Bipolar Disorder: Types And Symptoms

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Bipolar Disorder: Definition

Mood shifts are more often perceived to be ordinary occurrences in a person’s daily life. At least there are those times when one will feel remarkably rejuvenated and happy and about specific issues or events and there are those days when they feel down, hopeless and empty. Well, sometimes, this might never be a normality as it seem. Bipolar disorder, initially referred to as manic depression is a definitive term explaining a mental illness situation that leads into sharp alterations of a person’s moods,action levels, energy as well as their capability of executing their daily tasks or responsibilities. That day when one feels fully energised and entirely active are termed as maniac during the sad ones depressive. The conditions can prolong over several years if no medical care is involved.

This illness occurs in various types:

  • Bipolar I Disorder
  • Bipolar II Disorder
  • Cyclothymic Disorder
  • Other Stated and Indefinite Bipolar and Associated Disorders

Each manifests differently about their ill-health indicators and associated phenomenon. A particular situation about this illness exists whereby, both maniac and depressive episode exists. A person under such circumstance experiences signs and symptoms of both incidents and the entire state is termed as a mixed feature episode.

Its actual causatives, like in the case of most mental complications have not yet been established. However, a list of is suspected to be the main ones. Among these are genetic factors, functioning and structure of the brain, the history of one’s family and environmental influences. Persons suffering from it are advised to seek early diagnosis and medication. The most relevant health care service will be psychotherapy. A professional doctor and quality medicines will assist in quick recovery.

Is there a Difference between Bipolar Disorder and Manic Depression? No. There isn’t at all. Actually, in lots of cases, people misuse the term bipolar disorder to mean simply mood changes – mainly to sad. According to national surveys, over 5.7 million adults in America suffer from this illness. There are mostly persons over the age of 25 years. In children, it might be present but can never be precisely diagnosed until they are maybe in their forties or fifties.

A large portion of this population trust that condition is influenced by lack of proper eating habits and as such they struggle so much to ensure they have proper meals. However, none of these helps. Out of these people have developed profoundly unusual stigma amounts about the illness a situation that has even lead into more confusion.

According to Jodi Aman, a highly experienced psychotherapist and an author of You 1 Anxiety 0, manic depression is an old term which was succeeded by the now official Bipolar Disorder. He further explained that in the medical community, it is no longer being utilised.

Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder

The occurrence of this illness exists in various types with their associated syndromes. These comprise depression, mania as well as hypomania. Ill-health phenomenon indicators of each may arise unpredictably altering the mood and ones’ actions which eventually results in severe distress and general exertion in life.

See below how each type manifests.

  • Bipolar I disorder: This condition is characterised by at least an episode of manic which may be followed or preceded by those of significant despair or hypomanic. Often, manic is likely to influence psychosis – breakage from reality.
  • Bipolar II disorder: This type features a single episode of massive desperation plus a hypomanic episode. In this case, there is no occurrence of any manic episode.
  • Cyclothymic disorder: This mainly relates to old ages when one was still young or in their teen ages. Symptoms of hypomania, as well as those of desperation, were at least experience within a year or two – though they might have been mild.
  • Other types: These comprise, for instance, bipolar plus associated disorders caused by given drugs, alcohol or owing to a medical state, like multiple sclerosis, Cushing's disease, or stroke.

Lots of people imagine of Bipolar II illness to be of milder expression as bipolar I. However, this only meaningful difference in diagnosis. The fact behind this is that manic episode relating to bipolar I syndrome can be adverse and fatal, persons suffering dealing with bipolar II can live in despair for more extended periods, which result in significant impairment.

Despite possibilities of this sickness occurring at any stage in life, its diagnosis is mainly possible when one is in their early 20s. The ill-health indicators may also vary from one person to the next based on gender and age as well.

Symptoms in females

Studies indicate that as much as there is a remarkable similarity in the existence of this illness in men and women, there is as much difference. The state of one's moods entirely depends on their hormonal state of balance. In women, the variety of hormones which keeps on shifting in levels leads into high chances of one acquiring this syndrome all factors other factors held constant. In general, infected women will experience the following symptoms.

  • Unsettled mood – feeling highly irritated
  • Greater zeal for work to achieve a goal
  • Grandiosity plus high esteem towards oneself
  • Difficulty acquiring sleep
  • The talking frequency will have increased beyond normal
  • Thinking of lots of things at the same time
  • Low concentration power
  • Impulsive response to some activities or actions such as sex or shopping

Majorly, women suffering from this condition undergo severe despair situation which if not controlled may lead to suicidal thoughts. If not so, it may cause other co-occurring illnesses such as apprehension.

Symptoms in males

Unlike in women, ill-health indicators in men are much more inclined the manic episodes. During this period, the infected becomes hyperactive and generally energetic. They will most likely engage in fights, drinking and drug abuse, or yell over no crucial issues.

Also, compared to women, phenomenon ill-health indicators of this illness occur much earlier in men with initiating episode being manic. One thing different with men is that they are usually reluctantly seeking medical assistance on their condition, unlike women. Aside from the gender difference, here are common ill-health indicators of this illness condition.


  • An excessively heightened, happiness, irritability, anger, unfriendly mood
  • Vibrancy about both mental and physical energy and activity
  • Unsettled thinking – non-composure
  • Quick and continuous talking or speech faster than usual
  • Having grandiose plans and being too much ambitious
  • Taking risks
  • Indicating impulsiveness in spending sprees, alcohol abuse, and sexual indiscretion
  • Difficulty finding sleep despite not feeling fatigue about it.

Depression Indicators:

  • Feeling dull
  • A prolonged feeling of sadnes
  • Diminished energy and activity
  • Agitation and prickliness
  • Poor concentration and decision making capabilities
  • Feeling excessively worried and anxious over insignificant or no issue
  • The general sense of boredom and lacking interest in certain activities which one enjoyed earlier.
  • Sensations of desperateness and guilt
  • Having suicidal thoughts
  • Lack of zeal towards food
  • Alteration in sleeping modes – one can either over or under sleep.

Bipolar Disorder in Children and Teens

The joy of every parent out there is to see their child or children happy, playful and very much engaging in her actions. However, when this occurs much more in an unusual manner, some questions need to be asked of whether the child is alright or otherwise. Identifying infected child may not be easy especially if you have been too close to them. Most parents, in this case, believe their (children) behavioural conducts are standard and only that they are unique. However, the truth is, if you notice your child experiencing weekly seasons of high and low moods alternating sequentially then they are likely having a problem.

Common ways you will notice your child has this type of mental illness is when they experience the following.

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Infected Children and teens manic episode such as:

The excess feeling of happiness which causes their unusual conducts

  • Getting pissed off over small issues
  • Talking unusually fast and about lots of different things
  • Difficulty acquiring sleep yet do not feel exhausted over that
  • Lack of proper concentration mode
  • They are more drawn to sex topics and activities
  • Engage in risky behaviours or activities

A depressive episode may include:

  • Prolonged sadness
  • Physiological problems such as head and stomach aches
  • Having either excess or limited sleep
  • A feel of guiltiness, hopelessness and lonely
  • Irregular eating habits – they can eat surplus or a minimal amount of food
  • Reduced morale towards certain activities which initially yielded fun
  • Having suicidal thoughts

In this health state, a considerable portion of these children or teens engages in unethical activities such as drinking, sex abuse, and drug addiction among many others.

Signs of Bipolar Disorder

How does one knows they are infected or people next to them are? This is a frequently asked when it comes to discussing this disorder. Note that diagnosis of this illness is never as easy as some other ill-health conditions do bear similar or almost the same indicators. Below is a distinction of signs involved in either phase of the sickness.

Signs of mania

These may be many but here are the top 7:

  • An extreme feeling of happiness that extends too far
  • Difficulty acquiring sleep
  • Excessive talking characterised by fast speech with no relevant content said
  • Feeling restless/ agitated
  • Lacking proper attention towards events
  • Feeling highly energetic and active
  • Involving oneself in daring behaviours, like engaging in impulsive sex, spending a lot of money without caring where to find more.

Signs of depression

Like in manic, these too are several. However, below list comprise of the top 7:

  • Being entirely unhappy and hopeless over a long period
  • Forming a poor relationship with friends and members of your family
  • Feeling bored over exciting events, you used to enjoy
  • Loss of appetite
  • General body weakness and exhaustion
  • Constantly forgetting important issues
  • Poor concentration and decision making
  • Always thinking about death

Signs in children

The manifestation of this illness in children is more similar to that in adults. Same way adults experience mood variations is the very same way children does. Detecting this in them however can be a little tasking. Most parents assure everything is normal with your child until when they are older enough to be diagnosed with the infection – in their late teens.

Below are key warning ill-health indicators that may show your child is infected:

  • Abnormal shifts in their mood states from extreme happiness to despair
  • They become extra social, hyperactive and very energetic in their actions
  • Engaging in uncouth, uncivilised or unethical behaviours which includes having sex with different people on a frequent basis, abusing drugs and drinking excessively.
  • Difficulty acquiring proper sleep – they barely sleep
  • Staying gloomy, sad and looking hopeless all day long
  • Having suicidal thoughts or attempting murder
  • Forming a poor connection with their families


Similarly to most mental illnesses, this syndrome lacks precise causative. However, there is a list of highly suspected causatives which indicate high connectivity with the condition. They comprise the following factors;

Genetics According to some health research masters, genetics play a significant role in determining whether or not one is to develop this disorder. The explanation to this is tied to the fact that most infected persons tend to come from a family whose background has persons who suffered a mental disorder of either similar kind or different. Meaning, if your bloodline is of such persons who had the syndrome, then there exist the greater possibility for one following after to fall in the same or similar misfortune. This explanation, however, receives some disqualifications when issues of twins are considered. One can acquire the illness later in life while the other remains healthy.

Biological differences The structural design of the brain has so much indicated influence towards this condition. A cross-sectional scanning of the brain structure can note dissimilarity between normal and abnormal minds of people.

Environmental factors Sometimes, it is the challenges/ hardships people face in their daily lives that add up and build together to explode into a mental disorder. Ecological factors are highly suspected to influence this condition.

Types of Bipolar Disorder

They are mainly two:

  • Bipolar I disorder: Occurs in an intense manner
  • Bipolar II disorder: Occurs in a less extreme way

Others still unverified includes;

  • Cyclothymic
  • Rapid Cycling

Bipolar I Disorder This type is characterised by severe manifestations of episodes of mania and depression. At times, it may call for quick medical attention before one hurts themselves out of their extreme conditions. This illness can last for over two years if not controlled. Seeking early diagnosis will be of great help.

Bipolar II disorder Indicates less severe hypomania episodes which alternate with despair. It is diagnosed when signs of type I occurs yet they do not develop to the extreme or full-blown conditions.

Cyclothymic disorder This is one of the not yet verified types. It is counted as one since it bears similar characteristics, weekly mood swings lasting for over two years except that it is not easy to diagnose. Medical experts explain it to be normal mood swings at times.

Rapid Cycling This disorder is so much associated with these conditions as it bears very similar characteristics. It diagnosis occurs when individual experiences manic, hypomanic or despair four times or more within one year. Its occurrence maybe alongside other illnesses of this category/ classification and maybe only for a limited period before diminishing.


Bipolar is a severe ill-health condition not only affecting the mind but the general body physiology. The infected undergoes traumas of manic and desperate situations which are very disturbing and dangerous at the same time. Having no particular cause makes much more difficult to treat. What medical experts do is dealing with the associated ill-health indicators. As such, the therapeutic options at hand involves therapeutic training and medical care which operates effectively to solve the problems. Severe cases of this illness may call for inpatient programs where the patient would receive 24-hour medical care. Otherwise for persons with less harmful conditions may be referred to an outpatient program which equally provides professional therapeutic care one needs. Main medication utilised towards this condition comprises of mood stabilisers, antidepressants and antipsychotics. Note that these medical substances can cause certain after use impacts some of which may be severe. Thus, in case of an emergency with their use, seeking quick medical assistance will be of great essence. One thing to remember is that this condition is more permanent and may lead to severe health hazard amounting to death if not treated. Also, early diagnosis is of great essentiality when it means finding solutions. It helps curb or prevent possible worsening of the condition.


Problems resulting from brain impairment are sometimes painful to bear. With improper mind, no good comes out of what you do. Lots of persons infected with this condition have lost their personal as well as official duties and responsibilities to their new health state. One’s mood determines the output of everything they do. Shallow ones characterised by disparity, loneliness, hopelessness and irritability can never lead to real productivity. On the other hand, extreme mania only leads to destruction. Ones’ attention will only be diverted into alcoholism, drug abuse or sexual abuse. Others may even resort into violence, fighting around with friends and relatives. Regardless of whatever specific illness type one is suffering from. This category of illness can be a lifelong situation given that there is no particular medication or therapeutic procedure for it. The only hope with it is seeking early medical intervention. There exist lots of rehab centres offering quality services for mental illnesses. Through their therapeutic training and medical procedures, one can get relief from the ill-health indicators that come along with the presence of this impairment. Your house doctor can refer you to a better facility or assist you to find one.

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