The Ramayana is an epic poem written about Rama, the avatar of Vishnu, and his adventures as he lives in exile. Rama draws upon the help of many different beings in his quest to rescue his wife, Sita, from the demon king Ravana. Many of...
The Star of the Ramayana is described as a perfect woman: loyal, brave, and modest are a few of the most commonly used words in relation to the incarnation of the goddess Lakshmi. Sita was significant in many ways, and vital to the stories of...
Sita Devi established gender norms and made an impact on Hindu women and feminists alike. Her epic, the Ramayana, was primarily about her husband, Rama. She played the role of a perfect wife, loving and serving only her husband. She significantly set the bar for...
‘Wait for me .I shall return in a short while’ , Sita told Soudhanya as she got down in front of the door of Ram’s court. Soudhanya, the charioteer, who brought Sita from Valmiki’s hermitage to Ayodhya, was surprised : Why Sita would return to...