Main Philosophers of the Age of Enlightenment and Their Ideas

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Age of reason or enlightenment was initiated by renaissance, and took place between the time period of 1600s-1700s. It was also strongly related to Scientific Revolution. During this era, enlightenment thinkers; an influential group, glorified the human ability of reasoning to nullify superstitions and ignorance. They initiated the free flow of human thoughts and expressions. Traditional authorities were questioned, and humanity was improved. Exploitation of people in the name of God and religion, by Pope and priests was thought over and, thus Church's hold on public was reduced. All this development reoriented the socio-political and literary outlook of Europe.

Ideas of The Age of Enlightenment

As a result, bold ideas about anything and everything started emerging such as:

  • Human rights
  • Democracy
  • Supremacy of nature
  • Liberalism
  • Individualism
  • Empiricism
  • Logical and critical thinking
  • Pursuit of Happiness
  • Hope for future
  • Rational Inquiry
  • Egalitarianism
  • Constitutionalism
  • Fraternity
  • Progress
  • Religious tolerance
  • Humanism

Peaceful Coexistence

The enlightenment remarkably focused on ‘scientific method’ and ‘reductionism’. People started reviving their self esteem and recognizing their self worth. Hence, they questioned the religious orthodoxy. The confidence in public’s intellectual powers was reestablished. Most of the time, the philosophy of Enlightenment contradicted traditional and religious authority and absolute monarchy. Skepticism was promoted and reforms in the society were made overtime.

During this time era, discoveries and inventions were made in all spheres of life as the blind belief in religious authorities was declined and power of reasoning was promoted. It lead to curiosity of unknown and undiscovered, which furthermore lead to remarkable era of progress in every field.

Enlightenment Thinkers

This time of illumination was marked by the thoughts of many people having sense of reasoning and logic. The enlightenment thinkers presented such bold and empowering ideas that common people had to realize that they need to change their conditions.Superstitions started getting rejected and voices were raised against the unlabeled slavery of everyone towards the King. Those thinkers belonged to all spheres of life,for they included priests, alchemists, writers, surgeons, theologists, scientists, mathematicians, authors, natural historians, editors, literary critics, financiers, historians, philosophers, medicians, lawyers, artists, painters and ministers too.

Most Influential Thinkers

The list of enlightenment thinkers is long but the most influential of them included ;Alembert, Beccaria, Buffin, Condorcet, Diderot, Gibbon, Herder, Holbach, Hume, John Locke, Rousseau, Montesquieu, Voltaire, Turgot, Adam Smith, Kant, Issac Newton, Raynal, Quesnay and some others.Spreading of Ideas:These thinkers not only presented life changing philosophies, experiments, methods, artworks, observations and theories, but, they also dispersed these ideas of equality and freedom of thought among people.Circulation of these ideas occurred through meetings and social gatherings at coffee houses, scientific academies, masonic lodges, literary salons, and via printed books, reports and pamphlets.Some Important Works:Encylopedie was one of the most influential publication of Enlightenment (published between 1751-1772 in 35 volumes). Other important publications included Dictionnaire Philosophique, Letters on the English, Discourse on Inequality, The Social Contract, The Theory of Moral Sentiments, The Wealth of Nations and The Spirit of Laws.

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Works of Voltaire, Montesquieu, Locke and Rousseau

Voltaire (1694-1778)

Voltaire,the man of language, was behind the popularization of British ideals amongst French intellectuals. He was the driving force behind promoting ‘common sense’ ideas of enlightenment.Unlike English philosophers,Voltaire expressed his ideas through fiction. He was a courageous polemicist and made the society realize that these pieces of fiction were main exposure to enlightenment philosophy. He was a deist, unlike other philosophers who were atheists,and he harshly criticized religious dogma and atheism. He supported ‘enlightened despotism’ and he counter-balanced his failure in producing an original philosophy by starting an acceptance of ‘common sense’ rather than blindly believing in superstitions and prejudice.

Montesquieu (1689-1755)

Montesquieu, the famous writer of Persian Letters(1721) and Spirit of Laws, was against absolute monarchy and presented the idea of ‘Separation of Powers’ which basically meant that nor the government or the public should have complete power. The idea of ‘check and balance’ was also initiated by him.according to him, there should be three governing heads;Executive Branch, that will make laws.Legislative Branch, that will make people sure to carry out the laws.Judicial Branch, that will judge the authenticity and credibility of laws.According to him, these three powers should be separate and dependent on each other, so none of them becomes stronger than any other.

John Locke (1632-1704)

John Locke, a firm believer of people’s rights of life, liberty and property, which were to be protected by government, didn’t believe in a legitimate government under rights of King Theory. He believed in people handing over power to the governor. His ideas greatly influenced epistemology and political philosophy. He thought that knowledge of our capability is severely limited as all ideas are ultimately extracted from experiences. He was involved in the origin of ‘Social Contract Theory’ which served as a theoretical framework for democracy and republicanism. He also proposed ‘Philosophy of Mind’, according to which people are born without inborn ideas.

Rousseau (1712-1778)

Rousseau believed in ‘common good’ and harboured a strong hatred towards government. According to him, advancement in arts and sciences only lead to corrupt morals and degraded virtue. He thought humans to be good and saints by birth, tainted by evils of society and corruption of government, also his firm believe was that living for common good brought peace and equality among people. He preferred to trust morals as basis of ethics rather than reason. In his most famous writing, Social Contract, he admitted that there was no freedom left in the society. He preached to prefer community over individual self.

Enlightenment Thinker Beliefs


He believed in free speech against French government and Christianity. He was in favor of tolerance and freedom of religion. He was anti-romantic.


He believed in the separation of power (legislative,executive & judicial groups) and he considered liberty as natural right of everyone.3.

John Locke

He believed that the power in government comes from the people. He was a supporter of natural rights of life, liberty and property and was against divine right.


He advocated democracy and firmly believed in the ‘ consent of the governed. He was romantic.“Analytical Significance”According to my observation, indeed the age of reason has proved itself to be life changing in many fields of life. The enlightenment thinkers influenced a vast majority of people through their works. Arts, sciences, literature flourished during this era. The major influence was the change in people’s thinking, as they started to recognize their respect, worth, rights and power. This period marked the end of nameless slavery of people to Ancient Regime. They learnt to have their own voice. They understood the concept of reasoning.The religious authorities which tended to mold the religion according to their personal and evil needs, lost their hold on people, as they liberated themselves from such cunning and dictatoring officials.

Despite all these wonderful effects, I felt that so many point of views of so many enlightenment thinkers might have divided the people in sects. But the fact remains same; The Enlightenment Period, oriented the lives of many people towards a better and assuring future, where they can live with peace, equality and liberty,and where basic human rights will not be denied.

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