"A Walk to Remember" is a heartwarming novel by Nicholas Sparks that tells the poignant story of two teenagers, Landon Carter and Jamie Sullivan, who come from very different backgrounds but find unexpected love and transformation in their journey together. In this essay, we will...
“I don’t know that love changes. People change. Circumstances change” (Sparks). Nicholas Sparks is an American author who was born in Omaha, Nebraska to Jill and Patrick Sparks. Throughout his childhood, Sparks moved around the midwest due to his father’s graduate studies; which put a...
Whether you want it or not, everyone has a purpose in life. According to the Oxford dictionary, the definition of “purpose” is “the thing that something is supposed to achieve”. In other words, it is the one thing you have always knew you wanted to...
Essay grade
“Don’t judge a book by its cover.” This is a common phrase we have all heard before, but does that ever stop us from judging someone before actually getting to know them? Even if we don’t want to admit it, we all have judged at...
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