Definition Of The Concept Of Loyalty

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Loyalty is a vastly interwoven aspect of society and is expected in most situations. Loyalty is the act of being loyal; showing constant support or allegiance to a person or an institution. This word was derived in the mid-13th century from the Middle English term “beauty”. It was embodied through the loyalty oath that was first attested in 1852. This oath symbolized the principle of allegiance. It primarily focuses on conduct and is practiced through enthusiasm and devotion for that individual or institution. The first major acts of loyalty that were shown were the military forces for the countries. The military leaders and generals expected their troops to be enthusiastic about fighting for their country. Even though they risked their lives, they were expected to accept death as an honor for fighting and staying true to the crown and country. The royal family expected loyalty from everyone in their country, regardless of status. Other associated meanings of the term loyalty include but are not limited to devotedness, commitment, and fealty. Perfidiousness, deceit, and treachery are antonyms of loyalty.

I compare and contrast loyalty to the term dependability. It is similar because, with dependability, there is a sense of righteousness and credibility. With both loyalty and dependability, there is a sense of unwavering certainty to them. When compared, I view loyalty as being dependable. When contrasted, loyalty is an act of being true and reliable, whereas being dependable is a trait. One can say that loyalty is a key principle that is superior to other traits and values. It is a concept that has built and ruined many relationships and aspects of lives. Others can say you never truly get someone’s unmitigated loyalty. No one is completely loyal to one particular thing or place. There are always more options, and one’s loyalty is fractioned between many people, places, and institutions. If someone’s loyalty is divided up between many things, then it becomes impossible for that individual to give their true and complete loyalty to a single thing or person.

The way that I describe and think about loyalty is in terms of fondness. One is faithful to the person or institution that they are loyal to. I do not see it as a person having a total of 100% loyalty, and then it is divided into multiple aspects of life. It is not like my relationship gets 70% of my loyalty, my gym gets 10%, my place of employment gets 10%, and my school gets 10%. I see it as an act. I give my full attention, effort, and focus to the task at hand. Thinking in the mindset of “what is important right now” prioritizes and allows me to pay full attention to the current task at hand. That task at hand gets my undivided attention, effort, and commitment. Then after I am done with that task, I move on to the next. Nothing is divided, it is not a total of 100% broken down. When observed, it will be apparent that 100% of my loyalty and effort were given during the time allotted for that person or task.

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In a relationship aspect, friendship or intimacy, I see it as a promise. You promise to remain devoted to your partner or friend for the duration of the relationship. It is reliability and faithfulness consolidated. It comes with a sense of honor and respect, and admiration. When in any kind of relationship, the expectation that the other person will not cheat, and they will remain faithful and devoted. The individual is not staying faithful and devoted because they must, but it is because they truly want to and care.

When thinking in terms of obvious seminaries that hold my loyalty, I think of my place of employment and the sports team I play for. When I was hired, I made a promise to my boss to try my best no matter what. I promised to give my maximum effort every time I walked through the door and to be reliable, dependable, and trustworthy. If they need assistance, I will do everything in my power to help in any possible way. Regarding my sports team, I am loyal to South Carolina United Fùtbol Club. I will not go play for another team for the duration of my contract; therefore, I give maximum effort to my association. I will be completely devoted to my club and reach my maximum potential every time I step foot on the field. In more of a social context, I think of things on a deeper level. Places of employment and relationships are obvious things that loyalty is dictated to; however, most people do not think about things like doctor’s/dentist offices, gym places, schools, and housing developments. Every day institutions or circumstances are the frameworks for the behavior of loyalty.

The dentist/doctor’s offices expect you to keep coming back to them. You fill out the information about you on your first visit, and then when you leave you to make an appointment for the next time you come in. They are insisting and indirectly ensuring that the customer will come back to the institution. Gyms are conservatories that expect your loyalty when you sign up. Most of them have contracts that you can sign that is labeled “one-year loyalty plan”. Schools/universities are a huge part of people’s lives, that require loyalty for years at a time. Tuition is paid, and you attend and devote the majority of your time. Focus and energy are expected along with giving paramount effort to attain success for the student and the institution. When an apartment or a house is purchased or rented, many papers are signed. The signatures ensure the contract and residency in this location will be fulfilled and honored before relocating. All of these examples require a high level of commitment that is expected, whether you sign a contract or not.

Loyalty, directly or indirectly, does not just affect the person committing the act of receiving the act of loyalty. Many other individuals are affected and influenced by the acts of honor. It is important to have a sense of loyalty and pride because many crucial aspects of society are dependent on others’ ability to be reliable through allegiances. For example, the gym owner is relying on the customers to pay their monthly fees so he can afford to keep the building, equipment, and pay the staff. Whether it is realized or not, the people affected by acts of loyalty care how it is honored and how it impacts them.

The person who is receiving honest devotedness cares because they are putting their trust and faith into the person doing the giving. They are relying on the giver to stay true to them. Between the receiver and the giver, the act of loyalty is almost always reciprocated. There are immediate people like friends and family members that are affected, as well as individuals that are not known or thought about. Every single person that attends the gym has a contract that the owner depends on to maintain the atmosphere. The owner’s family is affected because it is how he provides for them. His staff and their families depend on the business and dependability of the customer to earn a living. Personally, it affects me and my workout partner. If we did not have a loyal relationship between the gym and customers, we would not have a place to go and better ourselves. Hope would be lost, and her health would decline again. Her motivation would be non-existent, she would fall into her old unhealthy routine, and the impact would result in her life-changing catastrophically. The other people who are not thought about are the individuals that are not seen. The gym is a matter of life and death; people go because they realize they need to try to change otherwise the negative habits will result in death. They work hard and are blessed with improving their health, mindsets, and confidence, thereby changing lives. If the relationships of loyalty become unreliable then so many families, friends, and lives are affected.

Loyalty is such an important concept that everyone should take time to dissect, think about, appreciate, and realize how crucial it is in everyday life. It is taken for granted because people only partially perceive it, and do not think about the vast role loyalty plays. Societal networks rely on every single connection that is made; loyalty provides reassurance and makes it possible to carry out everyday functions and tasks!

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