public places sometimes just stays there, which directly affects and annoys the people of the affected community.

Thirdly, graffiti vandalism is a crime and it’s illegal. Defacing property with graffiti is anti-social behaviour and punishable by the law as it is committed without consent on someone else’s property. Graffiti at times has a wave effect, in which an increase in other sorts of crime is seen in heavily vandalised areas.Public disorder crimes like littering and loitering, gang related crimes and violence are mostly associate with graffiti. Vandalism has been shown to have a a contagious effect, according to a 2008 study from Netherlands.

In conclusion, graffiti is destructive, chaotic, repulsive and costly and should not be encouraged and advocated as a form of art. Graffiti causes damage to public and private property, funds are wasted to remove it and crime increases in the affected areas. A call of action is needed to stop or prevent graffiti. Security patrols, restictions on the sale of spray paints,improved lighting and better design to remove vandals' cover; community, and even electronic, surveillance, higher penalities and strict punishments are some measures that can be taken to control graffiti. So lets take a pledge to Stop graffiti now!

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