Observational Investigations In Disease Transmission Article Analysis

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The plan this studies to find the association between prehypertension, cardiovagal modulation, oxidative stress, and associated CV risk factors. The exploration title mirrors the examination point and populace being contemplated however could be better if consider configuration was additionally included as suggestion of strobe agenda without study outline. However, the abstract was quite clear and short make this research critique more informative and also provide a balanced summary for a research critique.

The abstract include fundamental elements of epidemiological study and provided in brief manner. It can provide clear illustration to reader that has been done in study, how it was done and was the results of study just by reading an abstract. It yields good information to understand the keywords such as “blood pressure” “pre hypertension” “hypertension” “oxidative stress “which provide clear cut example to reader what the article is all about. The keyword such as “cardiovascular risk factors” “cardiovaginal modulations” “oxidative stress” “anti oxidant” “heart rate variability” were also been used in study and consider as a principal variable that has been measured in this research study.


Introduction is main part of any article which provides brief description about study article. The initial paragraph provide a clear background about Hypertension & pre hypertension which is favorable risk factors for cardiovascular disease (CVD), is being associated with escalated oxidative stress and reduced cardiovagal modulation. This study plans to find the relationship between prehypertension, cardiovagal modulation, oxidative stress, and associated CV risk factors in middle aged adults and young adults. The research featured that the relationship of basal physiological parameters, heart rate variability, oxidative stress (thiobarbituric acid reactive substance and total antioxidant capacity (TAC)), and CV risk factors are not only measured in young pre hypertensive subjects but also compared with normotensive subjects.

By describing all this in the introduction make it more comprehensive, attractive and put more focus on health care system. However, in introduction author clearly explains meaning of oxidative stress pre hypertension cardiovascular risk factors cadiovaginal stress to make it easier for reader to understand the research article. Another point which makes the introduction stronger is statement and purpose of study. The aims of study are quite simple and informative to understand whole study. This study has accomplished one of its STROBE rules by expressing its hypothesis, along these lines making it as great presentation.

Setting and participants

The STROBE frame work explains that researchers explains the settings , locations and appropriate dates .this was easily accomplished by this research method .This area of research indicate geographical location of study yet did not determine why it was selected from community through screening camps that was conducted in Puducherry, India. The examination time frame of study was also characterized in this area. The research also explains the inclusion and exclusion criteria briefly .The testing strategy was plot essentially through inspecting calculation was excluded in paper. For the cross-sectional study design, STROBE framework wants the regular fellow ups process for researcher. In this article fellow up procedure were clearly described and stated how this research was conducted and arrived at their final draft. This was the other relevant purpose of this study.

Study Design

The plan of study was explained consistently .It is undoubtedly explains what measure were used to figure out relationship between cardio vaginal modulations, oxidative stress & cardiovascular risk factor in pre hypertensive clients.

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Statistical Methods

The statistical analysis was explained very clearly. All methods that were used during research study were clearly defined and stated and it becomes uncomplicated to repeat the study. The research proposal also describe that out of 594 volunteers only 294 subjects were chosen and then again, why 116 subject dropped out and only 178 subjects are selected for final research sample draft for fellow ups to obtain a reliable result.


The result is an important part of any research proposal which strength our research study. In this research article the outcome of each and every sub section explains that variable is being studied ,estimated and compared The utilization of chart and tables were fitting and made it less demanding to contrast and connect results with factors and measure. The outcome information was not constrained to essential goal of study. It also explains other physical attributes and basal physiological parameter of health and associates it with blood pressure, oxidative stress, and cardiovagal modulation which is beneficial for any future researcher to conduct study in future.

Discussion and Conclusion

The discussion and conclusion is a vital step in any research study. It is brief summary of any study which provides a easy way to reader to understand the whole research study. These sections of research proposal mainly focus on strength and weakness and how prejudice was addressed in study. The real finding of this examination is that young generation with prehypertension had diminished cardiovagal balance, escalated oxidative pressure, and cardiovascular risk factors are practically identical with that of the moderately aged groups.

Diminished cardiovagal modulation is an essential marker for forecast of future cardiovascular morbidity. The outcome of this investigation uncovered diminished cardiovagal modulation in prehypertensive young adults. Reduce in cardiovagal modulation is known to be related freely with cardiovascular risk factors, for example, hypertension, abdomen boundary, physical dormancy, fasting plasma glucose, add up to cholesterol, triglycerides. In our study, cardiovascular risk factors likewise contrasted altogether somewhere in the range of prehypertensive and normotensive young adults. To examine the correct relationship between MAP (prehypertension) and cardiovagal regulation (RMSSD), cardiovascular risk factors were settled, and we found a feeble connection among prehypertension and cardiovagal adjustment. This shows the impact of prehypertension on cardiovagal modulation is less.

The invastigation of escalated oxidative stress parameters in both young adults and middle aged adults prehypertensive subjects and the solid connection of oxidative stress with prehypertension in the association of altering cardio vascular risk factors are steady with the reports of past studies. The relationship between oxidative stress and prehypertension alone may not, nonetheless, be satisfactory to discuss their causal relationship. In any case, past investigations have shown that hypertension fundamentally can increase oxidative stress or bad habit. In this investigation, a solid connection between's oxidative stress and cardiovagal balance and in prehypertension and a feeble relationship between's cardiovagal modulation and prehypertension leads to hypothesize that oxdative stress play a significant role in pathogensis of pre hypertension and change in cadiovagal modulation.

Conduction of longitudinal investigations in future may explain the principal connection between oxidative pressure, cardiovagal regulation, and prehypertension. The report of the Framingham heart study explains that existence of various hazard factors in middle age that expand the lifetime chance for cardio vascular disease for the rest of the years and diminishes life span by 10 years. In this investigation, we found that prehypertensive young adults have a tendency to have a comparative pattern of oxidative stress, changed cardiovagal balance, and cardiovascular risk factors as seen in middle age adults.

This demonstrates the existence of prehypertension and related Cardio vascular risk factors in young adults and incline them to the hazard for unfavorable Cardiovascular events.35One limitation of this study was that there were more male subjects in the young prehypertension age group than alternate group, which could have a strong impact on our imagination since young men are more inclined to create prehypertension than young women of same age group.

Additionally, blood pressure was estimated on 2 isolate events, once at screening camp and the other time at the lab, yet the arrangement of the subjects depended on the lab recording only. Prehypertension in young adults is related with escalated oxidative stress and changed cardiovagal modulation. The risk factor for cardio vascular disease in prehypertensive young adults was observed to be like those of middle age group who are in a twilight zone for improvement of CV dysfunctions.

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Observational Investigations In Disease Transmission Article Analysis. (2020, July 22). WritingBros. Retrieved September 8, 2024, from https://writingbros.com/essay-examples/article-critique-the-strengthening-the-detailing-of-observational-investigations-in-the-study-of-disease-transmission-strobe/
“Observational Investigations In Disease Transmission Article Analysis.” WritingBros, 22 Jul. 2020, writingbros.com/essay-examples/article-critique-the-strengthening-the-detailing-of-observational-investigations-in-the-study-of-disease-transmission-strobe/
Observational Investigations In Disease Transmission Article Analysis. [online]. Available at: <https://writingbros.com/essay-examples/article-critique-the-strengthening-the-detailing-of-observational-investigations-in-the-study-of-disease-transmission-strobe/> [Accessed 8 Sept. 2024].
Observational Investigations In Disease Transmission Article Analysis [Internet]. WritingBros. 2020 Jul 22 [cited 2024 Sept 8]. Available from: https://writingbros.com/essay-examples/article-critique-the-strengthening-the-detailing-of-observational-investigations-in-the-study-of-disease-transmission-strobe/
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