Analysis of the Theme of Abandonment in 'The Veldt'

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Analysis of the Theme of Abandonment in 'The Veldt' essay
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The theme of abandonment is relevant because without this theme there would be less context and understanding. In this story the children truly believe that their parents have abandoned them and there need by not giving them what they desire the most. But in reality they are trying there absolute best to raise their children the positive way with discipline and respect of their elders and parents.

Elements Abandonment

Point Of View These two literary elements work well together because it depends on the point of view of what is right, wrong, good or bad. In the parents eyes, taking away the things they think they need in order to have fun or even to “live”, will help build character in there kids and begin the process of discipline and parental teachings. In the eyes of the children, they must be led to believe that their parents are trying to stop them having fun and make them do things that they really don't want to, like cleaning, clothing themselves, brushing.

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Abandonment: Setting

Setting is another great element to add to the theme, it fits so great because in this story the setting they have is a nice normal house, but it is filled to the brim with technology that is not needed in order to survive like, a clothes, brusher or gardener. Because the parents are taking these away and that the children must start doing these jobs now, they think that the parents are abandoning their wants.

Theme Statement

A theme statement for 'The Veldt' is that children who are raised with no parental supervision will continue to ignore discipline.

In Ray Bradbury's short story, George and Lydia Hadley have largely given the tasks of raising their children to their electronic house and, in particular, the nursery. With a bit to almost none parental supervision, and the parents trying to better there children at one point, the children believe that the parents are abandoning their wants, they picture as needs 'The Veldt' Bradbury's bleeding edge vision of technological development nearing its peak. It might look strange, at that point, that the strong image in the story that resemble. Innovation and Nature are typically envisioned as perfect inverses. The advancement of innovation, we may state, has enabled us to progress toward becoming bosses of nature. In 'The Veldt,' the nursery enables the Hadley youngsters to make any condition possible. In a fascinating turn, however, Bradbury demonstrates that the intensity of the nursery's innovation really turns into a course for the declaration of essential human instinct. It is noteworthy that Peter and Wendy over and over again envision a barren wasteland populated completely of lions and vultures. The veldt is a projection from there psyches that helps satisfy their cravings by there parents passing in order for there not to be anymore blockades to their imaginations.

George mirrors that the kids are too young to even consider thinking about death, however then remedies himself. The perspective come into enormous play once you discover that the theme of death is just the same old thing new to the children, and how they see duties is a long way from humble. They trust that if there guardians were gone and there were no more duties, that they could play without limitations and additionally result. Another incredible component is the setting of the story and how without it a similar conduct and acts the kids manage without setting. One could fight that Bradbury's crucial message in the short story 'The Veldt' is that over-reliance on advancement can conflictingly impact humankind. In the short story, the completely automated HappyLife Home altogether deals with the Hadley family, and the children have in every way that really matters no obligations. I believe my visual express my thoughts on how the theme of abandonment took such a big grasp at the children. The visual shows how the parents spent almost no quality time with the children, making them so close to the nursery and “Africa”. By being abandoned by their parents they turned to the comfort of Africa and the parents turned their backs and closed the doors on there two children almost serving them completely from the outside making them want to take “revenge” some could say. At one point when the parents finally see the problem the children see them as strangers and alienate themselves and completely rely on the house and the nursery.

This essay is graded:
minus plus
Expert Review
The essay provides a decent analysis of the theme of abandonment in Ray Bradbury's "The Veldt." The writer explores how the children in the story perceive their parents' actions as abandonment, while the parents believe they are disciplining their children. The use of the elements of point of view and setting to support the theme is also discussed. The essay also touches on the theme of technology and its impact on human behavior. Overall, the essay demonstrates a good understanding of the story and its themes.
minus plus
What can be improved
1) The essay could benefit from a clearer structure. It jumps between different elements and ideas without a smooth transition, making it somewhat difficult to follow. 2) The writer should work on improving sentence structure and grammar. There are several instances of run-on sentences and incorrect punctuation that affect the clarity of the writing. 3) The essay could use more specific examples and textual evidence to support the analysis. Providing specific quotes from the story would strengthen the arguments made. 4) The conclusion could be expanded to provide a more comprehensive summary of the main points discussed in the essay. Overall, with some improvements in structure, grammar, and the use of specific examples, this essay has the potential to be excellent.
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Analysis of the Theme of Abandonment in 'The Veldt' essay

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