Comparison Of The Values And Teachings Of Hinduism, And Taoism

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The Indian metaphysical tradition is rich, ancient as well as intelligent. Hinduism is the earliest religion worldwide. The word 'Hindu' is believed to come from the 'Sindu' (Indus) river, named the Persian Hindu. This term is applied to explain 'human being living in the Indus Valley.' Indian religion is in all his books. Often referred to as Sanatana Dharma. The first collection of written Indian philosophers is the Vedas. The word 'Vedas' comes from the Sanskrit word vid which means knowledge

The Vedas are 'sacred knowledge' and their exact date is controversial. This knowledge can be traced back to 10,000 BC and was written first around 3000 BC. The most important doctrine expressed in the Vedas and in the Upanishads (the first metaphysical exploration of Hinduism) is that reality is a unique or absolute, immutable, perfect and eternal Brahman. The ordinary human world of many independent and discrete things (our thoughts are represented by our senses) is an allusion.

Through meditation, people can experience their true self, Brahmin, God, an infinite eternal thing that causes and connects many things. True enlightenment is self-realization, experience the supreme reality of the self.

Hindu religion

Indian philosophy is correctly established in metaphysics, which is, there is an infinite eternal/eternal absolute thing that connects the world (Brahman). One of the most surprising and important aspects of the Upanishad doctrine is to further state that Brahman and Atman (the true soul or personal identity) is in one sense as much. This event is why the soul, Atman, is also immortal. In our immortality, Buddhist teachings (including many truths) are very different from Hinduism.

In general, Buddhism rejects the idea of a person's immortal soul but cultivates the belief in the unity and interdependence of living beings, and the possibility of harmony through sympathy, which can replace the suffering of infiltration. The existence of many people.

The Vedas described Brahman as the ultimate reality, and together with the individual gods and goddesses, the devas mentioned another aspect or another manifestation of Brahman. Brahman (not to be confused with God Brahma) is considered a universal mind. Brahman is the infinite, transcendental and intrinsically absolute existence, the sum of all that once, always or will be. It is believed that Brahman has no personal attribute (Nirguna Brahman) or attribute (Saguna Brahman) as God. In Vaishnavism and Shaivism, Vishnu or Shiva as Saguna Brahman are considered a man.

The power (or energy) of God is personalized in women or in Shakti. However, the energy of God and God is indivisible, unique, and equal. The analyst is that fire represents God and true heat Shakti. According to Smart, God can work with the personal form of Brahman, which explains the spread of many gods and gods in India, often reflecting the tendency of small areas or people. The adoration of God is usually symbolized by a symbol (murti), a channel of conscious devotion, a symbol of the human mind, a manifestation of the power of God and the inexplicable and indescribable nature of greatness. They are symbols of broader principles and, according to the understanding of admirers, it is sometimes assumed that concepts or entities exist in them (in a doctrinal doctrine) and sometimes do not exist (in a doctrinal doctrine).

The problem of Brahman with one person and many people

The universe is Brahman, a universe that creates a base and makes every diversity possible; a universal consciousness as the soul of all beings. It is the original nothingness that all things seem, a reality that encompasses everything; and includes everything or the future. He is the Brahmin; the source of the entire universe, and the emergence of all cosmic activities related to the emergence and dissolution of the earthly phenomenon that constitutes the rhythm of the universe. And this ultimate reality is absolute and uncertain.

The difficulty of the center is called the problem of a person and many people in the circumstances he presents to Badarayana as follows; 'Brahmin (absolute) is eternal, immutable and perfect (nothing): eternal How can unchanging and perfect things be associated with time, with flowing and imperfect things, with the everyday world of human experience, with reincarnation? (Badaana)

The illumination of the knowledge of real reality

Buddhism is often called 'the Dharma'. The word comes from Gendaramo, 'perseverance' and has many meanings. It refers mainly to the ultimate reality of paradise, to the law or essence of the universe, to the moral life, to the correct behavior and doctrine and to the intuitions of enlightened intuition. It is this conviction that we need to understand and understand the truth about how we exist, the sensitive truth of all my work, and the reason for this existence of metaphysics of space and movement.

How does it help us? By freeing ourselves from the false myths that hurt us, we realize that we interact with all the other things in the universe. (So, in a sense, we free ourselves from the individual.)

Pain comes from dissatisfaction with desire and the only way to avoid pain is to get rid of the desire to cause it. Desire is the attribute of the self, so the only way to not desire is to dissipate the self. When the self disappears, the next step is enlightenment, and the state without self and desire is nirvana.

Choice, possibilities and positive thinking

Man is made by his faith. He believes that he is too. (Bhagavad Gita)

The almost undeniable assumption in the scientific community is that consciousness is an effect of the cause of the body (brain). In Buddhism, although the body and mind adapt to each other, it is a type of consciousness that is considered the most important. We believe that his world is largely a product of evolving consciousness. Ultimately, Buddhism has challenged the whole basis of physical and mental problems: the difference between 'inside' and 'outside'. (Cooper, 1996) There is no true 'interior'

and 'external' because the body (and the resulting mind/consciousness) exists as a relative movement of the center of the wave between the material of our body and all other things in the 'universe. This is why the mind does not only exist in the brain in the body but is also completely dependent on the whole universe.

There is nothing in space that is independent. We are closely related to the universe and a part of the universe! This clearly explains why we can see the stars in the universe (and therefore think of them because they are part of us and therefore part of our mind). '(Matthew) Mohandas K. Gandhi (1869-1948)'

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The basis of Gandhi's belief system is his vision of ultimate reality. It does not refer to Brahman (as is common in Advaitism), but as Satya (S: Truth) a term derived from sitting, or from being, Satya or truth may be true: it is the only thing that forms all that It is created. It exists alone. It is not supported by anything other than to support everything that exists. The only truth is eternal, everything else is temporary.

'I want to reach the goal - I worked hard to reach these thirty years - it is satisfying, looking at God face to face, realizing Moksha (liberation), I live and move, my goal is pursued. Everything is done by speaking and writing, as well as all my adventures in the political arena for this purpose.

'Until he becomes like God, the talents live in peace with themselves. The effort to reach this state is supreme, the only ambition worthy of having... The true devotee is self-realization The realization of the Self does not it is a separate thing '(Fox, 1995. p109 (Gandhi)

I am an Adventist, but I can support Dvaitism (dualism). The world changes every moment, so it's not true, it doesn't exist forever. Although it is constantly evolving, it has something that persists, so it is true to a certain point... happiness or what people say can be a short and ephemeral dream in the world.... but we can't shoot

The pain of our comrades is not true and therefore offers us an excuse for morality. Even if the dream is true in their end and in the victim, his pain is a serious reality. '(Fox, 1995. p110 (Gandhi)'

Gandhi leads to Advaita Vedanta (ie, monism or non-Hinduism), believing that all life comes from 'a universal source called Allah, God or Parmeshwara'. He expressed this belief by understanding all entities. Drops of water in the ocean of life: the ocean is made up of water droplets; every drop is an entity, but it is part of the whole; one and more. In this ocean of life, we are just small drops. My doctrine means that I must identify with my life, everything in life, and I must share the majesty of life with God.'(Fox, 1995. P259 (Gandhi)'

What is Taoism?

For many people, one of the enigmatic aspects of Taoism is its definition. Many religions are happy to learn the philosophy and dogma that define a person in the thought. Taoism has inverted this. Start with teaching the fact; 'Tao' is doubtful. Then follow teaching everyone to discover the path based on their conditions. Such a lesson can be difficult to master if most people want very specific meanings in their lives.

A simple way to start learning the Taoist meaning is to start by yourself. Here are three simple steps to learn Taoism:

  1. Don't focus on the meaning of the Tao (it comes from behind)
  2. Thoughtful what Taoism is. Taoism is more than just 'thinking' or 'belief'. Taoism must be understood as a system of principles, feelings, and practices serving and live in one's nature.
  3. The way to understand Taoism is to accept it. Live life and find yourself. Your nature changes constantly and is always the same. Don't try to solve the various conflicts of your life, but learn to accept your nature.

Practicing Taoism

Taoism teaches someone to live. Taoism has become a matter of many people for many years. There are hundreds of changes in Taoist practice. Some of these practices are metaphysic, while others are religious. Taoism has no difference in applying marks to its nature because it limits a person. Each of us has many truths.

The truth taught by Taoism is to apply life to actions that support you as a person.Taoism explains a human being to live in their heart.

  • Here are some simple starting tips to help someone live as a Taoist.
  • It may be useful to have a set of basic guidelines. But in reality the guidelines are not sure about how to live; on the contrary, Taoism teaches you through the life you will express your nature.
  • Be careful, I help those who have expanded my nature.
  • Faithful to me
  • Connect the world as I want.
  • Take decisive action and contact people outside of my nature.

For those who are not willing to accept my true nature, no action is required:

  • As long as I remain myself, I will let them be myself.
  • I have nothing; I'm just a guardian of an object that transcends nature.
  • Discover a series of exercises to maintain participation, mental, physical and spiritual strength. Remember that the practice must support your essence through activities that are suitable for the moment. Your life practices will eventually turn into a range of evolving activities that are relevant to your needs. For example, I practice martial arts to keep my body strong, yoga makes my body intelligent, meditation awakens me, cycling is just flying, poetry like a blow to inspection. All of these and others are my change practices supporting my spirit and help everyone understand myself and the world.
  • Spend time, relax, discover and explore. Taoism has no ideas. The basis of Taoism is to follow your intuition and trust your feelings.
  • This is a breathing space. Every phase of life becomes noticeable and your great life is better and followed. Smile, you have to choose the next step that is possible. Smiling is the ability to open. You need to breathe at rest. Because breathing is with me. Instead of both, your path becomes clear and free, and a whole year full of wonderful explorations. Although simple, you will be amazed by how many people cannot accept the most basic aspect of Taoist practice! People think it can't be that simple! Taoism is really very simple. If you follow and practice the fourth step, not everyone must completely accept Taoism, but everything in this simple exercise becomes possible. However, many people need time to give up their expectations. This is why it is also possible to dig deep into Taoism. Taoism has many levels of education to enable people in all spheres of life to function smoothly.

'I think'

Taoism is longsuffering your life.

Taoism follows you to seek peace.

Taoism has opened a smile to realize the possibility.

If you accept these three ideas, all else is in Taoism. Some people start here. Others need a long journey. This is also good because you can experience more colors in your life. Finally, there is no wrong way to exist because it concerns the experience of life.

Taoist practical advice

  1. Sometimes the learning process of Taoism is also a remedial process. Take the time to rule (don't rush to hurt yourself quickly). Taoism teaches you to hold your body with tolerance.
  2. Sometimes you have to be quiet; you can take the time to listen to your voice instead of development.
  3. Human being expect and believe that the purpose of life is perfect, but this is not the case. Be good at something and be kind to all kinds of little mistakes in life. Defects eventually become an important feature for each of us. Each of us has imperfect things that are chaotic elements that give each person personality and difference! Without our little flaws, we won't be individuals for anything! Taoism tells us how we can accept the best and worst parts of life.
  4. Taoism teaches someone to give up opportunities. The more you expect from life, the less your performance will be. Taoist life has no opportunities, lives here and is now complete. People also need opportunities because they are part of the history of navigation. This is a trick. For future experience, do only one expectation at a time. Let's wait for example that you're smiling or having fun. Alone and alone! Don't take lessons or change your expectations. When you do this, sow the opposite seed creating a simple expectation, like a smile, something you can get at any time because you can make it happen. Anything that is more complex or dependent on you makes the future unsatisfactory. In Taoism, it is very important to reduce expectations.
  5. Taoism as a tradition, teachers, and students work on an individual basis. Finally, no guide or teacher can be suitable for everyone. For this reason, we are always our best teachers. Trust and be patient and become a teacher in 'your' life.

Taoist history

Taoism can be considered a habit of shamanism. Taoism, however, is so old; the entire history of Taoism cannot be traced back to written reports. Taoism is a tradition that spreads verbally from the master to the student in the verb of the different generations. That is why there are still some shamanic roots of Taoism. Taoism is also a very flexible practice in history.

Taoism is a practice of change and always changes with the needs of the time. Even if you read this, Taoism is constantly evolving to keep up with the pace of modern culture. Constant evolution is one of the reasons for the long existence of Taoism; it always adapts to time, while keeping to various key concepts to preserve the true practice.

The early text describing the Tao is the moral couplet written by Laozi. The Tao Te Ching is a series of poems that can be considered as a metaphysical work, an essay on how to manage the administration, a guide to achieving a balanced life or a reflection of a saint on human nature and the cosmos. As we all know, it was written more than 2,400 years ago, but there are few other aspects of origin. There are many interesting stories about this origin; however, these are just stories.

Importantly, Tao Te Ching and his poetry have influenced the development of human events over the past 2400 years. This is an interesting book that is worth skimming. I said 'skim' because it was written in a simple way. If a reader is too hard or uses morality too literally, many aims in poetry will be lost.

There are many stories and stories about the history of Taoism. Some of these stories may be true and some may be fairy tales. As a Taoist, the emphasis is on learning our responses to history. Authenticity can be better left to history; time will always change the 'truth' of each generation.

Tao and Chinese culture

Tao is a word. It is roughly translated in one way. Once we speak as Taoists, we are talking about the fundamental aspects of our habit. Though, it is important to remember that in one word the word Tao is not only used for Taoism. All religion has its way. Everyone has his way. Each exercise has its way. Everything is there.

This does not necessarily mean that it is the same as what we said in Taoism. Although from a Taoist point of view this is not the case from the point of view of human works. This is why it is important to always use the word 'Dao' in the context of the declaration.

For example, Confucianism will use the word Tao to describe in what way they consider and act. Confucianism and Taoism are very different on paper. Confucianism hugs order and Taoism is chaotic. The Tao teaches that the Tao is a rigid and complex behavioral system. The Taoist way is the liberty to embrace all the whims of life. Similarly twice: using the road to refer to a way of life, but actual results, the teachings of the practice are somewhat different. A path is a path, but not everyone on that path will experience it the same way.


Both ensure the highest morality, pure life, and spiritual discipline. You must reach the highest power of self-victory. Hinduism and Taoism are all inspirations. Taoism does not believe that we have the concept of life after death, while Hinduism implies an endless cycle of rebirth. Nirvana frees the soul from a seemingly endless cycle of rebirth.

Both consider physical health. The quality of life in Hinduism influences the Kama who decides to be reborn. This includes the composition of mind, body, health, predisposition to mind, body, health, and disease and mental faculties. Although both Taoism and Hinduism seem to take very different paths and doctrines, their ultimate goal is to establish an inclusive connection between the self and the divine existence.

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