This essay will deliberate the framework of genre, and investigate Musical Theatre, a genre within performing arts. What is Genre? Genre has been around for centuries, it commenced with the Greek philosophers Aristotle and Plato, they created a classification system that would separate literature into...
The 2012 film, Les Misérables took the world by storm when it premiered with an incredible cast, moving music, and astounding attention to detail. The movie, based on one of Victor Hugo’s most famous works, Les Misérables is yet another film based on a famous...
An adaptation of Victor Hugo’s classic novel, Tom Hooper’s 2012 musical film Les Misérables is set in nineteenth century France, showcasing the journey of the protagonist Jean Valjean, a prisoner who breaks parole after being released from prison, as he creates a new life for...
When ideas like morality and ethics are discussed, there is a higher percentage of people who will guarantee that the law must be complied with under all conditions, with no special case. It would be very hard to find somebody who believes that culprits must...
A psychological feature in Les Miserables is Javert’s obsession towards law and justice. On page 65 the text mentions “Jean Valjean. He was a convict whom I was in the habit of seeing twenty years ago, when I was adjutant-guard of convicts at Toulon. On...
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