Personal Code Of Ethical Communication

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Everyone lives by rules for what is right or wrong that we may have been living with since birth, which has been influenced by our parents, teacher, pastors or others we come in contact with. As we get older and gain more experiences our rule, beliefs and morality compass changes and we start adjusting to what we now find acceptable or appropriate to do or say. I created a guide that aligned my beliefs, my religion, and my values to dictate my action, so whenever I am placed in difficult or questionable situations, I do not have to figure out what my action should be since I already establish what it is going to be. I look at my rules or code of ethics often to ensure it is aligning with what is morally right and they are reinvented and reinforced often because and through my upbringing, learning what was right and wrong at home from my parents and grandparents as a child, from church learning from the Bible, from school learning through education and even from my workplace, realizing that there are some things I never encountered or put into practice so to ensure that I am not violating our company or an individual code of ethics. I have compiled 10 principles of Ethical communication:

  1. To be honest in my communication with everyone. Being honest in that you do not communication what someone wants to hear but you communicate what the reality is for example, my boss came to me one day and asked me to look over an application that was turned in by someone applying for a job, I looked at her and firmly but respectfully let her know that I was not able since I was not qualified and I had no experience doing reviewing applications, she was pleasantly ok with it and we moved on.
  2. Being fair in that when you are communicating, you do not always have to try to be right but try listening to the other people’s point of view and try to understand it and enforce equality for example, I am a mother of 2 school aged children, so my son was talking to me about him starting to date, I did not support that idea however I listened to his point of view without letting him think that his opinion did not matter or it was less important than my point of view so we both got the same amount of time to speak.
  3. Being respectful in that you listen when others are talking and you do not interrupt or have side conversation while they are talking for example, you are at a seminar some of the topics are boring and you overhear another conversation behind that is much more interesting, no matter what side conversation is going you should refrain from joining the side and avoid interrupting the other speaker in order for them to get their point across.
  4. Being responsible for my actions in that when I communicate with others I know whatever you say or do can affect people for example, I was counseling one of my employees and she was being rude and uncooperative so I had to evaluate myself and know that whatever I was communicating to her needed to be something I would proud of and acceptable to myself and my employer. I had to put myself in her shoes and I eventually, change the way I was talking to her still she was already defensive I showed empathy and gained her truth so I was able to complete the counseling without using violent, judgmental and realized the way you talk to someone can make them less receptive to what you are saying to them and it can be the difference between resolving issues and creating more issues.
  5. Being dependable is when you can be counted upon, for example, my husband depends on me to ensure our day to day commitments are taken care of so I have a proven record with him so he communicates that he forgot to take the trash out and I acknowledge that I would take care of it. He is confident that it will be completed because I am dependable.
  6. Saying nothing can mean more than words, for example, you are at home and your friend finds out that her father just past away. You go over to her house and just hold her and offer your support, there is no need for verbal communication in that intent.
  7. Being loyal that is showing support or allegiance to someone or institution for example, you’re having a conversation with your boss concerning the company’s future and you are put on the spot to decide if you are going to stay at the company since it is not doing well to show your loyalty to the company you agree to stay onboard and signs an additional contract so you are loyalty reflect by your speech and in your action so you employer feels confident that you are loyal to them.
  8. Having integrity is like doing the right thing even when no one is looking for example, if I saw someone at work stealing office supplies I would communicate what I saw and how I dislike stealing to the employee first and if I am offered some of the stolen so that you would not report the incident, I would let the worker know that I was not interested in stolen supplies and that I would ask the director if I really needed it and also let them know that I do not condone that behavior.
  9. Being true to yourself is standing up for what you believe in no matter what for example, I am asked to make my hair straight because it looks more professional as a representative of my company, I will respectfully by firmly decline and let the director know that I am not doing anything to my natural hair and report the incident.
  10. Ethical correspondence rests with the communicator, not the gathering of people for example, I am online facebook and send a message to friends inviting them to a party I am having. One of the friends of my friend responds to me very inappropriately. I let them know what they did was inappropriate and offensive then since I am only relying on my written language and not able to see or hear the person I would try replying to them in a way that makes them more receptive to my request but if that does not work then I would block them from my social media access.

Personal ethical communication is based on a one’s belief, values and the way of life that you feel is acceptable and appropriate thus I can be vastly different based on how people have been brought up and what they have experienced in life. In 1999, when the National Communication Association (NCA) Credo on Ethical Communication was developed to create more of a set of standards for all to follow. On the off chance that you set up a solid moral establishment early on in life, it is likely that individual will flourish when speaking with others. Tompkins trusted somebody who has, 'an all-around created individual moral standard is probably going to perform better under strain in moral circumstances than the individuals who don't' (Tompkins, 2011).

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Daily I am unintentionally talking and carrying myself in a way that is not insulting, degrading and belittling to any audience. I live by my morals and standard while making sure that I am not ignoring the standards set forth in the credo in order to ensure I treat everyone justly while still maintain my own personal morals and beliefs and what is right or wrong. Our Morals are influenced by employment requirements, societies, NCA credo, and many other things while what we esteem as being ethically right lies somewhere inside us. Morals and ethics are similarly essential, however, two unique difficulties. Standard four leaves the alternative for something to be morally right from an outer stance, however you may not concur or esteem the substance ethically.

Words mean diverse things to various individuals. Moreover, how words are said can change the impact and rule one spotlight on the real conveyance. In any case, it isn't the speaker's worry with respect to how the audience felt if what is said maintains morally.

Attention to various foundations and their capacity 'to hear, tune in and comprehend' enhances with time and experience. 'The present benchmarks of instruction frequently look past the significance of learning through training' (M. Eid, 2012). Practice does not generally make flawless. Immaculate practice is the main thing.


Tompkins, P. S. (2011). Practicing Communication Ethics: Development, Discernment, and Decision-Making

NCA Credo for Ethical Communication. (1999). 1-1. Retrieved January 13, 2018, from   

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