To evaluate the role of laboratory manager as leader. Firstly, we have to know what leadership is all about. Leadership can be defined as “The ability to innovate and create a vision for all to see, understand and believe in. The Leader leads by example and creates the urgency and motivation needed to achieve high levels of team success. ”( )The action of a leading person in an organisation by influencing the views and behaviours of the staff members to achieve a particular organisational goal. Leaders have the ability to swaying the organisation member to make something works in that organisation.
Leadership is an important skills required from a lab manager because the leadership can sets the environment and pace of the lab. It is important to know that “not every managers are leader and not every leader are managers”. Leadership is all about creating a vision and effective leader usually communicate the organisation vision in an inspiring way. The leadership quality that a good manager should have include mission sense, charisma, decisive, and always use creative problem solving to promote good and positive environment. For a manager to be effective, it requires lots of skills such as ability to communicate, managing people, good organisation, delegate and many administration skills. Good leadership inspire lab members and drive them toward productivity and creativity and promote team work among the staff member. Laboratory manager in term of communication: Communication is the key to success of any organisation.
As a laboratory manager, it is important to communicate effectively with the team and be aware of verbal and non-verbal communication. When communicating with your staff or other hospital personnel you need to follow communication guidelines:
- ensure that you know purpose and topic of the information you are about to deliver.
- Anticipate for any objection as misunderstanding are likely to occur and provide evidence such as statistics data to back up your statement
- Do not communicate too much at a time and observe the listener if they understand you and give room for questions
- Ensure that you present the information you are passing across in different version to promote good understanding.
- Always create a way to develop practical by getting a feedback from your listener (the personnel) to help you evaluate how effective you communicate and they understand the issue you are addressing. Attitude to communications is important and your ability to communicate depend on how you read people or group of people attitude. This attitude to communication has four types
- I. Passive
- II. Passive aggressive
- III. Aggressive
- IV. Assertive
It is essential to understand the 4 types and be able to choose your style. In management, it is always recommend to use the assertive. The assertive type is the attitude that give encouragement to people and allow them to express themselves and it will give you as a manager the opportunity to adopt what you are communicating during the word exchange so that your objective can be achieved. (Golen, 1995)Ensure that you use formal and informal communication in order to identify any issues as lack of communication about what is expected of the employee could cause issues. laboratory manager in term of personnel management: The laboratory manager deal with different personnel in the hospital environment not only with laboratory staff and human resources but with the Director of Pathology according to 4. 1. 1. 4 of QMN-GEN-0001.
A laboratory manager involve in staff recruitment process by effectively manage the this process and select a suitable staff for the role. After appointing a staff, it is important to give proper induction training, the induction training must include the job description, information about the organisation, health and safety, HR policies and relevant protocols and make you use of your employee probation period to prevent low morale. Foster the good performance of the employee by observing their capability in term of doing the job as expected, competency in such that the employee meet the performance standards and conduct as to whether the employee adhere to the rules and regulation. It is also ideal to create time for performance management meeting as this will give you the opportunity to appraise him/her, to discusses any performance shortcomings and to set out career plans and allow employee to ask questions. (HSEland video )(HSE, 2016)
Lab manager ensure that they design a work roster in fair without being bias. As a manager, you are responsible to ensure that all laboratory staff member work as a team and promote a safe environment. It is your responsibility to developing and implementing risk management and consult appropriate personnel in regarding to health and safety strategies. It is your duty to participating in drafting relevant personnel policies pertaining to human resources problem with the department of human resources according to the hospital disciplinary procedures. This disciplinary procedure enable your employee to make necessary improvement if they are lack of conduct which include poor time keeping, attendance, work standards and even breach of rules of health and safety. There are 4 stages of disciplinary procedure according to HSE Island video: oral warning, wrtten warning, final written warning and dismissal.
As a laboratory manager, you must abide with the employment equality law when dealing or managing staff and promote this among your employees. This employment equality Acts 1998 to 2008 promote quality in the workplace and prohibit discrimination across the 9 grounds, the 9 grounds include: gender, marital status, family status, sexual orientation, religion, age, disability, race and membership of a traveller community. You must be fair to all your employee and avoid discrimination when making decision and make the employee aware of the equal status Acts 2000 to 2004 that promote equality and prohibit sexual harassment in the workplace and provide good services. (Tribunal and House, 2014) (Hseland video).
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